Page 53 - YB1951
P. 53
Seillcd; Dolly Dalgleish, DNolhy Krul,\, Doris Reck, Libby Sci", bert. Ruth Lee. Audrey i\'leredilh. Mary Loll Mllmford. Second row; Roger Aull, Priscilla Joh!l~lon, Nalley Caskey. Sally Griffin, ~~.:~!l.iMl"!.l~" ~.~~!:~~e~~:l~~~~~,GF;~~~i~ ~l~:=~~: Dorolhy Phillips. Jim Hager. Third row; Jerry Grandee, Ells- worth Schubert, .lohu Becker. Henry Eurnst, Corinne Schofidd. Phyllis Cromwell, Beverly Warner. Pal Perry, Kay l'I'lcLaughlin, Ed Shall lIck. Gay White, Paul Farn- ham, Pall I Thronherg. FOilrlb row; Miriam Davis, Belly Wah. Belly Parsons, Sonia da Silva. Belly Simpson. Fiflh row; Karen Nowack-, Elsie l'IfHytrul,l. Gild:. HinmaH, Lois Cermak, Pal Shear, Marty Buchman. METHODIST STUDENT SUNDAY SCHOOL MOVEMENT On Sunday morning one can sec a number of Born just one year ago, the Methodist Student students making their way to Sunday School in Movement at Western Maryland has blossomed Baker Chapel. The srudeuts are of all faiths and into an active campus group. come from many backgrounds, Although there After George Washington University and Uni. is no regular teacher, Dr. Crain acts as a most versity of Maryland groups had guided us in fnith iul ndviscr. organizing, we became part of the SeA P'v' The programs and activities of the group were gram. To Dr. Holthaus, our adviser, and Rev. planned by the cabinet-Lincoln Justice, presi- Woodward, minister of Westminster Methodist dent; Phyllis Cromwell und Ira Zepp, vice-presi- Church, we also owe a vote of thanks. dents; Belly Simpson, secretary-trensurer ; Kay Our major projects this year were Homecom- Nowack, Roger White, and Ashby Collins, couu ing displays-a decorated town window with the cilors. Hats off lo Kenny Shook for his good slogan "As grows our garden, so grows \VMC" work with special music and 10 the others who took 3rd prize, the campus display was done in look part in the programs. cooperation with the Canterbury Club. Some of the topics considered during the year Included in the speaker's program during the were: "Is the Lord's Supper Just a Symbol?", year were Coach Charlie Havens and Dr. "The Case for Christianity," a book review by Douglas Chandler from the \'Vestminster Semi- Dr. Crain, "Christianity and Government," nary. Dr. B. Lengrall spoke on "Four Things to "Christianity in Vocations," "The Story of the Remember." Other Wise Man," read by Jean Wilkes, and a With our first year as 11 recognized branch of study of three religious groups: Seventh Duy the National Methodist Student Movement suc- Adventists, friends, and I\'a~arenes. cessfully behind us, the group is looking forward In the fall a skating party was sponsored and to continued years of campus growth. in the spring the annual picnic. Fir.!1 row; Phyllis Cr'O!l1weli~tl. coin Justice. KareH Nowack, Roger Whife. SeCOlld row; Kenny Shook. Ira Zcpp. Belly Simpson, Ashby Collins. 40
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