Page 54 - YB1951
P. 54
Seated: Henry Ernst, Dr. Huber, Ken Tyson. Standing: Harold Johnson, Chester Rill, Jion Shan- non, Russell Dcragon, Don Stun- lon, n"b Stedman, Ellsworth Schubert, Charles Harvey, Lionel Lee. WESLEYANS WESLEYANETTES Every friday a good number of Wesleyans The Wesleyaneues are an interdenominational climb the stairs to the top of the seminary's group of college women interested ill Christian "Upper Room." The Weeleyans arc a group of service for a part-time or full-time activity. undergraduate men who plan to enter some type As has been the custom for the last two years, of Christian service. A majority of the thirty the meetings were held every other Friday at the members are planning to enter the pastorale, but home of Mrs. Lester Welliver, wife of the Presi- some plan to become doctors or to enter other dent of the Westminster Theological Seminary missionary sen-ices. It is the function of the and a capable adviser. Meetings were presided meetings to provide a place to exchange ideas over by the president, Betty Mae Sbcpter, with and experiences for mutual enrichment. As an Cathy Neal, vice-president, and Doris Reck, outgrowth of this group aile or two smaller secretary-treasurer. groups have been meeting for more intensive The Wesleyanettes have had several projects study of the Christian way of life. Deputation this year which include the Homecoming Dis- teams are often sent out to the nearby churches. plays, two Christmas baskets for the needy, Dr. Milton J. Huber serves as adviser. The "Care" packages, and the visiting of young officers for the first semester were Ken Tyson, peoples' groups of nearby churches. president; Wnlly Wiser, vice-president; Henry Ioint-meetings which the group has had with Ernst, secretnr y-treasurcr. In the second semester the Wesleyans have added to the fun and fel- the officers were: Lincoln Justice, president; lowship of the group. Henry Ernst, vice-president; and Ellsworth Schu- The Wesleyancttes, based on the theme, "Liv- bert, secretary-treasurer. ing for Jesus," is a rapidly growing organization. Sealed: C"thy Neal. Belly Shep- ler, Doris Reck. Second row; Meryl l\-Ianchee, Belly Cross- while, Carol Herdman, Libby Schubert, Taeko Kamiyama, Ruth Callander, Dolly Dalgleish. Third row: Nancy Lawson. Rut!' Lee. Fourtli {QW: Gilda Hinman, Rosalie Otto. Ann Smutncy. Fi}lh row: Priscilla Johnston, Sonia da Silva. Kay Mcl.uughlin. Six!1> Betty Parsons. Elsie May- Estelle Zeis, Nancy Ned, Shear, Mary Ellen Earle.
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