Page 55 - YB1951
P. 55
Seated: Betty Cro$~white, AIm Smutney, Elizabeth Thomas, N",ll Hughe~, Liz. Adams, B<:lty Nor. wood, Laura Leigh Kline, Beverly Stringfield. SimI/ling: Jane Birch, Ed Early, "li"" O'Rourke, Rev- erend Sheidvachrer, Russell Dera- gon, Dan HOlleman, Prfscillu Lar- l1Iore, Jayne Hi~le, Carolyn Hess, Charlotte Wilderson, Barbara Roberts. CANTERBURY CLUB LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION The Canterbury Club was the first denominn- tional group to organi;o;e at Western Ma-yland, Although only in its second year-, the Lutheran three years ago. Now it operates under the Stu- Student Association is one of the most active dent Christian Association. organizations on the Hill. Communion breakfusts and services on spe- The Association holds meetings once II month cial church days bring students together in wor- either in McDaniel Lounge or in the parsonage ship, while speakers from Washington and Bulri- of the Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster. more furnish discussion material at the monthly At times students have informal "get-togethers" meetings. Activities included a parish supper, a such as the spaghetti dinner at the home of the prize-winning window display in conjunction pastor. with Methodist students for the Homecoming Members of this organization enjoy retreats at celchration, and tours to the Episcopal Convent the Loguu Cottage at Pine Grove Furnace, ncar at Catonsville and 10 the Washington Cathedral. Arenotsville, Pennsylvania. Everyone participates The group was also represented at the Tri-Dio. in an afternoon of fun and fellowship. cesan Conference in Washington, The high-light The local Luthcran Student Association will be of the year was an Intercollegiate Conference represented again this year at. the National L.S.A. with nine other colleges. Conference held at Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania, The Reverend Austin Sehildwachter and Miss This year the L.S.A. has been under the cap- Ann O'Rourke helped the group Lo plan its activ- able leadership of the Reverend Dr. Elwood Fal- ities. Officers for the year were: Eli;o;abeLh kenstein, Pastor of the Grace Lutheran Church Thomas, president; Nell Hughes, vice-president in Westminster, Richard Bartlett of Gettysburg and SCA representative; Anne Smutney, secre- Theological Seminary, and student officers Pat tary-treasurer. Huddle, president, and Barbara Baumgardner, secretary, treasurer. Scaled: Dolly Dalgleish. Barbara Baumgardner, Pat Huddle, Doris Rothaupt, Pat Crawford, Roger Ault, Ruth Callander. Standing: Janice Zaiser, Anita firey, Her- lIIan Sallerbain, Ellen Rudolph, Frances Witson, ncure Schmidt, Cay White. fred Keefer, lack Cessna, Roland Fleischer, Walter Campbell, Dorothy Lawyer, Vic- toria Leister, Althea Niemeyer.
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