Page 50 - YB1951
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ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA The Iota Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the an informal discussion with Dr. Thomas Marshall national honorary fraternity in philosophy, was of "Some Impressions of Europe" while on a established at WiVIe in April, 1949, by a group trip to that continent last summer. of interested college students. The purpose of Aside from outside speakers and lecturers, the this fraternity is to recognize excellence in the fraternity offers open discussions on topics of study of philosophy and allied subjects, and to interest to the immediate campus, such as the develop an interest in philosophical discussion. meeting held for examining collegiate honor sys- Due 10 the limited membership this year, some tems and the problems involved ill aLlempting of the fraternity's activities have been hampered, to set up such a system here. Another informal but under the presidency of Louis Pieu-oforte, student discussion centered about a controversinl the group offered a stimulating series of Pre- issue dealing with man in the universe as it was grams to the campus in its open meetings. Dr. published and defined in a contemporary literary Reuben S. Holthaus, chairman of the department magazine. of philosophy, is faculty adviser to the Iota in April, Alpha Kappa Alpha held its annual Chapter. convention in Harrisburg. There Louis Pietro- Dr. George S. Wills opened the year's activo forte relinquished his position as first under- ittes with a talk entitled "Western Maryland Col- graduate vice-president of the national council; lege-Some Ethics and Attitudes Since 1898." and Torn Lang, his position as member-at-large, following this meeling with Dr. Wills, AKA held Seated: Lou Pictrofortc, Alice Winnberg, Jerry Lockman, Norman Slarnecka. St(lnding, Dr. Holthaus, Tom Lang. 46
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