Page 52 - YB1951
P. 52
Sealed: Estelle leis, Elsie Davis, Kitty O. Shook, Russell OCTagon, Dr. Crane, .Itan Curl. SI(IIU{i"g: Libhy Schubert, Pall I Dawson, Karen Nowack, Jack Loper, Pal Huddle, Douie Lien, Corinne Schofield. STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The aim of the SCA, as stated by president Burgess of Howard University visil our campus. Russ Deragon, is "to provide a religious outlet Led by Jean Curi, the Commission 011 Chris- for everyone ... throurrh a program intended to tian Heritage provided special worship and com- provide activities of sufficient variety to appeal munion services during Advent as well as Lent. to all students and faculty members, whatever Service found expression through the Commis- their Christian background." In keeping with sion on Social Responsibility under the direction this aim, the SCA, under the guidance of its of Estelle Zcis. The SCA bulletin board provided adviser Dr. Crain, has presented a unified reli- News-of-the-Day. Maoy persons devoted time to gious program. the Westminster Negro Nursery School. Tradi- Rather than being a religious organization in tionally, the SCA Community Service Award itself, the SCA is the coordinator of all religious was presented to the most deserving fraternity groups on campus. In addition to these various and sorority. groups the Carroll Club and MSM have this Tra Zcpp directed the World Student Service year been organized. Fund campaign. The highlig-ht of the drive com- In the area of worship and study, both local bined service with recreation. in the unprece- and guest speakers such as Rev. Paul Warren, dented and never-to-be-forgotten Faculty-Student and Dr. Makoeky, presented different viewpoints. basketball game. on religious questions. All talks were designed A square dance started the year with fun and to stimulate individual thinking and culminated fellowship and the Fireside Fellowship directed in student panel discussions. Dr. Welliver of by Libby Schubert, Commissioner of Personal the Seminary spoke of conditions in Europe to and Campus Affairs, provided Illany Sunday eve- the Commission on World Relatedness led by ninl!s of entertainment. Corinne Schofield. Vice-president, Kitty Dleweiler Shook; secre- The SCA participated in the Sunday evening tary, Dadie Davis; treasurer, Pat Huddle; and chapel service by securing as speaker Rev. the other cabinet members worked along with Robert Holdt who also led two informal discus- the president and commissioners to present this sion grollps. The bond of fellowship with Chris- program of integrated but varied religious tiun Associations of other colleges was streng- activity. thened by having such persolls as the Rev. John 43
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