Page 57 - YB1951
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First row: Joan Kellogg, Delores Alonzo, Marilyn Hardesler,laMI Hering, Evelyn Volk, Audrey Meyers, PUI Shear, Eva Lindahl. Mal'y Bell Shawn, Beverl)' War· ncr. Second fOw: Laura Leigll Kline, Shirley Murray, Betty Bachlell, Joan Grube, Barhara Winters, Belly Brandenburg. Liz AdalllS, Mary Ann Kifer, Jayne Hisle, Carol Bauer, Dorothy Krug, lIlarit; Chenette. Lois Cer- mak. Aileen Gongloff, Mickey Rliperl, RUI}, Cole, Jean Wilke5, Nancy Ned. Third raw: Burham Tbomus. Belly Hading, Virginia Schoeilncr. Connie Jones, Harricn Kahn, Ann SlIIulncy, Audrey Meredith. Janel Pyrllc, Nell Hughes, Shirley Jeffries. Pal Roberts, Peggy Slack house, Marion Meredith, Sue Simpson, Joe KOlllpanck, DOily Kcesecker. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB MEN'S GLEE CLUB The "mid-century" year of the Girl's Clee Club The Men's Glee Club is composed of about 25 has been one of great success and interest to undergraduate students under the direction of participants and audiences alike, made possible Louis Pietro forte, accompanied by Arnold under the direction of Miss Grace Cordia Mur- Hayward. ray_ The spirit of cooperation and common pur- This organization is a newcomer to the Hill pose, the betterment of Western Maryland Col. this year, although the need for such a group lege, which prevades the campus has been strongly upheld by this group throughout the had been expressed many times in the past. Director Pietrofcrte started by requesting the year. This organization of sixty-eight "tr-illing nightingales" marches 10 practice every Tuesday Interfraternity Council 10 sponsor a men's glee afternoon armed with the motto: "Hard work dub on campus. and we love it!" Since facilities are limited, the nell' group had Outstanding during their year's program was to shift for itself, and was frequently heard re- the Christmas recital which presented the stir- hearsing in Ahllni Hall. "Skip" Barry took care ring "The Shepherd's Christmas," painted in of the glee club's secretarial nfla irs and helped brilliant colors of song and narration. Ear!y in the administrative tasks. spring was greeted by another brilliant perform- As the year progressed the glee club became ange, Magnificellt by Ralph Vaughn given fur the entire student body. more firmly entrenched in campus affairs and This coming year will be a grand one, if every looks to be potentially one of the more active girl who is able will answer to the call of beauti- campus favorites. ful music and song! Fir..! row: Jerry Grulldtu, Pete Warner, P,"d ThronlJ\lr~, Nor- mun Slamceku, Skip Barry, John Epsmoni. John Clayton. lack Metherell, Don Haur, Jack LOlli- bert. Second /"0141: Kennelh Ruehl, Don Stanton. Paul Sic,·. 0011 i'I"lakosky, Chuck l3ill Schcdcr, Hill Don Heimcs. Lee Ed Early, Charlt. Bill Roads. Bob wu. LOll Pietroforte.
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