Page 49 - YB1951
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TRI BETA With Professor C. L. Benninghof again as the ing place and refreshments and they brought the sponsor, the Alpha Mu chapter of Beta Beta Beta speaker who was Dr. Weedum from Camp completed its nineteenth year. Dietrich, who discussed with us the changing The membership for the first semester includes lnctenological techniques. seventeen full members and twelve provisional In I\IIarch Dr. Robert C. Cook, editor of the members. In February three of our provisional l ournal oj Heredity came to the college as a members, having filled the requirements, became guest of Tri-Bera. Dr. Cook spoke to the entire full members along with two others who first student body in assembly und continued giving became associated with the group at that time. his views in an open discussion held by Tri-Beta Among the officers of the group were: Lois in the afternoon. Hicks, president; Evelyn Hoyle, vice-president; According to tradition we had our bi-annual Dorothy Dalgleish, secretary; Phil Kable, his- initiation programs aud OUf annual spring torian, and Professor Benninghof, who held the picnic. The first initiation was held at Professor purse strings as treasurer. Benninghoff's and at rnidsemesrer we met at Dr. The meetings were usually held in McDaniel Sturdivant's home. Following last year's pattern, Lounge on the l st and 3rd Tuesday afternoons of Dr. Sturdivant also entertained the senior mem- each month. At these times talks concerning the bers of the group nt a supper party during biological sciences were given by members of Senior Week. the woup and outside speakers. The national meeting was not held this year From our own group we had a talk given-by but a number of our group attended the annual Betty Simpson, winner of last year's scholarship reg-ional conference in the spring. award, on her experiences in biology last sum- The program this year has helped to exemplify mer. We also heard talks from three senior the aims of our organization, namely to "stimu. students. late sound scholarship, promote the dissemina- In the fall we returned the invitation of last tion of scientific truth and encourage investiga- year from the chapter at Hood College. A joint tion in the life sciences." meeting was held in which we supplied the meet- TOW: D. ~eighton, R',Gorten, B. ~imp$on. J, De,:nison, L.. Hich. Second row: 1\1. Troop, D. Dalgleish, D. Lurie, M. Clurogos, N. N"eJ. G. Oa\'lglus, J. H~(clllson. Tlurd row: P. Keb!c. Miss O'Rourke, Dr. lsanoglc. Prof. Ilcllnlllghoff, 01'. Sturdivant, .L Loper, A. l\lyors, O. Shoemaker. 45
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