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Almony, Pat Herman, Jo Kompauck, Janet Hering, Willnie Spencer, i\lickie Rupert, Imogene r0U;: pon McShane, Kenny Shook, Carol Sause, Eva lil~dah!,Lihby Schubert, !\lary Lou ilIulliford, Phillips. Third row: Jerry C~andca, Lou Pictro~orle: 11111Hager, Pun] Farnham, Paul Thronburg, Roland Fleischer, Ed Early, Bill Simpson. THE COLLECE CHOIR LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Easily distinguished by the brown folders of The College Little Symphony Orchestra of music they carry, the 69 members of the choir thirty-five players is under the direction of Pro- are seen headed in the direction of the music fessor Philip Royer. On January 15, William hall every Thursday night for practice. Their Simpson, Shirley Murray, Betty Bachtell, Lincoln weekly performances in the chapel service under Justice, Patricia Shear, Audrey Meredith, Janel the direction of Mr. Alfred and the Hering, Betty Crosswhite and Harriet Kahn uccompnniment of Mr. Oliver Spangler include directed the orchestra for an assembly. sacred music of all faiths and countries and other At the Spring Concert the orchestra celebrated traditional selections. its twentieth anniversary by inviting former For the annual Christmas program they sang members who played in the orchestra during the a number of folk carols ill conjunction with the past twenty years to return to the "Hill" and par- Dramatic Art presentation of December 10. III ticipate in the following program: Prelude alld the Music Festival for the benefit of the Mid. Fugue ill. D minor by Handel in a transcription Century Advance Campaign they sang several by Hans Kinder, Symphony in F Major by Dit- semi-classics. Their spring presentation was The tersdorfl and Piano ConcerlO No.3 in C minor Creation by Joseph Hadyn with solos by Kitty by Beethoven, with Arlene Hegglmeier as soloist. Shook, Louis Pietroforte and William Simpson. On April 27, a group from the orchestra nc- To all friends and students of WMC, the white companied 350 voices from the Carroll County robed singers of the chapel service are a familiar high schools for the County Eisteddfod, sight and their music an inspiring sound. The orchestra traditionally plays at the Com- mencement Exercises. 54
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