Page 48 - YB1951
P. 48
Seated, Aliee Winnberg, Tmogene Weyhright, Ralph Conen, Jacquelyn Brown. Fred Keefer, Angela Crolhers. June Beever. DOllie Shoemaker, Souyu \Vine. SlUnding: Libby Schuhcrl. Rid'anl Leighlon. Lionel L~t~. Bill Simpson, Hachel Early, Millard LesCaliele, Dr. ]aanogle, Shirley B. Murray, Kitty O. Shook, Don .\'1akosky, Belly SiIllP~O[], Norman Slamecka. ARCONAUTS Now in its sixteenth year as the Honor Society a cumulative index of 2.1, and the annual spring of Western Maryland College, the Argonaut Club banquet given in honor of the senior members is modeled after the National honorary fratern- eligible for Fellowship. ity, Phi Beta Kappa. It is the ultimate aim of the Numerous minor activities were also conducted organization to become flualified for membership during the year. For the Homecoming week-end, in this national fraternity. The Argonauts pro a replica of Old Main was erected as a display; mote sound scholarship, give recognition to those and a float, representing the traditional Greek who obtain high scholastic standing and encour- "Argo" was entered in the parade. Another inno- age fellowship between students in various vation was an assembly for Freshmen held by a departments and between students and faculty. group of Argonauts who sought to instruct these Due to a revision by the Administration of students about the ways 10 study for the various requirements for student honers, the Argonauts departments of the college. A movie was spon- found it necessary to raise their membership sored in February in order to supplement the requirements. Eligible for membership as Asso- budget. On the 16th of February a tea for new ciates are Juniors and Seniors of the college who members was held. On March 14 the Argonauts have a cumulative scholastic index of at least organization sponsored a concert. 2.1. AI the end of seven semesters, Associates Plans for the orgauizution and nomination of are inducted as Fellows if a cumulative average members were made by the Executive committee of 2.2 or more is attained. Members of the composed of: Fred Keefer, president; Jacqueline Western Maryland College faculty are invited to Brown, vice-president, Angela Crothers, secre- join as honorary members. tary; Ralph Gorten, treasurer; and the two The outstanding events of the year included a faculty members appointed by President Ensor, talk by Professor Charles E. Crain of the Hell. Dr. Isabel Isanoglc and Dr. William Riddiogton. gion department, a tea honoring all students with 44
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