Page 51 - YB1951
P. 51
Left 10 right: Dr. tSIlIlOgle, Alice Yeariey, June Beaver. "tickey Rupert. TRUMPETERS At the annual Tapping Ceremony last May, selected Oil a point basis according to leadership June Beaver, Mary Jean Rupert, and Alice in extra-curricular activities. They are rated Oil Yearly were selected Trumpeters and presented the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, with the caps and gowns of the graduating and citizenship. This organization has estab- members. lished as its purpose to encourage leadership and Returning to the campus for freshman Week, participation in extra-curricular activities on the the Trumpeters helped with the orientation of college campus. new students. After being mistakenly identified With the help of the Junior girls, the Trumpe- as members of a drum and bugle corps by many ters decorated the dining hall for the annual freshmen, the Trumpeters and their sponsor, Dr. Christmas Banquet adding a bit of holiday Isabel lsanogle, met with all new women stu- atmosphere to the uflnir. Huge sparkling hells dents and explained the history and purpose of hung in the windows and paper carolers this honorary organization. founded by Dean decorated every table. Katherine Carmichael, this group has as its When the school year drew to a close, these motto: "For if the trumpet give an uncertain graduating members tapped the women of the sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?" class of 1952 who wil] be the Trumpeters for Each year one to five senior women are next year. 47
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