Page 56 - YB1951
P. 56
51",,,[i"8: Joan Brengle, Mary K. Wills, Adeline "lien, GeQrgc Jones. Seilieil: Joe Luperini, Joe Deering, Nick Gwynn, Christine Mcinl, Ina Grice. CARROLL CLUB COLLECE SINCERS The Carroll Club of Western Maryland Col- A newcomer to the "Hill," the College Singers lege, newly established on campus this year, is this year took its place among the numerous a Catholic group with a three-fold program: campus organizations, Under the student direc- religious, educational and social. tion of Louis Pietroforte, this mixed group Though a local group, we are modeled after endeavored to provide experience and enjoyment Newman Clubs of which 300 exist ill the United to those interested in the field of choral music. Stales. The Carroll Club had its earliest begin- One of the purposes of the College Singers was nings ill May, 1950, when 37 \,\Teslern Maryland to produce, throughout the year, musical selec- Catholic students organized 10 create an organi- tions to augment other campus functions. These zation to fill their spiritual needs. choristers added variety and style to many of Father Francis Wills, assistant pastor at Saint the mid-century drive banquets and activities. Iohn's Catholic Church in \Veslmin~ter, serves The group made its first appearance at the ably [IS spiritual adviser and moderator. Mrs. President's banquet in McDaniel Lounge at M. A. Summers fills the capacity of faculty adviser. Homecoming weekend, It was also one of the The club has one meeting monthly which con- main features of the Musical Fete on March 14th, sists mainly of informal discussion groups. The The students of this new organization worked program this year has been high-lighted by three harmoniously to achieve their main goal-that or outside speakers: Paul Zavcll of Johns Hopkins interpreting the music of yesterday and today in University, Father Walter Gauch of Johns Hop- an effort to develop a finer appreciation of great kins University, and Futhcr John Bazinet, 55. music for their audiences and for themselves. First roio: 10 Kompauck, Winnie Spencer, Janet Hering, J\IarUYIl Ha nlcstcr, l\lary Hnth William •. 13!:!"erly Wu,."er. Second row: Paul Thromburg, Jim Hager, Don Makosky, Don Stanton; Director, Lou Pietroforte; Pianist, Shirley Woodruff.
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