Page 64 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 64
DECEMBER 11, 2006 - Page 2 NEWS Sigma Phi Epsilon loses National charter. ("Sig Ep,"from Page 1) im.provements The fratemi- assistance offered by local vol- The campus-wide email that we had y's academic unteers, District Governor, was sent out on November 16 made." DeRose situation was and Headquarters staff. Beth s~ that "people will know the said. also discussed Cerl's, Vice President for facts and then they will be According to n the campus- Student Affairs, personal offer able to understand a lot legislation passed wide email. to assist the chapter has gone more," said Amanda Rose. by undergraduate The fraternity unanswered." The Sigma Phi "You have to look at the big- delegates at the found itself Epsilon fraternity was offered ger picture." 2001 Grand 'consistently help from numerous sources, The decision, according to C hap t e r look at a sheet of paper." below but did not accept it. Rose, was not an enjoyable Conclave, established chap- But according to Rose, Sigma McDaniel's all-campus aver- "These incidences don't activity. ters must attain and maintain Phi Epsilon had been on age of 3.0." Although the mean that Creek life is going "This was a decision made certain operational perform- notice to close for a few years, chapter met the minimum to be done ...Greek life just by Nationals, and the school ance requirements. All chap- and "Nationals said 'enough Greek life requirement of a 2.6 needs to get to a point where must 'recognize that," said ters must maintain a mini- is enough." GPA, the chapter reported a things like this aren't happe~- Rose. "No National enjoys mum manpower of 25 and the According to McCaw, GPA below the Sigma Phi fig anymore, and a lot of ~; dOS~~~:i:r~~or and ., ~~~~~e~sel: rr:~:,d 2~~l.:~~~:r:ei~o~:;:r~ t~~os~:~ ~~!of:r :i:::;~~ I::tq::~ ~~~ee:a~~~I:~a~:s S:o~~n:d Ep," Christopher DeRose Since then the number, as reflects the failure of not only semesters (see chart "). dedication ... and the rope ran says, "there are two different mentioned in McDaniel's the undergrad.uate chapter, DeRose emphasizes, "As a out on Sigma Phi Epsilon.: , sides." Campus Wide email, has but also the alumni, host insti- group we aren't perfect, but For all those involved, It s Despite the financial and decreased to 12. tution, and national organize- there are plenty of things that honestly really sad, we don',~ manpower problems, admit- - "In four years, I had never tion. When there is no imme- we were capitalizing on... this want to leave campus. ~:~s~:~;:d::;r:7re r:~~:e;.~::r:tdt~~:e~~o~~s~~~ ~apt;0~~~:::a7:pnpt~:nli~~~ ~o: ~~:~;i:~!~~ta:dfi~~~ ~~R::o:!h~~o: j~S~ ::~ ing progress. pie to graduation last year, but it's not over until we say it is." I would have transfer re ~:~l.~c::~:~::::~t.~~:~:i~~:~:E~~~I!:~~~n~~r:~~~;~:cf.:~:that~C'~:r;I~~~~~:ale~:: ::~~~:~~:U~g~:s~:a;~~~ requirements." been unresponsive to the the school'" The lighter side of the campus blotter . . hoes (Edltorsn~te .. Rob Goekes com put any doubt to rest when intrepid young person's foot- ly mature men of the luxuri- putyourselfmtheus s ~Ientary hlghllg~ts some of the they were confronted by steps. Take the blame, admit cus freshman dorm have now you're drunk with your bo~_ mane calls to which campus safe~ Campus Safety officers by the gaffe the next time you run been caught throwing muffins at 1 0'clock on a Tuesday afte ty responds.) willfully admitting they had into the men in Green espe- in the direction of Sodexho noon. You look down and md . Usually alc~h~I has tru~ had one too many brews. dally when you are caught employees. a couple Gl~r work~~n an . telling powers similar to sodi- I want to nominate this stu- puking or urinating on an That's right. Muffins. they look ~~d o~em !l urn pentothal. But that doesn't dent for some sort of political ATM.And that's the word. Though director of the Maybe provuiing t . meanyoucan'tteUafatoneif office. If they are that willing Now, throughout the Department Campus Safety muffinsseems~ke~::~e:a?- you get yourself in a hairy sit- to take this commendable semester, your noble corre- Mike Webster could not con- to help them satlsfy uation. It is with that reason ",oral high ground when spondent bas cajoled you with firm whether the muffins were ing. , . t too bad .a couple that I commend the student they've been caught uP-. numerous tales of objects of the poppy seed or bran It s JUs Her their caught puking in Whiteford at chucking, one can only imag- being thrown or launched variety, it s!oes not lessen the muffinS had. to su I have about 1:15 am on November ine how quickly they'd admit from the hallowed halls of event's hilarity. demise so vlOlentlY;he chic 11. wrongdoing if they were Rouzer. First it was fireworks Shockingly, the boys guilty always respected . Though people who vomit involved in a scandal as a then beer bottles (which wer~ of this crime were caught with breakfast food that Occupie~ that late at night are either sick member of Congress. thrown in the direction of Glar alcohol in their rooms. I that tenUOUSmiddle gro un with the flu or have just seen Not to sound like Steven workers at the loading dock). would have never predicted between bagels and d~nuts. candid photos of Britney Colbert, but America, we need But on the afternoon of that. But I believe this act isn't Spears' crotch, this student more leaders to follow in this November 21, the wonderful- as evil as it seems. Drug-rel8ted Medical-related Fire-related Alcohol-related Violence-related, incl. hate crimes
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