Page 65 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 65
NEWS DECEMBER 11, 2006 -Page 3 Hawk Gawk A hawk dissects and chows down on a squirrel inRed Square, while stu- dentschronicle the gore. Photos by Evan Ticknor Rouzer trash, behavior out of control ("Trash," from Page 1) .----~------------ ..... He has heard Liz Towle, Associate Dean Residents take the fire extin- "Apparently, "I am quite dismayed to learn this. of people get- of Academic Affairs, has been guishers and spray them in students are . .. .. . ting caught by at McDaniel since February the hallway and in the bath- aware of who The college has spent over half a RAs, but he 2001 and she assures that rooms, he explained. is doing the million dollarsfixing Up Rouzer over hasn't seen his Residence Life is searching for The bathrooms are the damage. If this RA do the a new RLC to replace Nick worst, he added, because any- is the case, the past two summers." same. At this Gingue who resigned in early thing from food to condoms those students President Joan Develin Coley point in the October. She admits that she can litter the floor and show- should be semester, he has heard many complaints ers. The residents vomit in the informed that "can't wait for about Rouzer from residents showers and on the toilets, they must stop. L.------w-e-bs-te-r-b-el-ie-ve-s-th-a-t-th-e---- .... next year." as well as the physical plant spit tobacco, leave trash bags They should be reported or Rouzer situation will work its Junior Jonathan Schultz, a staff responsible for the clean- in the shower, throw shampoo we need to find some way of Resident Assistant in Rouzer, Ing and repairing of the build- bottles, put shaving cream all identifying students who care way out either by the student doesn't feel that Rouzer's neg- ing. over the windows, throw toi- so little about the rights of the being identified and suspend- ative reputation is completely "If the person responsibh, let paper, don't flush the toi- other students in the residence ed or expelled; a campus safe- warranted. for the damage is not identi- lets, and throw spitballs halls." ty officer, an RA, or another "I feel that it doesn't speak bed, the charges are assessed everywhere. The entire housekeeping :~~:~~te~~:~!~:~o~~~t:; the tOlth about Rouzer and to all residents of a particular "Rouzer residents are so staff has been told not to to identify the student or stu- most of the guys that live in floor or the entire building juvenile," he said. "One kid speak to the students and it," Schultz said. "It's the stu- depending on where the dam- super glued the lock on his door and someone else ~~~~:.eeir;i~~~::~:~~c~~a~ :~~:~~:~n~ffit~e,~::,~~e~ ~a~~~;:n~~~ th;~~~~::;~; ;;: ~~~~:; S;!~~o;~\~~~ smeared toothpaste all over a resident' 5 door on the second Residence Life Coordinator student in the act of vandal- bad reputation." th students for damages. If the d h , . b k . Sch I students ism six to ten times a year. who are damaging floor." has rna e ouse eepmg s )0 "Vandalism tends to come in u tz says at he has ~,hebuil.ding are caught, then Someone knocked in the more difficult. cycles. There's always a bad about four to seven write-ups those IndiViduals would be elevator door, which usually He believes that one way to a month, which can include billed and not everyone on the happens once a month. As a improve the situation is to he said. bad couple of years," anywhere from four students floor or building." result, the students have to have smarter kids who actual- or more. He enjoys living in Towle is well aware of the pay for the damages. The bill ly care about everything from ha~o~os;~e:~;~~ntyd ;:~s~; Rouzer for the most part chaos that OCcursin Rouzer. has slowly been accumulating the building to the walls to the because of its central location "We are working on a num- all semester. stairwells to the bathrooms. situation, but the people who and spacious room but does- ber of solutions with the "I hope the college wakes He also feels that the residents best understand what is hap- n't believe that the Rouzer res- Residence Life staff and the up and sees that this is a major need to be "caught in the act." ~:~~~ a;;e::~nRo:::a~~~ idents' behavior is justifiable. Department of Campus Safety "Their behavior is not justi- "Campus Safety has to do problem," said the housekeep- something," he said. "As Gomes says that trash can be Hable because they should be that we will soon be informing the residents of," Towle said, ing staff member. News of Rouzer resi- emplor,ees, we can only do so ::dO:;;'~h:~~;d s~Jsw:~~ acting as mature adults," adding that turning Rouzer dents' out-of-control behavior much. showers can have all sorts of Schultz said. "Seventy-five into a co-ed dorm isn't being Mike Webster, Director of percent of the in Rouzer completely ruled out. was brought to the attention Campus Safety for fifteen things in them. Foreign sub- act as mature 1Ii••• IIII!I""""- of President Joan Develin years, said that Campus stances, such as shaving adults. It's that Coley during dinner at the Safety officers p~trol Ro~zer cream can be smeared on any last twenty- president's house with some on a regular basts ever since wall surface and ceiling tiles five that ruin it students. "I am not totally aware of the damage started to become ~:;e~~:l:ra!~,nched out and for the rest of the situation in Rouzer but I problematic. . . "As for the conditions of the the residents." Schultz says "A discharged fire extin- infer that it is now getting to gutsher is not u.nique to building," Gomes said, "it's that the rest- be more of a problem than Rouzer," Webster said. deplorable. It's not always dents don't Usual," said Coley. "I am quite Webster doesn't want to clean in the halls or bath- usually worry dismayed to learn this. The college has spent over half a trivialize the situation, but he ~~:~a:b~ h~pup:=gr."know about the con- sequences of says that discharged fire extin- million dollars fixing up Rouzer over the past two guishers happen in dorms like as wash~o~::d m~ea~~i~~:~~ their mess and to Blanche and Whiteford continue summers. That is half a mil- well. As for the ceiling tiles, he bill was nearly $2,000. trash the halls. lion dollars we could have describes them as "more of a affor;M\~:ren:i~a;n bar~~ Most of the spent on many other projects at the COllege." nuisance thing." McDaniel, even with financial students don't know that the "Nobody's going to get Coley assumes that there hurt from it," Webster said, aid, so to have to pay for floor or build- are only a few students that "even if some kid punches it ~~:f~~'~i~i;:O~~~}eSPOnSi- Ing will be are making Rouzer an and it falls on another kid's charged for unpleasant living environ- head. It's expensive and it's The only solution Gomes broken ceiling ment. As for solutions to the probably only one or two peo- ~:;m~th~f;:,'~!!~ a~U~P~!~ tiles or trash problem, she emphasizes that thrown McDaniel has an honor and pie but everyone i: billed for won't happen any time soon." Glar's roof. common damages. conduct code.
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