Page 59 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 59
INTERNATIONAL NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 13 Tensions in east Asia as Korea goes nuclear BEN CREARY aggravate ten- "'II-if-'~th---U-~S--t-'-'M~~t~~~'1"t----'-'"of the nuclear disarmament talks. STAFFWRITER sions in.· ... tet, .:··con Inues' 0 pu pressure Pyongyangemis- Yet even in the face of sane- _________ Northeast-Asia." onNorthKorea for its nuclear pro- series' meeting tions, North Korea refuses to On Oct. 9, seismic activity on a phone d 'h II with Chinese back down from its pursuit of measuring a magnitude of 4.2 call Monday to gramme'. t ien we. wi -r-: regard -it,as a President Hu a potentially deadly nuclear on the Richter scale was Pre sid e n t declaration of war and we win take Jintao to discuss arsenal. North's Foreign detected emanating 600 miles George W. Bush, a series of phy'sical correspondmg North Korea's Ministry said in a statement from Pyongyang in North Japanese Prime . nuclear aggrava- carried by the North Korean Korea. Shortly after the Minister Shinzo mea~ures.j,: .......North Korean Foreign tions and ways papers, "If the us continues to ~:~t~:/lisSi~~:~ the:;~~~ ~~~ the a~~~t~ w_Ministr y ~:_;::~~~kS~he r~~tii:e~~~;:a~~~;;!~l~~~:~ ~~~%~)t=o~;ce~ ~:c~~~; ~~~s~::~~:t~ction against affairs ministry said, North Kore~~~I~rtl;:~:~l~~ ~:n:i~j~:~:~di~: ;i~et~~~a~ weapon. According to the North Korea at the Security "Improving stability in dogmatically defiant in the series of physical correspon- KCNA, the weapons test took Council. ~~:,~ei~St~r~::.a~:rit~ ~~;~; face of world pressure. North ding measures." place in the vicinity of Tokyo defended its crin- Korean ambassador Pak Gil So the world prepares for a Hwadaert, several miles from cisrn of North Korea and has ignored the concern of the Yon boldly stated to the U.N. Nuclear North Korea and the the coastal city of Kilju. The declared that unilateral sane- international community, Security Council that North international community is weapons test was reported to nons be taken on the small ~~:~:~;y te~~~,cee~~e w~:n: Korea should be congratulat- readying itself to intercept and have' been a major achieve- Asian Peninsula. These sane- remains resolute on its opin- ed for its nuclear test instead inspect North Korean ships =~aa;:n ~~sr;:~~~~:d~on- ~~~:;~:e~!n~:s t~~l~~: ~:~~ ion that North Korea must ~~n~O:,d;:~~~o~~t~\/:~~I~~ ~~,:~n~n f%e ~::~:sol~~~~~ Following the test, mern- pie in Japan, not including a halt any attempt to build a better for the Security Council issued by the Security bers of the U.N. Security community of 600,000 North nuclear arsenal, the Chinese of the United Nations to con- Council. Australia has Council moved swiftly to con- Koreans living on the island. government is also calling on gratulate the Democratic deployed its navy nortward to demn North Korea's nuclear The North Korean immigrants all parties to deal with this sit- People's Republic of North. begin enforcing UN sanctions. Korea scientists and Japan is also eager to join in ~~~te~:~~~tha~~re~~~::r~~ o:n!th~eC:n;oW,ntih~eW,fna~Kacoi~,Yela~nS:pmegbne,an,l;~~::n ~a~:~;~~~:':~:~:: researchers instead of doing the inspecting as both the ment return to the six-party such notorious, useless and Japanese Navy and Air Force talks on its weapons program. sula. The sanctions imposed continues with North Korea, rigorous resolutions or what- prepare for deployment in the ever," Pak said. Later, Pak Gil Tsushima and Okinawa Straits JtoohntheBoulto,Nn'"Uc'aSl'leAmiifboa,sssaadnoc'_by the Japanese government :;;Yb~att!~~e~::lt:tit~h~~: are strictly economic products Yon told reporters that he was on its western and southern tions on North Korea to begin from North Korea, but North Pyongyang government. proud of the North Korean coastlines. a test and when asked about Their hope is to use torpe- ::~~~:tj~';'~~h~~n§ ~~i~: ~::::t ~~e;a;ao~ hJ:;:n o~;~~::::?::rr~:~::~o~~~ future tests Pek added, "That do-boat catchers and spotter enough." planes P-3C AWACSendowed ~~:iti~f~·~~~:;n~~:;s ~~~~ ~~~t~tsK~~:a~~7 ::rc~~I~iOo~ gotten involved in the situa- Kim Iong-Il's regime with radar to inspect ships sought-after trade materials earned in overseas trade. In tion by calling on the current demonstrated its determina- going and coming from North used in the manufacturing of effect, Japan imposed a six- South Korean Foreign Hon for obtaining baUistic Korea. such weapons of mass month ban on trade imports Minister and United Nations missiles last July with a test Tokyo aims in the near destruction. White House and on the docking and Secretary-General-elect Ban launch qf six medium-range future for not only an air spokesman Tony Snow departure of ships from the Ki-moon to quit ignoring missiles and one interconti- blockade around North Korea ~~~etas;~~::ta~e::~:a~ay::~ ~~rthern part of the peninsu- ~~~:~n~:~~~~~~~~~n ncntal missile, which took the but a freeze on Kim Tong-ll's assets scattered around tnEernabonai commumty the by couid be a provocative act The Chinese government lion, which was signed by su rprise. The U.N. responded globe in foreign bank accounts against the stand of the inter- also expressed its resolute South Korea, the United urgently to the launch, agree- and a harsher ban on all goods national comntunity and our opposition to Pyongyang's Kingdom, France, Norway ing on sanctions against - including military equip- call for moderation with nuclear test. A statement and Germany, was issued Pyongyang and pushed for ment and luxury items. regard to actions that could issued by the Chinese foreign right after the announcement North Korea to return to 400 off
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