Page 67 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 67
DECEMBER 11, 2006 -Page 5 Student planners h tame wild schedules ed student who Dean of Student time to studying. There is a CORl SIMPSON also commits her FEATURES EDITOR Academic Life two of happy medium waiting to be time to being the his multiple responsi- found somewhere between Logical students use their President of the bilities on campus Hoover Library and the thirty planners to help keep their Com m ute r include helping stu- pack in your refrigerator. crazy lives under control. Can 5 t u den t dents to become bet- Although, as Kris will you relate to the frustration of Association, a ter organized and admit, she is sometimes trying to juggle the work of member of the All teaching students to teased about her obsession four classes, keep track of all College Counsel, a become better organ- with organization (especially of the campus activities member of Kappa izers. by her boyfriend who cannot you've volunteered for, main- Delta Pi, and a He sympathizes believe she is 19 and still color tain a flourishing social life, member of with the fact that, coordinates her folders and and find time for yourself to CAPboard. In "College can be a notebooks), being organized is relax or workout throughout addition to school chaotic experience. an essential skill as a student the semester? activities, Jamie Very little structure is or employee. It's hard enough to remem- also works part l!!!!"""",",!!C!!!""""'-"'''''-E==~''-''''-,,,!;'''''- provided for stu- And as Kris jokingly ...... ber what assignments you time at Millers Market in Maria is the personification dents, yet they are expected to explains, "He's really just jeal- have due tomorrow, let alone Manchester where some of her of perfectionism, whether it's figure out how to cope with all ous!" a doctor's appointment you hours fluctuate. Without writ- writing in her planner or edit- of the various demands of These students may be scheduled two months ago ing alJ of this down it seems ing group work (just ask peo- classes and extracurricular extraordinary compared to the that's coming up just around only human to get dates for all pie who've worked with her life," average college student, but the corner. of these activities confused. before). She really takes pride "The problem for some realistically they recognize it's There's no, "oops, I forgot" Even thinking about home- in being organized, and it def- students," he explains, is that, hard to stay perfectly organ- or, "crap, I didn't write that work makes your head hurt. Irutely pays off. "although they may know the ized 24/7. down" for a number of "I'm a rather busy person "J have kept a planner ever right ways to study, their "I don't pretend to be McDaniel College students. and 1 can be quite forgetful. since high school because organization is so poor that organized in every aspect of Writing assignments down Sometimes I feel frazzled even that's when I really started to they never get around to it." my life. There are definitely has become second nature for with my planner, I can't imag- get overextended. My high From his experience, Dean days during crunch time many students who instinc- ine my life with out one!" school's planner used to come Reiff has calculated a genera! when my dorm room's a dis- tively pull out their planners Jamie says. with stickers, and I was com- formula that puts the thought aster, but I put school work at the end of every class. Jamie also uses Pecebook to pletely obsessed with them!" of being a triumphant college and school activities first ... A Jamie Ridgely, Maria stay organized. Some students Maria explains. Maybe student into closer reach. little laundry can wait if it has Lathroum and Kris Breeden might not even realize that McDaniel should look into "I ask students to treat cal- to. It's really about setting pri- are three very organized stu- they use the website for this, those stickers. lege like a job. Students who orities for yourself," says dents. Faithfully, they docu- but Jamie finds it helpful that "I write down everything," spend forty hours per week on Maria. ment assignments and activi- it reminds you of upcoming says Krts, who uses her plan- their courses will not only be Whether you practice the ties in their weekly planners, events and friends' birthdays. ner to keep track of it all. successful students; they will techniques of "micro time coordinate folders and colors Never has anyone probably "Everything from homework still have128 hours left over management," which Dean for specific classes, and even witnessed a prettier planner assignments to meeting times each week. Take away 56 Reiff explains is planning out keep color-coded whiteboards than Maria Lathroum's. The to dentist appointments and hours for sleeping, and that's every Single hour of the day, updated in their rooms. boxes of the calendar days are weekend plans," she says. She 72 hours for fun!" he says. or "macro time management," Is it hard work to stay on packed full, yet everything is even writes shopping lists in So, we see now that college top of things? Probably. But still legible. All in tidy cursive her planner to keep all of her doesn't simply have to be in where YOll use planners or cal- impor- endars to remember they wouldn't have it any or £erfect ,Print and in rain- notes in the sam~ruace. black. and white. You don't other way. bow colors. It could qualify as Many students rrmy refer to have to dedicate all of your tant things (like Jamie, Maria Jamie Ridgely is a dedicat- a work of art. Dean Reiff as a lifesaver. As time to partying, or all of your and Kris) or if you do both, it's good to be organized. 400 off
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