Page 66 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 66
DECEMBER11,2006 -Page 4 FEATURES Definitions Long-distance relationship; Being able to stay together and care about one another with no-mere " than words spoken through a phone. It is trusting Il . th.ZltYOl, are being faithful to one another without j ever having to say it, It is being creattve-thlnklng ~ 'Ew-; ot ways to remind one another.that there is really love between you. It is understanding that we ibV aren'r alweys in the best of moods and for n:o cbvi- U '-' OU$. reason, and there is nothing the other "an do the belt in you, bring (ll,ltthe beet in The...· know illi "OUt ~ecret6. and ·ffiaybl· even ycur slns, but Ihev stand by you no matter W-h~t. 'rour family ts that gmup of people who JO\'l~you through thick and then, and vou rove them fn; who they ~re and whal they ItIPtIn tV you, and th,~t'''i all thai mM' You're it-tag is not just for kids anymore to relieve the pressures of col- Thinking it to be a one-time to join in on all the fun. Senior about fun and games: It is also S1~;F~~~~~~R lege ~ife? event, Brown was surprised Greg Wagner says, lift's just a great way to stay In shap:~ WIthout much to do around by how successful Tag became been a nice break in our days, Wagner says, "I've used tag Do you ever find yourself the town of Westminster, stu- among her and her peers. She and what better way to relax a new training method for missing the simple days of dents have to be creative in believes that one of the biggest than reverting to playing our baseball to help inc.rea~,emy childhood, the days when you finding fun activities to do on reasons why Tag caught on so favorite games from elernen; endurance and stamUla. . did not have to worry about campus. And that is exactly quickly is because it is a great tary school?" Organizing these gam:.:.:~ when your next paper was what senior Amanda Brown way to avoid homework. In Senior Scott Kolesza- shares not always an easy task. 1 t due or when your next test and her roommate, Christina fact, that is one of the reasons similar sentiments. He says, would be? If so, then just Smith, did. They found run why Brown started playing in "It's a g~od way to get Outand the group playing g.a~es ~~e football.....!J:~issue. on the know that you are not alone. by playing a gooa old game of the first place. have a ~Jttlefun for a while." weather can be~~~r quickly The further students get I into their college careers, the Tag. becaus: start~y PlaYins~~~~ Think. Tag is just not the And wi~h :v~unlikely that is not just That's right-Tag more overwhelming life for the kids on the play- seminar/capstone paper did- game for you? With an aver- approaciung,ltl r to run age ~f six to twelve people anyone is going to ",:an cold seems to get. It can be hard to ground. n't seem as fun," she says. showmg up for each event around in freezU1g find down time in between "My roommate and I made Avoiding work is one rea- and a Pacebook group dedi- weather. d classes, sports, jobs, and a comment about how much son why Matt Emery, fresh- cated to playing Tag, this But fear not. Spring an extracurricular activities. Add fun it would be being ten man, comes out to play. He group has also been known to warm weather are only a few several hours worth of home- years old again with nothing says, "I'll run around any day play other favorite childhood months away. With hopes of work to that list and it can be else to worry about than who over writing a paper or read- games, like Freeze Tag, Red continuing the Tag events, nearly impossible to find any was 'It," Brown says. "We put ing a textbook." Rover, and Chromosome. Brown says "I'm hoping that free time, unless you plan on a game together one night and However, avoiding all that While Tag and other child- with the spring, more people not getting any sleep after a couple of weeks, Tag pesky work is not the only hood games may be enjoyable will come out." What is one to do in order became a stress reliever." reason why people come out activities, they are not just all Room Decked out for Holiday from the ceiling were several had done. Their beds had is one of the better BRIAN ENGLER strands of Christmas lights been bunked in a sort of "L" R.A.'s around. STAFFWRITER and against one wall stood a shape, with a dresser next to When Iheard that the room fake Christmas tree, presents the one underneath. had Rouzer, which 1 long ago for this McCribs article would included. I asked about the Furthermore, the fridge was assumed to have lost be in Rouzer, I was honestly a contents of the presents, and up on top of the other dresser, the ability to surprise bit shocked. We all know that learned that there were actual- with the TV. on top of a doset. me, has accom- Rouzer boys are not exactly ly things in there. One box Among the things they had plished just that. either the cleanest or most contained Matt's printer and in their room that showed Nestled up in the decorative group of kids on another held a friend's their hobbies were several fourth floor is a room campus. So, when I arrived at favorite shirt. They intend to lacrosse sticks hanging off of with two young men the room of Anthony Falgares give it back to him for them. Also, next to their tele- who go above and and Matt Haushalter,I was Christmas. vision was an X-Box 360, beyond the normal surprised to find a truly well- Also in their room was a which they admitted was used decoration of a room decorated room. selection of posters, such as more by their friends than by and into a realm that It was clean and everything! the rules of wedding crashing. them. makes their room The outside of the room The floor was remarkably To top this all off, both the truly worthy of men- was a typically unremarkable roomy and free of clutter. This roommates agree that the tion in McCribs. dorm room door. The inside was likely a result of the rear- fourth floor air conditioning is was quite different. Hanging ranging Matt and Anthony very nice, and that their R.A.
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