Page 63 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 63
Vol. 6 No.5 Telemarketing for Movie Review college yields reveals shows that have you enjoyed stories will lift holiday this semester? Page 6 spirit Page 7 Page 6 INSIDE Sex toys ~!1~~n!!!sca~~~tr~~~!!ncement JE~T~~~~~TON Wolf and AJ Lewis, and fea- plaints were received from appeared on the screen warn- tured products sold by senior students, parents, and alumni ing viewers of its sexual can- An episode on McDaniel Ceo Randall, a consultant for questioning the appropriate tent. College's TV (channe126) con- an adult novelty business. The nature of the show. After fielding complaints, cerning sex and sex toys episode originally aired Channel 26does not follow Dean Gerl watched the caused controversy and was November 8 and ran from 12 - FCC regulations because it is a episode and set up a meeting promptly pulled from the sta- 3am each night until closed circuit network. The with TV station managers, tion's lineup a few weeks ago. November 14. station's only stipulation pro- seniors Tom Shortridge and The episode entitled "Ioyz" hibits nudity. Prior to each (see "Sex Toyz" 017 page 7) SigEps lose charter spin on words KATHRYN YOUNG & that the fraternity had been closed. MIKE HABEGGER Christopher M. McCaw, On November 14, the Director of Chapter Services at National Board of Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon. sent a let- Epsilon fraternity authorized ter to Dean Cerl, Amanda the charter withdrawal of the Rose and other administra- Maryland Delta Chapter at tors. In it, he said, "This deci- *** McDaniel College for failure sion is based upon the chap- * * to meet minimum operational, ter's failure to meet or exceed * * ,'* * academic, financial, and mem- minimum operational require- bership requirements dictated ments as established by Sigma * *.* >, ~ by national SigmaPhi Epsilon. Phi Epsilon Fraternity." ''McDanlei College"t-ccog- QU ...,ti"""ed furlher ft tevv- nizes the importance of Greek days after the email, McCaw organizations, both for the reiterated, "There were no Students journey to camaraderie they build and additional factors considered DC for simulation for the benefits they provide beyond what was stated in the to the larger community," initial press release regarding noted an email sent to all cam- our Board's decision to dose pus email addresses on the Maryland Delta chapter." November 15 to alert the (see "Sig £p" on page 2) McDaniel College community Iern.Keep the cash Ic scholarships for the 2006- students were taking easier 2007 academic year. classes because they were "The reason for the require- afraid of losing their scholar- McDaniel College has ment didn't really make ship. We know some students relaxed GPA requirements for sense," said Patricia Williams, would leave McDaniel if they students with academic schol- director of financial aid at lost their scholarship. We sat erships, according to a recent McDanielCollege."The schol- down and talked about it . e-mail announcement by col- Previous requirements arship was awarded to attract [and] we decided to eliminate lege officials. depended on the scholarship the students to McDaniel. it," Williams said. In a move that will affect amount, peaking at a mini- That really was the only rea- Although the announce- approximately 80 percent of mum 3.0 cumulative GPA for son. The students do not get ment may please the estimat- anyone the vmg an acaderruc schol some students. McDaniel an increase in scholarship . if ed 10 percent of students who student body, Page 16 -H-o-u-s-e-k-e-e~;ingth~sthh~~ri"r:;rffi th~R~~~;e~~S~) a total of approxi- awarded have difficulty meeting their they do well b urinating on the toilet vary from day to day, but after MELANIE CHUPEIN seats vomiting in the shower, a weekend of partying, the STAFF WRITER d ~unching out the ceiling place gets "trashed." :;es. "Some of the kids make it Housing 204 males in one One member of the house- worse than it should be," he building has proven to be keeping staff, who req.ue~ted said. "They should have problematic, especially when to remain anonymous, IS tjred respect for the people who it Comes to cleaning up after of "babysitting" the Rouzer clean." them. Rouzer has always had residents. "The kids should This member of the house- a reputation for being a have some respect. Ineed a job keeping staff recalled one inci- rOWdy, filthy place. But but I'm sick and tired of it. J'm dent where someone lit the enough is enough, members ready to walk out." fire extinguisher on fire and of the housekeeping staff, and He works during the week half of it melted. Most of the even Some Rouzer residents, and sometimes on the w:e~- fire extinguishers in Rouzer Contend. Things have gotten don't have some kind of glass way out of control. ends. Anytime there is an 111C.I- door shielding them. dent, he has to report it. to hIS Many Rouzer residents supervisors. The inCidents (see "Trash" 011 page 3) repeatedly push it to the limit
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