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NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 14 NEWS College classifies ASL as foreign language wrong; I wanted to continue brought a motion to rescind must develop an understand- University. ~~~:~I~fRER the discussion," Marx said. the previous vote and bring ing of the world within and The Maryland State Board "There were still people in line back the debate over ASL's beyond the United States." of Education recently Despite a movement to to speak." place on campus. The faculty "Multicultural education approved ASL as fulfilling a reopen the debate, American Over the summer, Marx voted 51 to 46, missing ~e will give students an under- foreign language requirement Sign Language (ASL).will be researched Robert's Rules of two-thirds majority necessary standing of the cultural plu- for high school students. offered as an option to fulfill Order, the set of parltamen- to reopen the' issue. ralism of American society" Modeling the college's the foreign language Basic tary procedures that the facul- The proponents of ASL as a the curriculum statement con- stance on ASL after high Liberal Arts Subject require- ty follows in their meetings. BLAR can now breathe easier. tinues. "Multicultural courses schools may not be in the col- ment - beginning with the As it turns out, Marx's feel- After years of frustration, will focus on the cultures and lege's best interest, Marx said. class of 2011. Ings were correct. the deaf studies program is experiences of diverse groups "College is a higher level of Classifying ASL as a foreign Thomas Falkner, dean of being recognized as a foreign in the United States that have education; high schools language at McDaniel College the faculty, agreed with Marx. language on campus. been historically subordinated should follow the colleges, not has often created heated "The person who called the But why was the process so or marginalized." the other way around," he debate. Five years ago, the question was not properly rec- difficult? What is the harm of The opponents of ASL as a said. proposal was denied when ogruzed," he said. including ASL with classical foreign language argue that Additionally, some are con- students and faculty brought The "called question", the languages such as Spanish, implementing ASL as a cemed that the implementa- up a motion to incorporate parliamentary term for ending French, German and Latin? requirement would contradict tion of ASL will decrease the ASL as pint of the language a discussion and forcing a According to Mark Rust, that philosophy and give the popularity of the other major requirement. vote, was called for out of coordinator of the deaf educa- students a mixed message. languages on campus. The issue was visited again order. A member of the faculty tion program, classifying it as Rust, however, disagrees ' Wilcox, however, believes at the May 2006 faculty meet- violated Robert's Rules of a "foreign" languageisa prob- with them. otherwise. ing. Arguments were present- Order by prematurely ending lematic term. "We're so entrenched in "The evidence from those ed for and against the issue, discussion, and more speakers "ASL stands for American being a liberal arts college that universities which accept ASL and a member of the faculty should have been allowed to Sign Language. It's not for- ASL gets pushed on the as a foreign language is pre- called for discussion to end present their cases at the May eign, it's American," said fringe," Rust said. "Deaf dsely the opposite," he said. and put the issue to a vote. meeting. Rust, who supports ASL £01- study is a discipline, and the "At these universities there is The faculty approved ASL _ "If [the faculty] had heard a filling the BLAR. deaf community has a culture. no record of a decrease in tra- as an option for students to more logical set of arguments, The new curriculum places ASL is the fourth most used dttional foreign language fulfill the foreign language we would have been able to a greater emphasis on intema- language in America." enrollment due to enrollments BtAR, a seemingly routine have more confidence in the tional and cultural studies. Other colleges have also in ASL. As a matter of fact, procedure. ' . vote," Marx said. When the new curriculum recently accepted ASL as £01- ASL instruction may lead to Not to Jeffrey Marx, an Marx then sent a memo to was voted upon in April 2006, filling a foreign language increased foreign language associate professor of physics. the Faculty Council detailing the proposal included a state- requirement. enrollment." Present at the May meeting, the parliamentary violations. ment about international Sherman Wilcox, a profes- It remains to be seen what Marx observed a few irregu- The council distributed the focus: "A liberal arts educa- sor at University of New effects the decision will have Iarities. For example, only memo among the faculty and tion at McDaniel College Mexico, keeps a list of the 145 on the college community at four people had the opportu- the issue was brought back to should be an education in universities that acknowledge McDaniel, but as of next fall, nity to speak. before discus- life. global citizenship and must be ASL as a foreign language, mcommg students Will be able sion ended abruptly. At the Oct 2006 faculty both multicultural and Inter- including schools such as Yale to take ASL classes to fulfill "I felt like something was meeting, a group of professors national 111 scope Students University and Georgetown their foreign language BLAR More bandwidth to speed up meal network ments. width in the spring from Iglich said the administra- more than $10,000 a year," DJERDJ MATKOVIC "It's slow," said Steve Furst, about five megabytes to nine, tion was very supportive of Iglich said. JNTL PAGE EDITOR a senior who lives in the but that wasn't a considerable the upgrade. Though the installation is McDaniel College will North Village apartments. change," Iglich said. "We went to them and fairly complicated and will receive a major Internet band- Anjeza Kadilli, another sen- . The school's bandwidth is asked for an increase to 32 take about 50 to 60 business width increase for students lor living in North Village, divided via a process called megabytes," she said. ':1 was days, Iglich said the effort is and staff, with an upgrade said she has no problems with packeteering, and during the' surprised when they said, 'We worthwhile. Erom nine to 45 megabytes her Internet, but "it could be day much of the bandwidth won't. give you 32, we will "[The upgrade] was an expected to be in operation better." goes toward faculty comput- give you 45.'" important step since this is shortly after Jan. 7. The college had been aware ers, she said. The biggest cost of the new your [the students'] home, Many students have com- of students' concerns for some ,.After hours we focus the bandwidth will be the actual and you deserved to feel at plained frequently about the time, said Esther Ignch, the bandwidth on the dorms. material and its installation. home," she said. speed and reliability of the- interim Chief Information _which is why the Internet for "The cost of all that will be Internet connections in the Officer. students is sometimes faster in about $20,000 ... with the sub- residence halls and apart- "We doubled the band- the evening," Iglich said. scription and maintenance at Commentary: Why we printed "Bust at the 'the Blue House" •.s. ARNY RESERYE possibility of it affecting her Similarly, listing the other FREE PRESS EDITORS job. Shortly thereafter, some of students' names is the respon- the students involved in the sibility of a college newspa- Pin1~ y~ oollege degree When The McDa~iel Free incident-vas well as their per, an action carried forth by while ~rvin9 in ene ~_$_ Press decided to print that 11 friends--contacted several student newspapers around Krmy Reserv". 'Get hands.on students--including one resi- staff members. Students ques- the country. Though the dent assistant--not only Honed the relevance of the Department of Campus Safety ~rienee and an additional received alcohol citations story, as well as the decision to does not divulge names, the paycheck eveTY month. In tne from the Westminster Police print· names. A names and court dates of the Department but also learned Each was told the same offending students are public U.S. Army Reserve. you will that their names would be list- thing: the story is news. record, accessible to the media train near hom~ and sexv~ wnen ed in the college newspaper, a When English professor and to the McDaniel student response seemed inevitable. Bob Sapora was arrested two body alike. needed. Earn up to $23 000 for Part of tile newspaper's respon- years ago on charges of dnv- The choice did not come sibility is to clear up rumars. ing under the influence, the without discussion - many of collese costs and $4,500 ~n In the process of editing Free Press held a similar the students are friends and tU1ti~ aSSi&tdQce pax year, David P. Greisman's "Bust at debate over revealing his legal acquaintances of the plus en1ist~nt hQnuees up to 'the Blue House,' " the Free issues in such a public forum, McDaniel Free Press editors Press editors discussed but ultimately went forward and staff. But in the end, our $20,I)OCl. To hnd -:)at more. C"Otltact whether including the stu- with the article. job is to serve the majority of dents' names was the proper It should not be publicly the campus by informing .'.-848-71'11 move. Earlier. that day, ignored when a student in the them instead of serving the Greisman contacted the resi- capacity of resident assistant minority. dent assistant seeking com- is charged with underage, ment on her citation and the drinking.
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