Page 69 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 69
FEATURES 11, 2006 -Page 7 DECEMBER McDaniel TV forced to cancel sex toys show ("Sex toys," from Page 1) ucts on campus television. Shortridge and Lester com- sy" she joked. ket for it; lots of people on Suzanne Lester. The TV sta-> "I'm certainly pro-educat- mented that "Ioyz" received _ Ceci Randall was equally campus are very interested" tion's advisor, Professor Slade, ing students in all areas, more positive feedback then excited about "Icyz." Randall said. is currently in Budapest and including safe relationships any other episode they had "I wanted to boost business, As a McDaniel TV co-man- will be returning later this and safe sex. Having a safe, aired. and I wanted to get the word ager, Lester said she was coo- month. Slade approved private environment where "We wanted to please the out there that sexuality is not tent with the Dean's decision. "Ioyz" earlier this semester. people can go to learn about student body and give them shameful. We're all adults, we "I believe Dean Gerl's deo- For now the show will products and safe sex is a something to watch" Lester need to learn early how to sian was respectful to both the remain off the air, and the wonderful option for students said. have a healthy sex life. It's a student's and [the] parent's issue will be revisited when of all ages... if people want to Wolfwas excited about the natural part of life, people wishes. It is not entirely Slade returns. For the future, have private parties - it's a show's individual nature. "I shouldn't stifle it. I wanted it resolved due to the absence of Gerl is considering working different type ofTupperware - wanted the show to be some- to be informationar she said. Professor Slade who is needed with Slade to create guidelines but if you want to have it have thing else, and not something Randall became interested in order to clarify the sttua- for the TV station. it" Cerl said. regular. 1 was asked to do in the adult novelty business tion, but T believe we will be Gee! commented that the The original concept for it...and I was comfortable, last March after the able to compromise easily issue was not the sexual prod- "Ioyz" came from an episode very comfortable with the Panhellenic council sponsored with Dean Cerl" Lester said. ucts itself, but the appropri- that aired several years ago topic and the material, and I an adult novelty party for ateness of showing the prod- featuring the inside of a local thought why not." sorority members. adult novelty shop. "I am known for controver- "There is definitely a mar- Some pleased, upset over new GPA policy ("CPA," from Page 1) achievement in high school. ships should be able to be dents that were very positive. limited to students, Williams respective GPA requirements, But 1 felt like without the increased if you're doing well These were students who said. junior Maria Lathroum said school requiring us to main- in college. I certainly don't were doing okay but very on "One parent called [and] that the change. undermines tain some standards when we think that collegeachievement the edge," she said. "If you was not real happy about it; her efforts. get here, anyone could be should be disregarded entire- need a 3.0 or a 2.5 but you're she was sort of using it as a "I work very had to keep walking around with a full Iy,"she said. afraid you're going to get a 2.9 stick for her student, getting my GPA at a high level," said scholarship and just a 2.0. Williamssaid that the six or or 2.4, you have to sweat that her to go to the library on Lathroum, who has a 3.95 That doesn't seem fair." seven responses she has out. One student said she had Saturdays instead of to party," GPA. "One of the things that Under the Honors Program, received have been a mix of been depressed over it, and she said. . [the school's e-mail announce- Lathroum said she must main- being in favor of the change now she said she doesn't have ment] said was that the schol- tain a minimum GPAof 3.40. and being against it. too worry over that little bit." arship was based on our "I almost think that scholar- "J had two e-mails from stu- The response has not been Let these movies lift your holiday mood Schwarzenegger), including suggest that it might be a hor- stumbles upon a dragon-egg Sierra Leone (right by DJET~LDJA~~1~~IC family films that may just get rible spin-off of "Lord of the that ends up leading him to a Alagaesia) who hunts for a IN you in a better mood for the Rings." But as a college stu- journey of self-discovery priceless diamond together With the holiday season holidays. dent, you probably don't have where he finds out that he is with a fisherman (Hounsou) coming up, billboards are now . At the top of the list: "The an HDTV in your room that the only one with the power to and an American journalist, heralding, as usual, the 'lame Pursuit of Happyness" (and would enable you to actually save his homeland from an played by Jennifer Connelly. .recurring, poorly funded, yes, it's spelled :wron~;).The _s_ee_2.Qmeot_thUJ:Unningcom: evil king. With characters like If you didn't like "Lord of Christmas spllite~udoi£- movie features WillSmith and puter-generated lffiaging ere- Arya, Murtagh, Ajihad, Brom War" or "Hotel Rwanda" starring, snow-filled movies and it's directed by Italian ated in this movie-fil.m. This and King Galbatorix, this you're not very likely to enjoy that I'm sure everyone is pret- filmmaker and writer Gabriele comes as no surprise as the movie is likely to attract only this either. Although, Brain ty sick of. Muccino. The true story fol- director of the movie is Stefen hard-core LOTR fans and col- Lowry, of "" says I think we can all blame the lows the drama in the life of a Pangmeter, who just hap- lege kids on crack. Yet, the that DiCaprio brings out a 1996 Christmas smash hit young man by the name of pened to be the visual-effects story does have potential, and roguish charm to his charao- "Jingle All the Way" for the Chris Gardner as he chal- supervisor for some minor the Cinematography is likely ter; his co-star, Hounsou, is annual deluge of smarrn. Yet, lenges the incredible difficul- movies- like Saving Private to be pretty stunning, which described as "a cheractensn- amidst the weak movies, there ties in the world of a single Ryan, Terminator 2, Jurassic just might be worth your eight cally strong moral center" of are a few that have the poten- homeless father while losing Park, Speed 2, Twister and bucks. the movie. Despite an average tial to liven up your holiday. almost everything he has, Casper, to name a few. The charming Leonardo cast and a seemingly average Here's a sneak-peek into a few except his son, Christopher The story is fairly simple. A DiCaprio stars in "Blood script, this movie may just be non-Christmas themed (Jaden Smith). farm boy from the great land Diamond"(in theatres now), a' what you need to relax over movies (that do not star Preview peeks at "Eragon" of Alagaesia (of all places) movie about a mercenary in the holiday season. WHAT WE GIVE YOU FOR $5 Free on-line b.nJd0!t Free t:he<.:kingwi:thintet'e~, and no miniQ"lUI'n h..J","('-e a spin around the block Free ..:hcrk)' induded witb Vi.l>3 A'TMJ'Oel.'11t C«rd • • Acc
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