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T8ffl1r_ Dmen SPORTS Vol. 6 No.4 NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 15 To the Sports Editor Fans asked not to jeer Dear Editor: LAURA HUlTON .. SPORTS EDITOR The goal is to maintain" the opportunity for Sportsmanship. Its definition ... "conduct becoming of a per- son who isfair, gelleraus, a good Joser, lind a graceful winner." McDaniel has joined efforts fans to support their children, friends, and The Centennial Conference was one of the first confer- with every other college in the ences in the country to adopt a sportsmanship statement and Centennial Conference to team, but wedo not feel that rooting against include it as part of every Centennial match, be it in a game improve sportsmanship at the opposing team needs to be a part of the program or read over a public address system. As one of the games, especially regarding game day experience," elite small college conferences in the country, we are proud of the fans. the manner in which our students support their teams and of The Division 1Il our Conference's leadership role. Commissioners Association way to support and reaffirm the statements you want, but Now we wish to build on that role, as McDaniel COllege has focused on the sportsman- these rules and statements." if the administration does not and the Centennial Conference have joined with the NCAA ship of athletes for the past Men's basketball coach, show leadership and convic- Division III Commissioners Association in a unified effort to few years. They have decided Bob Flynn said he "absolutely tion, the words are mearung- promote respect for student-athletes, coaches and officials in to broaden their focus to supports" the sportsmanship less," Plevyak said. intercollegiate athletics. include fans and sportsman- statement and that he is proud He said the McDaniel The message is simple: Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Positive ship was named the point of of the fans that came to the admi.nistration enforced the The program asks that fans .. emphasis for this school year. games last year. previous sportsmanship rules - Cheer for your team, not against the visitors "Educating spectators is a There is "no place to get laid out by the Centennial - Don't get personal in your comments about players, critical first step and founda- personal with other teams, Conference and will do a coaches or officials tion for the success of the pro- especially within enclosed good job with the new ones - No profanity, vulgarity, racist or sexist comments gram," said Steve Ulrich, environments," said Flynn. because they have set the ...-111e NCAA Division ill Student-Athlete Advisory Executive Director of the There are meetings pend- tone . Committee has also adopted a statement on fan sportsman- Centennial Conference. To ing on how to enforce these McDaniel has "the best ship: ensure that this education policies; these should occur fans in the conference when it occurs, each campus newspa- within a few weeks. comes to ~ortsmanship and T "As NCAA Division III student-athletes we commit our- per received a letter to the edi- The goal is to maintain i'TIle-"'"'tl1inkthat is due to the tone selves to sportsmanship by demonstrating respect toward tor outlining these new guide- opportunity for fans to sup- that has been set," Plevyak ourselves and others. This includes demonstrating fair lines. port their children, friends, said. play, taking responsibility for our actions and represent- o- Oct. 5, the Centennial and team, but we do not feel President Joan Coley said ing the spirit of Division III intercollegiate athletics. We Administrative Delegates met that rooting against the that sportsmanship is taken encourage our teammates, opponents, fans, coaches and to discuss additional ways to opposing team needs to be a very seriously, something referees to help us in promoting this philosophy." inform the students. part of the game day experi- that students need to be edu- Overall. the coaches con- ence," Ulrich said. cated about and not some- The Centennial Conference welcomes your continued sup- sider these guidelines to be a the men's thing that can be avoided. John Plevyak, port of your friends and classmates and hopes you will con- great idea. "It is a great idea to soccer coach, recalled an away "We believe that our stu- tinue in building a positive spirit in the stands and on the adopt these rules," comments game his team played a cou- dents are educated in the sidelines. Muffie Bliss, women's ple years ago where the fans classrooms, but also outside of lacrosse coach. "While we displayed the worst behavior the classrooms," Coley said. Sincerely, already have and support the he has seen. Nothing was "Learning the appropriate Joan Develin Coley Steve Ulrich NCAA statement regarding done by referees or the behavioral standards is an President Executive Director sportsmanship, conference Athletic Director. important part of a total edu- McDaniel College Centennial Conference legislation is always a good "You can read and post all cation." Garnett deserves support Refill Save Big Print Happv SAVE UP TO cont'd from pg.16 "I know, and that's what friend, your teammate, died. 50% your work would be worth it. kills me. Last year, everyone You kept his locker open next BY REFILLING Knowing that yours and my loved Sam r am. Everyone to you, showing the love and dreams finally come would was saying how great of a YOUR LASER/INK true: seeing you in mid-June leader he was for the Clippers compassion you've always had. CARTRIDGES. hoisting a Championship tro- and all. How could they forget "Then there was Hurricane phy above your head." . what he and LatreU did to Katrina, how you gave "T felt it too, we had such a .you, how they stopped caring enough money to build 24 .. Cartridge UJorldĀ· good vibe, but Kobe and Shag and ruined your chance at get- families homes in the Bayou. were too much for us to han- dle." ting to the Promised Land the What an act of beauty." next year? How Latrell said "Thanks, B." "There were, and it killed $]4 million wasn't enough to -r know I'm going crazy, me. r remember game six, feed his kids. How they left but with this, all I want to do You no,- only save rnaney by ha..,ing your ink when y'all were down 3 to 2, you with half a team and no is to let you know that when cartridge rufilted . ~)ll also help save the one loss away from summer. dream." you lose a tough game and emrif'Onment and the quality is groact The whole second half Twas "It wasn't just them, have to drive home on some on my knees, praying that dawg." Saving you money. Saving you time. something good would hap- January night in the Saving the environment. "1 know it wasn't, but I'm Minneapolis winter, I want pen that you'd get a game still angry. -Maybe that's what you to know that I'm here. I'm SHOW "fOUR MCDANIEL STUDENT IDANt) RECEJVE$1.00 OFF! seven back in Minneapolis. Ican still learn from you: how pulling you every day." When it was over, I just want- to be a big man through hard- "Thanks, Robby, it means a 13 Westminster Shopping Center ed to hide." ship. Here you are, the great- lat." [>J"I~,~l~J "I know, I did too. What's est player on earth but stuck "Now, what do we have to 410.848.9183 hardest is the fact I haven't and pained. I remember how do to get you in a Bulls uni- been back yet." it was when Malik Sealy, your form?"
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