Page 68 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 68
DECEMBER 11, 2006 -Page 6 FEATURES Liz Towle-one of McDaniel College's on the way to day care, drops ing is a problem, but does not that college students find ~~e~?SHer cowork- KATIE LAWSON off Peter and Patrick, and then believe it is widespread. Her themselves being sucked in to. ers. Judith Hart, an STAFF WRITER quickly switches to 106.5 to opinion of the student body is Towle proudly proclaims administrative assistant, has When most people think of hear the celebrity gossip optimistic and positive, while herself to be an addict of the worked with Towle for about a dean at a small liberal arts report. still being realistic. television show "24". In her five years. Hart says Towle is college, they might imagine Towle is also a wife, a Towle even loves those stu- free time, she and her hus- "professional, fair, and has someone who's stiff, lmper- daughter, and a sister. Her dents who are not always on band relax and watch DVD's absolute knowledge of her sonal, and not connected to husband is a political science their best behavior. of past seasons. She also job." She also admires the the students. At least one professor at Mount St. Mary's Describing them as "great admits, somewhat less proud- way Towle handles conduct dean at McDaniel does not College, where the two met. people who make bad chofc- ly, to watching VH1's "Run's cases, stating that she does embody any of these charac- Her parents and sister still es," Towle counts those who House" and MTV's "Real "the fairest terisdcs. reside in New England. she meets with for conduct World Road Rules thing for all involved." Liz Towle, the Associate Towle's list of responsibili- purposes among her favorite Challenge." Her favorite cast Liz Towle's ability to con- Dean of Student Affairs, has ties at McDaniel is lengthy. students. members are Brad and John nect with the students while worked at McDaniel College She oversees residence life, the What makes Towle so good from the Real World, but don't still conducting her job in a since February of 2001. Her First Year Program, and orien- at her job is her ability to con- even get her started on CT. professional manner makes modest office in the upper tation. She also chairs the con- nect with the students while "When I heard he was back her admirable both as a per~ level of Decker College Center duct cases, which are those maintaining a high level of I thought, 'I'll watch it, but I son and an employee. To is fairly plain, but also wel- matters that deal with inri- professionalism. Michelle won't like it'" Towle said. many students and her coming. dents that occur outside of the Alexander, a member of the Of course, Towle's ability to coworkers, she is truly one of A graduate of Assumption classroom and are brought freshman orientation team, connect with students goes McDaniel's gems. College in Massachusetts, before the Honor and Conduct describes Towle as "mother- beyond her knowledge of Towle grew up in Rhode Board. Iy," and says she has a "great what the kids are watching Island and lived in New Despite her job description, relationship with students." these days. She has a genuine England until 1995 when she Towle does not see herself as a Alexander says the resident interest in the students and moved to Maryland. She disciplinarian. She feels her assistants and other students honestly believes in the stu- majored in mathematics and duty is to "serve the needs of who work with Towle do not dent body, noting that they English and received her students outside the class- think of it as a student/staff "uphold the values of the Masters Degree from the room" in order to facilitate relationship, but rather they community" when it comes to University of Vermont. success in the classroom. view her as a coworker. issues such as cheating and Towle is a woman of many Towle believes the majority Towle's ability to connect plagiarism. The student body hats. She is the mother of a of McDaniel students uphold with students is entirely gen- is the first of two things that six-month-old, Peter, and a 2- the standards of the Honor uine. She even admits to Towle likes most about work- year-old, Patrick. She listens Code and follow college poli- watching the same guilty- ing at McDaniel. to "The Imagination Movers" des. She concedes that cheat- pleasure television programs The second thing that she ~eofthemostpositive I thmgs that has happened That's one of the reasons to me is being elected as In an effort to counteract the WlUNES, the Membership Director I came here, because I didn't want 10 be a num- Mu for Phi I have what have you enjoyed about the alumni. II was interesting always wanted to be able ber to my professors. compare when he Fall '06 semester? to graduated to now, and [ to give that experience of ·Jamie Ridgely, senior got the job. truly enjoying rounds back during recruitment By Cori Simpson -Britnie Greene, senior to other perspective girls. -Leslie Shirk, junior Step Show offers amazing talent; after-party lures many dancers offered great enter- be a problem. CHANAN DELlVUK tainment in between perform- Guests were finally all STAFF WRITER ances to keep the show going. allowed in after things got This year's Black Student The MC did a fantastic job. cleared away with Campus Union's annual Step Show, Though from Brooklyn, NY, Safety, but there should have "Steppin' for the he was able to handle the never been an issue in the first Community," was a spectacu- heavily populated and proud place. lar display. Not all of the Baltimore crowd. Despite this setback, the Divine Nine Fraternities and At the after-party, there was show, the turnout, and the Sororities stepped, with only a lot of confusion at first as idea of giving back. to the com- one Sorority, but the competi- only 50 people were allowed munity all fell through with tion was still fierce between in at a time. Beings that there the BSU raising canned goods, the Fraternities. were at least 150 people hats, gloves, and clothing to The Sigma Gamma Rho attending the party, it is obvi- donate to our local Shepherd Sorority automatically ous why there would seem to Staff. claimed their $1000 prize, with Alpha Kappa Alpha Fraternity taking second and the Tri Alpha Terror Squad of Phi Beta Sigma's Chapter tak- ing first place and the $1000. All teams presented a lot of step, some dance, and a bit of their Greek's history to com- bine for a full night's worth of entertainment. The ues step- pers, Self-Esteem Enhancement Steppers and By Chri_e Boynt"" local Boys and Girls Club
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