Page 62 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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DTeI:R SPOIlTS Tel'flJr . Vol. 6 No.4 NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 16 Volleyball lands fifth seed in tournament explains senior Jamie Bodden. LAURA HUTTON Coach Molloy explains, it SPORTS EDITOR has "definitely been a turn- On Saturday, October 28, around year for us. The abili- the McDaniel volleyball team ty has been there, but it finally won their last regular season broke through." She also game against Bryn Mawr. explains that the team had a This win made them 5th seed "whole new look and atti- in the Conference. On tude." November 1 the team begins There was a large change in their conference tournament the chemistry between the play against Dickinson. players. The team this year is Last year their record was very close and hardworking. 10-17 and 6-4 in Conference. "Not only is there a lot of tal- This year their record stands ent, but we' all play well at 17-9 and 6-4 in Conference. together. And that's what While their conference game wins the games," states juni9r results are the same, the Virginia Dale. results overall improved With each class, better play- immensely. Last year they ers came in and expanded the had a losing season by seven range talent, propelling them games and this year they were to the success that has been able to completely turn that seen this year. Bodden adds, around. "Our team plays with more With a smooth pass, Junior' Deanne Lchr begins the sequence of attack at the latest terror volleyball game Proof of this change was heart and intensity than' any evident from September 16 other McDaniel volleyball "everyone is a part and needs with terrific veteran leader- "The team eagerly awaits until October 11 when they team that I have played with to contribute;' explains ship has been the key to our and is determined to succeed had an eight game winning all four years here." Molloy. success," remarks senior cap- in the approaching tourna- streak. The talent to have such an A large part of the su,:cess tain Sarah Fessler. ment play, Junior captain Two big wins this year were awesome year has existed for is due to the strong freshman It was also helpful that the Deanne Lehr explains, Swarthmore and Dickinson. some time; however, it took class. The freshman on the upperclassmen were not "Everyone is positive and They beat Dickinson last year; the change in chemistry and team came from competitive intimidated by these new eager to go into the postsea- however, it was still a hard determination to make it a high school programs. Thus, strong players. "They realty son since no one has been part game. "Last year these games reality this year. they knew what was needed play well together and are so of that before. The conference were tough so it was great to They were really deter- for a successful season. "We determined, believe they can is so tight this year, it is any- be able to bounce back this mined "to do well as a team" have a great freshman class. win and pull it off," states one's title to take," season and take the wins," and they understood that The freshman talent along Molloy, . Kevin Garnett: hardship, pain and beauty Why the greatest breathing basketball player needs you now more than ever ing at Farragut with Ronnie unbelievable." ROBCOEKE Fields, finishing out high STAFF REPORTER "Thanks man, but it was school theway it should have hard watching you get to the 111 my dreams .. In my always been: with you getting playoffs every year, carrying dreams .. love and praise from everyone the team and both Twin Cities "It's nice to finally around you." ~ on your back and then watch- meet you, Ticket." "That brings me back, man. ing you go down fighting each "It's nice to finally meet Some of the best days of my year in the first round, but still you, Robby." life." go down. That killed me every "I've been with you "Then you decided to go through everything. I've loved for the gold: the NBA. I yea~, watching you suffer, that having to sit- knowing you through everything' ,rem~mber reading about your home in May and June was you've been with, but I don't big work out in front of all the your worst nightmare," know how much more I can scouts. How you came in so "It was. You have no idea. take of you getting beat up nervous, so scared but still No one does, J mean, to work like this, Another year of NBA showed them what you were from October to April and to is about to start, and I see and what you could be. You see it all vanish in a week, it's nothing but pain and hardship were drafted sixth and went to harder than you can imagine." in your future. Ijust wanted to Minnesota. That gave me "And then it carne: 2004. let you know I was here for hope and gave me faith to 'You had Sam I am and Latrell you, even if It seems like no keep playing even when J was one else is." cut in fifth grade. And you to run with you. You played "Thanks, B. It's always know what happened to me? I better than anyone could good to know that people ended up starting every game. imagine and you got the MVP believe in you." I ~ut the work in, but you pro- you probably deserved 5 years "And I always have. I vided the motivation." earlier. Even better you got the remember when you came to "That's beautiful, B, Here I number 1 seed and finally got Chicago as a South Carolina am, just a kid trying to play the first round monkey off boy looking to play some- the game I love. To have an your back, I was yelling and- where better. It worked, play- impact like that on anyone is screaming, knOWing that all Cont'd 011 pg. 15
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