Page 179 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 179
COMMENTARY MAY 4, 2007 - Page 17 To those who lean left, words from the right A letter to the editor (although aU are similarly cul- Third, economic policy is an drawn out of poverty a myri- their mission instead of doom- pable). Until there is a better interesting subject. Historical ad of societies previously ing it to failure? How would STUART M. CLARKE alternative, Fox News actually precedents suggest, and the among the world's most back- you feel about accomplishing READER is the most balanced news_ tenets upon our nation was ward. Capitalism and free a task if you were told it could I have been observing with source available. founded dictate, that it is NOT trade are a practical, proven not be done? I am not saying great interest the ongoing dis- Second, referring to the the responsibility of the gov- system, not to mention the that disagreeing with the war cussion in the past several President of the United States ernment to provide equal suc- only economic system which is wrong. I am merely recorn- issues of the Free Press in a manner condescending, cess to everyone, or redistrib- is universally tied to political mending that one can disagree between Chelsea Phillips, sarcastic, or disrespectful (i.e., ute wealth to make 'all the freedom. with the war without under- "The Author," and others, and dear leader, Emperor Bush) is same. The benefits of a capt- Fourth, the fact remains that mining the. morale of our 501- wanted to take the opportuni- more than simple criticism-it tallst society lie, rather, 'in the United States of America is dlers, and while still hoping ty to contribute. is disregarding the stature of equal OPPORTUNITY---all the greatest country in the for their success. First, my father has spent the office and-the soldiers who Americans have the same world because of its freedoms Finally, grouping all censer- thirty years working for the died for us to be able to legiti- chance to achieve success if and liberties. Whether you vatives together on the far investigative division of NBC mately elect our president they are willing to work for it. agree with the War in Iraq or right is about the same as News in Washington, D.C. I (and, yes, according to the Equal opportunity breeds not, those freedoms exist equating all Democrats to can therefore tell you, from laws of this country, we did success stories and hard work- because of the bravest and Martin and Charlie Sheen, firsthand experience, that legitimately elect him). When ers. Equal success gives rise to most dedicated fighting force who believe that America there IS a left-leaning, liberal President Clinton was in meaningless triumph and in the world, overseas protect- destroyed the Twin Towers on bias in the mainstream media. office, Iwas similarly opposed freeloaders. It is no colnci- ing our way of life. Every 9/11. I would dare say that This is present in CBS, ABC, to those who made offhand dence that the world's only American owes them the the overwhelming majority of NBC, CNN, the New York remarks regarding his Seem- remaining major communist greatest possible support, Democrats on campus would Times, Washington Post, ing affinity for White House regime, China (Kim Jung 11 is every day. America can either disagree with that sentiment. Associated Press, and most interns, and for the same rea- only globally important to fight terrorists here at home, If one generalization is other media outlets and net- son. Demeaning the office of himself), has survived by pri- or on battlefields abroad. wrong is the other. The works as well. This is not to the presidency is wrong, vatizing industry and opening Thanks to these brave sol- beauty of American politics is say that everyone's favorite regardless of which party the markets to free trade and dlers, we have not been the plethora of views within "fair and balanced" network, holds it. If you disagree with capitalism. attacked in over five years. the individual parties. Rudy Fox News does not sometimes a presidential policy, as I To put it another way: there The "insurgents" in Iraq cur- Giuliani is a social liberal. spin to the right...but, as stud- myself have done with the has never been a successful rently are tied to al-Qaeda- Mitt Romney is a social con- ies have shown, the percent- Presidet's positions on several communist or socialist system. this is not in dispute. Thus, servative. They are both run- age of "neutral" political sto- occasions, do so respectfully. The longest-lasting was the we are presented with a ning for the Republican nornl- ries on Fox is far greater than Those who stoop to demean- former Soviet Union-which choice; we can fight al-Qaede nation. any other network, while NBC ing and condescending lan- has been dead 15 years now. in Iraq, or we can fight al- Thank you very much to has the most "negative" sto- guage prove nothing more And, capitalism is not to Qaeda here. In other words, the Free Press for this venue, ries about .Republicans and than the dearth of facts and blame for poverty, either. In there really is no choice. and to all the readers who "positive" stories about weakness of the arguments at fact, the last 100 years have Therefore, if the troops have to took the time to read this edl- Democrats of any network their disposal. proven that free trade has be there, why not support torial. ! Republican candidates ignore real issues No matter. Apparently, :':_:::::~:;::;;:;:;:;::;:;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;-lcQ!l!llg a~epub.lica~ln as budget expert from Harvard, does not play in national secu- cause of global warming since to p'.rei,_cn security is a far papeY.
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