Page 182 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 182
MAY 4, 2007 - Page 20 SPORTS Baseball leadership rolls down Hill have a solid foundation of presented to me at the begin- example but it is hard for only them. I have to be positive so RYAN BARRE leadership, because most peo- ning were not carried out in one captain to control a team CONTRlBlITOR they want to be here." ple haven't had the experience the end," he said. Green feels of 32 players. Perhaps that statement is The McDaniel baseball pro- to step up and lead. the coaching mentality is too Although the team has a proof that he knows exactly gram has been itching for suc- According to Coach Dave "old school" and relies too considerable amount of youth, what needs to be done, and it cess throughout the last sever- Seibert, senior pitcher and heavily on seniority. it appears that the lack.of lead- just hasn't happened yet. It al years and their 8-20 record outfielder Tom Wenrich is the Dan Coons, also a junior, ership could be the result of seems as if a lack.of communi- makes it evident that it won't only captain, and catcher decided to part ways with the the coach not defining roles. cation has also led to a lack. of come this year either. Adam Pelta is the only other game he had played since he Both Green and Coons experi- motivation. Every athletic team has its senior; therefore, the majority was three after only a year and enced poor communication "Seibert has it in him to be problems, however the roots of leadership responsibilities a half in the program. "The when they played and it the coach this team needs, he of this team's troubles are dif- fall on their shoulders. game just lost its edge," said appears the problem is still just has to let loose and show ferent from those that most Over the past few years, Coons. "It just wasn't fun there. According to Green, some emotion," Coons said. teams typically encounter. Seibert has experienced a anymore." Seibert is a good guy but does- "He never argued any calls Often times, losing records problem with having too During his time as a player, n't let incoming players know and it felt like he wasn't into can be attributed to a lack of much youth for the first time Coons also experienced a lot his plan and inform them of the game." Asked about the talent and hard work, or bad in his 27-year career. Aside of losing, which he attributes what he wants their role to be. team's motivation, Teter said team chemistry. However, the from making cuts, and having to having no leadership. He When Coons was playing, the players are more motivat- case is different with injuries occur, the team has felt that it was hard to put he felt that the constant losing, ed than ever and want noth- McDaniel baseball. There is a lost an unusual amount of faith and trust in their captain lack. of leadership, and nega- ing more than to win. considerable amount of talent players to attrition. who would scream at people tive comments led to a "self- Regardless of what has and the team's work ethic is Seibert noted that he had for everything and anything, fulfilling prophecy" for most caused them, it is dear that clearly visible. The squad has two lean recruiting years in and nobody from the large of the players. "Consistently this year's team still has prob- excellent chemistry among '04 and '05 where he got less group of young players want- losing, we would say how bad lems with leadership and members, which leads some than 10 recruits combined, ed to step up and lead. we were, which actually made communication. Even if it is to believe that the underpin- and also lost his best hitter With the team getting even us perform even worse," said no one person's fault, it seems nings associated with the who withdrew from school younger since last year, these Coons. as if everyone is on a different team's sub par results are because of low grades. leadership problems still seem Seibert, on the other hand, page and that can only spell quite unusual. Although most coaches deal to be causing trouble for the believes that the team needs to disaster. Next year will be Taking a deeper look at the with similar losses, players team. Sophomore second win. He feels that to lead you crucial in finding out where situation, it appears the team have left this team for nega- baseman Matt Teter says he's must have confidence, and to the problems of leadership lie. is lacking leadership as well as tive reasons as well. heard stories of past captains have confidence you must Matt Teter said, "Coach communication, which are Phil Green, a junior, played calling team meetings to let win. Seibert has coached the Seibert tells us all the time that necessary ingredients for suc- on the team for a year and a each player know what is team to a 24-62 record since we are the ones who win and cess. The team's roster con- half before he decided that expected of them; yet that has- 2005 and has a career record lose games. Bottom line we sists of only two seniors and enough was enough. Green n't happened since he's been coming into this year around need to go out there and win." one junior, leaving 20 sopho- admits that "the program was on the team. On the other .500 at 333-338-4. Asked what Teter couldn't have put it any mores and nine freshmen to a lot different than what I hand, Teter says this year's he has to do with such a better and only time will tell fill the majority of the spots. expected" when he arrived team is the most bonded it's young group of kids to be suc- which path this team will With only three upperclass- here, which frustrated him. ever been. Wenrich has done cessful, he replied, "I have to travel down. men, it is hard for any team to "Opportunities that were a good job leading the team by be patient. 1can't get down on 400 off "NOT All CUSTOMERS WILL QUALIFY. CUSTOMERS RECEIVE $400 FROM TOYOTA TOWAROS LEASING OR FINANCING THE PURCHASE OF NEW UNTITUO TOYOTA MOOELS THROUGH PARTICIPATING TOYOTA OEAURS ANO TOYOTA FINANCiAl SERVICES. SEE OEALER OR VISIT WWW.TOYOTAFINANCIALCOMjFINANCE FOR OETAILS. COllEGE GRAOUATE PROGRAM IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE OR TERMINATION AT ANY TIME
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