Page 177 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 177
FEATURES MAY 4,2007 - Page 15 Dance recital Ga-Ga over Grey'sAnatomy card, and a free massage You might ask why this tel- argue that the show is so CaRlS FERRICK-MANLEY from Physiotherapy BECKY SNIDER evision show is one of the lop addicting because it has a STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER Associates. television shows on TV at the kind of quality to it that makes On April 22, the McDaniel According to Rachel Spring is officially here. So moment. This question is easi- it different from other hospital College Dance Company Johnston, a senior who was why is McDaniel a ghost town ly answered in any episode of shows currently on air. This is held their annual recital at president of the Dance on Thursday nights? Grey's one of the current third sea- explained by the fact that "the Alumni Hall. Company up through th Allatomy, a television show, son. The show combines an drama is always very ... high This year's theme for the recital. the Dante Company has entranced the media ... or excellent mixture of drama impact." recital was "Dante Across has been in existence at the at least the campus. So what and comedy that keeps the So while you prepare for America". The songs that college for around 10 years. are you doing this Thursday audience entertained and finals and look forward to the accompanied the 11 dances However, two years ago, night? Ask anyone, and he or glued to their seats. upcoming summer, keep in all had state themes, accord- Johnston had to resurrect the she can most likely name According to Spahn "the mind that the end to the third tng to Lauren Hild, the secre- mn<:e Company from the someone they know that has characters say all the funny season of Grey's Anatomy is tary of the Dance Company ashes. cleared their night to watch stuff ... it just draws you in." only a flick away. The season and the president-elect. "It had fallen apart when the television show. In recent months the show finale premieres on Thursday Among the types of dances took over," said Johnston, "'I "There are like 15 of us that has gained a large following. May 3 from 9pm to l1pm. The that the recital featured were just advertised like crazy and get together every Thursday When asked why Grey's two-episode finale is sup- a jazz piece, two hip-hop targeted freshmen." to watch it!" Replied an Anatomy had gained such a posed to be great; I guess we pieces, and a country line After the curtain call, Bruce enthusiastic junior, Andrea following, junior Dominique will have to wait and see. dance. Between each dance, Springsteen's "Born in the Spahn, when asked if she Covelli said that "it's one of a PowerPoint slideshow was USA", all Dance Company watched the show. those addicting shows." Some their McDaniel's Van Wilder shown providing blogtaphl- member's showed their cal information of each of the appreciation. for Johnston's 21 dancers in the show as hard work by draping wen as rehearsal photos. "Mise America" style state Replace the name Van Wilder Boardman attempted to do This gave them time to sashes over Johnston, JEROME DEFRANCES with Sam Boardman, the same thing by becoming a change costumes. The cast itself consisted of STAFF WRITER Coolidge College with self-proclaimed coach for the HUd was very pleased 20 females and only one man. It is very common for some- McDaniel College, and you Men's Soccer team. When I with the outcome of the Gregory Trzcinski, one to see a movie and leave have the same story, Van may called Boardman earlier this show. The only negative male in the Dance the theater thinking about get an edge in smoothness year he answered his phone things that she noticed. were as well as Hild woul how awesome it would be to and good looks, but only ever "Sam Boardman, assistant "technical aspects {ofthe per- get more men Jnvol be the real life version of the so slightly. Men's Soccer coach." formance] that concerned "It would be pretty exciting character. They also may "Boardman", what every- Self-proclaimed or not, only the officers." While the if more guys did this,' said come to the conclusion that one refers to him as, is a staple those associated with the team crowd size was mediocre, its Trzcinski, "and it kind of they know someone that is here on the hill. Much like think the world of his coach- reaction was strong and post- helps to keep you in shape." similar to one of the charac- Van Wilder, Boardman ing ability. Andrew Wu an 06' tive for the performers. The Dance Company also ters. attempts to coordinate or be graduate and current gradu- However, the audience was performed in the BSU When Steve Stiffler was involved in almost all of the ate assistant coach reveals, puzzled when the advertised Fashion Show earlier in introduced in American Pie, social events McDaniel stu- door prize raffle never April. They were going to every guy in America that dents are involved in. "Boardman is a delight to His with. work infinite I occurred at intermission, and perform at the multiple sde- reached puberty immediately Whether it is at knowledge is surpassed only a few remarks were heard. rosls walk on April 15th but thought of their friend with Champs, Timeout, or at a by his ability to command the P.iI!tf!'fiIiIlillW~.!!:rnes~·"":"~Nb~~·""~ii!I.'il-:~:~o:~~;~en~o~~;e~';~: awe and respect of the play- party, you lire nJrnost guanm- teed to see Boardman there. gift card, a $50 Target gift know the rest. I know I did. Surely, with drink in hand, he ers. II I had a baby, Sam Boardman would be the lov- The movie National will be bouncing from table to ing godfather." If you feel down, Lampoon's Van Wilder came table like the social aficionado lt is impossible to list all the out in 2002 and didn't imme- I'm he is singing "Everyday between pick this up diately give the majority of hustlin' bustlin'," his own Similarities and Van because Boardman current students here at take of Rick Ross' "Everyday they seem infinite. I have We all know the cliche "your McDaniel College the same I'm Hustlin." Any other per- merely scratched the surface, worst enemy is often yourself' . opportunity. However, as a son that attempted this would but I can assure you any inter- "No one can but have you really thought few years went by, many were most likely be shunned and action with Boardman cannot cheat you out of about what it means? Sometimes able to find a striking similari- asked to leave the table but be easily forgotten. Boardman has the confidence ty between the movie's man we second guess ourselves by let- Personally, I feel as though ultimate success ting fear and ultimately with settling character, Van Wilder, and a and social pull to be wel- McDaniel College should do interfere our McDaniel College student by comed by all. dreams all it can to produce some sort but yourself." for Jess when we know better is the name of Sam Boardman. J propose Boardman wants of shrine that future students possible. So the next time you fall In the movie, Van Wilder is to be like Van, and does what will appreciate that acknowl- in the trap of self doubt and low an outgoing, friendly, and he can to emulate him. In one edges all Boardman has done Ralph W. Emerson self esteem, practice thinking and extremely popular student particular scene in the movie, for the student body. acting on the dreams you envi- who has been at Coolidge Van coaches the Men's sion for yourself. College for seven years. Basketball team. This year, House harbors diverse group By Lindsay Graham Five sophomores. Three them, providing a warm feel- house compared to a dorm fish. whom play for McDaniel athletes. Two golfers. And one ing for the residents. requires more upkeep. There The sophomores have used teams. Massa is a two-year house. E.M. STANDS FOR ELYSE are the bathrooms, hallways every inch of available space veteran of the Lady Terror golf It sounds like an ad for an MASSA: Second floor resident and greater areas that need to to their advantage. They have team and Dixon is a third ABC program. Sophomores occupying the double room, be cleaned. But the girls from even put a wall up where a baseman for the Terror softball Elyse Massa, Amanda Becker, Massa, has her Varsity letters 6 Ward usually do a very good doorway used to be, to pro- team. Becker also tees it up on Brooke Dixon, Amber hanging above her bed, denot- job at it as Dukehart tells the vide a desk space for one of McDaniel's golf course some Dukehart and Jackie Kahler ing her side of the room. Free Press. the roommates. Good idea for weekdays and weekends for have called 6 Ward Ave home Massa is a former high school Compared to some of the dealing with an area that does fun. for the last seven months. golfer for Emmaus High other houses on the block, not provide enough space for Off-campus living may WATCH YOUR HEAD! The School in Pennsylvania and a there is ample parking (four two desks. pose challenges, but the five house is relatively small. The current player for the spaces) located behind the The house is also home to girls have met those chal- ceilings of the basement and women's team. spacious yard of the house, three athletes, as is evident lenges and all of them plan on second floor are so low that "WE USUALLY KEEP IT just out the back door in the from the two golf bags sitting coming back. to 6 Ward Ave for you can reach up and touch VERY CLEAN." Living in a kitchen, which is next to the in the dining room; two of their junior years.
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