Page 178 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 178
- --"f.~. = MAY 4, 2007 - Page 16 FEATURES Rouse represents 'the best in college athletics' well as pacing," says sopho- and physically tough event record in anyone of several team if time permits. LAURA HUTTON more Kevin Bowman. and it's not for anyone. I've events. He is the kind of ath- SPORTS EDITOR "Dental school comes first," Rouse identifies Bowman also gotten 2 Centennial lete and person any coach Rouse states, "but I'm defi- Senior biology major Matt as a future leader of the team. Conference Medals in the stee- would want on a team and nitely going to continue run- Rouse has been a prominent "He's a hard worker and is plechase and am going for my any professor would like to ning one way or another." member of the cross country never satisfied with anything 3rd on Saturday," May 5th have in a class." Even though Rouse wishes and track teams at McDaniel less than constant improve- during the Centennial Junior Tim Snyder adds, that he "had another year or College for his entire college merit." adds Rouse. Conference Championships at "Matt has shown unsurpassed two left to be here when this career. Not only has he helped to Haverford. dedication to this team, both young team goes from good to Rouse started running his improve the times of others, Rouse's determined leader- in cross country and track. freshman year of high school. Rouse has also greatly ship qualities have driven his Not only was he a great team great," he is leaving behind a He improved immensely in improved his own times. His successes in running and team leader, he was also one of the great legacy for his teammates to use in their pursuit of great- the 12th grade with the help of favorite memory is "breaking unity. runners to step foot 0!i his distance coach who pre- our school 4xB record fresh- "Matt has always been the this campus," ness. Snyder adds, "as the lone pared him for success in col- man year with a 7:57 and edg- leader of our sophomore Next year, Rouse will attend lege. lng out Muhlenburg for a class," adds sophomore Dan the University of Maryland's cross country senior next year, 1 will do the best I can to fill At McDaniel, Rouse has Conference medal." White. "He has led through Dental School and may join become a strong leader and a This year alone, Rouse has example with his hard work Head Coach Renner's club his shoes, but there is no replacement for Matt Rouse." motivational force for his set personal bests in each of ethic and has more important- team. his events ranging from the ly become a great friend to all "Matt has been like a bind- 400 m to the 5,000 m. His of us guys on the team." ing factor for our team," states increased speed in shorter dis- Assistant Coach Bryn sophomore Cody Crutchley. tances is notable because Upton has worked with Matt He "leads by example with his Rouse was typically consid- for the past two years and has determination and persever- ered a distance runner. recently had the opportunity ance in going for his goals, on Nonetheless, whether it is one to teach him in a history class. and off the track." lap around the track or a dis- "Matt exemplifies the best Indeed, his example has tance of 3,000 to 5,000 m, in college athletics." says improved the race times of Rouse dominates, amazing his Upton. "He has pushed him- other runners. teammates and coaches with self to become an elite athlete "His knowledge about the his versatility. in this conference and reached . sport has helped teach the Rouse has the most pride in a point where every time he younger members of the team his 3,000 m steeplechase abili- steps. on the track he has a to learn racing strategies as ties "because it's a mentally chance at breaking a school Loan debt poses challenges to graduating class they graduate. One, the stu- time it takes to pay them off." Ellie Geiman says, "As long as normally the first major pay- BECKY SNIDER dent can consolidate their Other students however they are seeking a masters and ment students make after STAFF WRITER meaning that they choose to pay their loans off are at least half time, the graduation." loans There has been a recent would pay once a month at a over the course of a few years. undergrad loans can be On the subject o.f paying concern about lender compa- fixed rate. Or two, they can Senior, Kristen Ion who will deferred until they graduate back their loans, the Financial nies that have formed in the keep the six month grace peri- be attending .gradyate. school f.rg_m gra~.I;,.Sro.9.9J."Sb- ·s..-_A.i Doe.pat:tn:;l£~recoTT1- last two to three years. The ad to begin paying off their this fall is waiting to start pay- referring to students who mends that students consider mai.n thing is for students to loans. ing off her loans. She is able to wish to put off paying back lenders that have been in the be able to keep track of their This decision is of course do this due to the fact that she their student loans immedi- business for a long time." The loans. case-by-case. Some students will still be in schooL Ion says, ately after they graduate. key thing is to look for compa, Most students have choose to start paying back "Since Ididn't consolidate my The normal frame of time nies that have been around for enough on their plates when it their loans as soon as they are loans, I have a six month grace that students should antici- a while and have a good repu- comes time to consider paying able. Senior, Vicki Levanduski period to start paying them of, pate paying off their student tation. off their loans after gradua- says "I want to start ASAP. r which is really nice." loans is about. 10 years on tion. There are two basic want to make steady pay- The Associate Director of average. According to choices given to students after ments to shorten the length of Financial Aid at McDaniel, Geiman, "their student loan is Campus seamstress fixes holes for cheap sewing costumes and was make it stronger," Katie said. Plus, her location couldn't be to meet face to face. CORI SIMPSON . Cost varies depending FEATURES EDITOR eventually called upon by her all any more convenient. As Katie's flier advertises: friends and boyfriend for help the complexity of the repair. If they want, students can e- Don't let holes put a damper Many readers related to an sewing their clothes back "The fabric is what mostly mail Katie a thorough descrip- on your party time. From article in the' last issue of the together. contributes to. the cost," tion of what they'd like done. loose buttons to giant holes, Free Press that concerned the Hole repairs can be made explained Katie. But not much After replying to their prob- reality of parting with worn using patterned fabric chosen fabric is normally I)ec€ssary lem and quoting a price, stu- ~~~~7~n~erepaired in a timely out clothes. Lucky for you, by the client to display their unless you're missing the dents can then send their arti- Katie can be contacted at dependable seamstress Katie unique style, Katie also uses entire rear of your pants. cle' of clothing and payment or at Cooper has volunteered her actual jean thread that she Small repairs can be made via campus mail, and have the 609-731-5024. skill of mending clothes for a explains is much stronger than in only a couple of days, while piece of clothing returned to Don't delay, have your price that
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