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MAY 4, 2007 - Page 14 SPECIAL Right after a 2AM water balloon fight in the quad fresh- men year Back: Tom Shortridge, Erin Shindholt,Frank IngeUis Front: TeriHamer; Jesse Feldman, Stacy Fitzwater more year, our entire class put a collage together and threw professor Caldwell MUBIC DEPARTMENT a crab feast in his honor for teaching us music theory for four consecutive By Greg Pfeiffer semesters. Worst Memory: My worst memory would have to be the amount of work asso- ewgent note as stanaout inaividuals ciated wi~ a ~usic e~ucation degree. Also, people claiming my major is easy; Talented and creative minds scatter this campus and make it what it is; we do not Just In choir and do nothing. B~st mentor and why:. Dr: Linda Kirkpa~rick. She has been there through it all excellent opportunity to gain a higher education and a breeding ground for jo With me, from the beginning of when this school started my major program. hopefuls that pursue a varying set of career paths. There are 00 etude There have been many .kinks that I have had to work out, but she has helped Her encompass this idea than our senior class, specifically those i me take my troubles With my 5-year program and turn them into something with the music department. Two of these seniors, Kristen Jon and J better. She has also been a great advisor, and I would say, she is one of my Newgent, were noted as standout individuals for their dedication and closest friends on this campus. . work throughout their McDaniel careers, Don't be fooled by the common conception that music major$ have it simple: Ion makes it perfectly clear that JENNIFER NEWGENT "people underestimate what a music major actually has to do." 'Below is a bit Hometown: Westminster, MD more information about these two very bright seniors, highlighting their most Major: Music si ificant ex riences. Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: That I've KRISTEN ION been able to maintain a thriving relationship both with my family and my Lord Hometown: Gaithersburg, MD and Savior Jesus Christ throughout my time in school. Major: Music Education Favorite memory: Playing organ in Big Baker late at night with no one around, Thing you are most proud of about your work at singing with the Madrigals, Music of the Western World with Dr. Boudreaux, McDaniel College: This one is not that easy to student discounts at Baltimore Symphony concert; there are many good memo- answer. I am proud that I am the first student to ries. pioneer the S-year Music Education Degree pro- Worst memory: Getting a B on a theory test twice in a row. gram, where at the end of my fourth year I receive Best mentor and why: My best mentors have been my parents. They have my bachelors in Music Education and at the end of been constantly there for me. They know me best and know what I'm likely to my fifth year, I receive my masters in education. I have trouble with, and then tell me about if sometimes directly and sometimes am also proud that I have re-done the entire choral music library for the music indirectly, depending on which will help me get the point better. lowe a lot to department and created a database that makes it easily accessible. them. Pavortte Memory: After my fourth semester of theory at the end of my sopho- CtJMMUNlCAT10NS give a speech in front of a crowd and in front of a panel of judges, and to win- was truly gratifying. I realize that J have a gift for it. Leaving McDaniel, I know By Becky Snider that when it comes to ones rhetoric, J can stand with the best of them. . During my sophomore year, I was cast as Prospero in the play The Tempest Sliding, losing weight, and studying markfour years by William Shakespeare. I had major roles in plays before and after that, but to be able to have the lead role in play during my sophomore year was truly won- Communications. A department here at McDaniel that is truly amazing. "You have to reach for everything that you want and I'm one who has never stepped derful. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do, but I gained valuable experience and was really proud of myself when it was all ~-no matter what my goal may be," said Communications major G over. agner .. Indeed Wagner certainly knew what he wanted. to accomplish w I have always had a love for working with students. J was able to continue underteok an Intense weight 1065program for his senior project. Thou Wagne, did IUlCsimply choooe to do this fo, his capstone. "My Ilbn is this passion working for Residence Life, more specifically, first-year students. I aroundweightlQao;butlheultlmatelhemes ... aa:eptanceandself~.ยท enjoyed watching my residents grow from lost freshman committing such Wagner. Wagner is one of several students here at McDaniel that stan abysmal behavior, to men of excellent conduct and character. It is truly out. The determination needed to accomplish what you want to is a rewar~ing and humbling to .know that I was a part of that process. shared students in the Communications em. Favon~e ~emory: My favorite memory happened during the final exam week of my juruor year. A d~zen of my residents asked me if they could pour soap GREG WAGNER on the floor and then slide on it. Obviously I told them no, they then asked me Hometown: Gaithersburg, MO If th~y went oul and bought a "slip and slide," would I go outside with them Major. Communication (minors: Business Administration and Writing) to slide. The weather was freezing cold and it was raining. I figured that the Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: would. never go out in,the horrible weather to get the "slip and slide," and if y My capstone film for my Comm major is absolutely the thing that I am most ~~e~dId,. they wou~dn t ~ctually want to go sliding in the rain, SOI said proud of. I weighed 253 pounds in May 2006 and lost 53 pounds over the alright, If you get It tonight, then I will go outside and slide with y "w II course of 7 months and captured my going through the process on film. I then surprise, 2 hours later, they were in front of my door with the~u~wim~ put my footage together in a progressive storyline that revealed the pressures mmg trunks on rea~y to go. I tried to get out of it, but they wouldn't let me. and results in trying 10 lose 50 pounds. It's been an amazing adventure and After cons~ant naggmg, .' put on my shorts and went with them outside. We I'm thrilled that I have this film as a lasting reminder of my determination and left the resIden~ hall WIth tons of soap and two containers of laund deter- willpower. I was able to accomplish all of this despite suffering from a brain gent for extra slippage. 1 had so much fun; it was truly somethin th?; I aneurysm and stroke at age 3, which makes my accomplishments even more have never done on my own. g would stunning. many ~~:ory: Living in a triple my freshman year, too little space, and too Worst memory: My worst memory is quitting the baseball team. I was the only player that was not being played and I dealt with discrimination due to Best mentor an~ why: Arnelle Quashie and Felicia Donelson were two seniors my disability throughout my entire baseball career. I wasn't going to let any- that graduated m 2005, who has significantly help me grow-and develo as a one take advantage of me anymore. Unfortunately, my boldness and desire to lead~r and as a ~erson. Although they are not still at McDaniel Colle tth play made me feel like I had to quit the team. continue to provide me with support, advice, and encouragement. g, ey Best mentor and why: My best mentor would have to be Barb Horneff. She and I used to meet weekly and we discussed everything from academics to life NELSON STRYDINGER in general. I could always tum to her when the semester was stressful and she Hometown: Manchester, MD helped me plan my weeks so that I was able to get everything done. She was Major. Communication always there for me and I still think of her as my campus Mom. Thi~g you ~re most pro~d of about your work at McDaniel Colle e: Seruo~ Semmar present~tion on the Vietnam Veterans MemOrial. g. MAXJULIANHAM ~:;~~:.memory: The first day my son and I came to campus together, both as Hometown: Holly Hill, South Carolina Major. Communication and Theatre Arts Worst memory: Taking the math competency tests. Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: I have Best mentor and why: Dr. Kate Dobson: She has the uncann bil" many things that 1 am proud of at McDaniel College, but I will restrict myself you look inside yourself and find the real truth lurking Withk~ Ity to make to just three moments. Winning the 2005 Public Speaking competition was truly rewarding. I would always receive compliments from Brannon, but to
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