Page 181 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 181
COMMENTARY MAY4,2007 - Page 19 Saved by the Arch- the college years smiling, obnoxiously happy hosting a championship beer condoms. And at this point, Close to graduation, however, )ENNA SCHWARZ )EN HARRINGTON McDaniel students here. We pong tournament. Hey, peo- we've hooked up with enough we scramble to take every have grown a lot in the past ple love beer pong here. people that we don't need to class we need, often resorting len and [enna. [enna and four years, more 50 than either It's fair to say McDaniel wear short skirts. (We just to bribery (Note to ALL len. Yes, we are in fact, differ- of us could have anticipated. College made us who we are want to.) Underclassmen: The Registrar ent people. Although there is As our collegiate years come and shaped who we would McDaniel gave us memo- prefers Godiva and big bills). a widely circulated rumor that to a close, we find ourselves become in the future. So ries that will last a lifetime. Now we create our own we are one and the same. reminiscing about the good, much has changed 'in four It's cheesy but at least it's true. opportunities, they may be Maybe it has to do with the the bad, and the very, very years on one hill. As freshman Freshman year had its numer- bigger and better, but they're fact that we are always togeth- ugly. we got lost in all the upper- ous embarrassments, but it scarier too. And as for the er, or that we have taken many There was more that we classman, even though we also had its Kodak moments. papers, we are just barely of the same classes, or that we loved than hated. Yes, there were the biggest class We played football out in the making the deadline for this are both barely five feet tall. were fully caffeinated nights McDaniel had ever seen. As rain during Hurricane article because for both of us Or that we're moving to spent pulling out our hair, and freshman, our floors watched Isabelle, pretty much the only (we're in the same class once Chicago together this summer fights with our best friends, The OC together, we were time either one of us has again) all thirty pages of our to attend DePaul University in boyfriends, and boys that we "condomed" at Choices, and thrown a football. The snow- Senior Seminar paper are, the fall. Or it could be that wanted to be our boyfriends, we wore extremely tight shirts storm that year cancelled tragically, due at 3 p.m. tomor- McDaniel College is just that or the driving behind ANW's and short skirts to parties. All school for the first few days of small. parking lot, to find, shocking- freshman girls do. But as spring semester-so sledding Even though as well- But that's what we love ly, that there were again no Seniors, we became obsessed became a class. We shudder at trained English majors we abou-t McDaniel, isn't it? The spots up top. But there were with Grey's Anatomy, a far the thought of our Video could expand and elaborate intimate close-knit environ- also random walks to more mature selection-at Dance party during Freshman on these ideas for pages and ment where everyone knows Safeway, pulling all-nighters least the people sleeping Orientation, a creative attempt pages, we have consolidated each other's name, bra size, filled with nothing but great together on this show were at torturing newly admitted our memories into a top ten social security number, and of conversation, and the confi- overage. We rebelled against students. As seniors we tail- list. Notice the expertise in Course, secret desires. Here dence in knowing that some- the administration because gated at the football game and parallelism. ~nd although we friends turn into family where, at sometime, at least the Choices cast wasn't watched as our friends tried to should pull another all- overnight. Insert photo of one apartment on campus was allowed to throw our precious grill beer-battered hotdogs. nighter hopped up on soy Another snowstorm hit, so we varolla lattes, working on our sat inside and stuffed our- Senior Sem. Papers, we'll selves with chocolate on probably spend it reminiscing Valentine's Day. Thankfully, about the past four years and we have apartments and now honestly wondering where the hold our own dance parties. time has gone. It's likely that We like to dance our pants off, we will spend a considerable no videos needed. amount of time checking We've actually learned from Facebook for answers. While our classes. Which is good, we are out looking for since we're paying thousands answers, in the real world and of dollars a year for an educa- on Pacebook, we do know tion. As freshman, the only this: McDaniel College adver- necessary class was Freshman tises that it has been changing Seminar, opportunities were lives since 1857, but it has endless, and out' final papers been changing ours since were only seven pages long. 2003. Will Miss The Hookup- reciprocity is not always a must guy pleases you sexually, girls will happen again, or that he KATHRYN YOUNG have been trained to think will ask you out. 1. Miss Cecilia FEATIlRES EDITOR that they should do the same The old cliche, if you want The Quad (our second home) Everyone's so eager to say in return. a guy to like you they must Spring Fling they "hooked up," but when it Just because he is quick to respect you, is fact, not myth. Comes to actually hooking up, touch you, doesn't mean you After the encounter, there is night do we really have it all togeth- should do the same, and in no nothing more than another The Wall er? way does this mean you are hook up, and beyond that 6. Midnight Breakfast When you have your first ruining the hookup. And if the they will never know what 7. Denny'S at3 am real fulfilling sexual experi- guy is only pleasing you in else you have to offer - which 8. Living next door to your best friends ence it can seem amazing and order to get the same, then he isn't just sex. 9. The new gym disturbing at the same time. isn't worth the hookup, any- Just because the jobs, that is, Early experiences are often way. You owe him nothing, hand and blowjobs, aren't Choices awkward because, like any except that which you are technically sex, Mr. President, (We know its supposed to be. the Top Ten, but new experience, you are doing comfortable with. they can still be just as physl- we couldn't resist) Cheap medication from Smith something that you haven't After you have made the cally and emotionally drain- House, and still being on your parents' health done before. decision to not go along with ing if you aren't comfortable insurance Although many of us have reciprocating, there is some- with performing them. already faced firsts, such as times the pressure that he will In fact, I remember the day "touching it," there can still be get 'blue balls.' Although when the step between being Won't Miss some getting used to feeling uncomfortable for him, he will fingered and giving a blow job completely comfortable dur- survive, and it is nothing his wasn't much smaller than the ing sex acts. own hand can't solve. step between oral sex and Most of being comfortable Being worried about some- intercourse. Just because you with sexual experiences is thing like reciprocating or aren't having sexual inter- throwing away the common 'blue balls: is a waste and yet course with multiple people, myths that are supposedly the it unfortunately still haunts doesn't mean you should be rules of hooking up. many girls, only increasing giving out free blowjobs, HOOking up is something after high schooL either. that you learn about as you Likewise, it would have In any case, it is important go, and in most cases when been nice if our earlier experi- to remember, that even as you look back at your earlier ences had taught us that sex experienced college students, experiences, you cringe. But in acts are never the answer to we can still be hurt by the any event, girls still feel that getting a guy's attention. wrong decisions we made in they are suppose to do certain Sure, you have their full high school. Before you do things and are forced to expe- attention while performing anything, just' make sure it's rience things they didn't actu- the sexual favor, but not aU something you really want to ally Want to. attention is good attention, do. Of course, there is the "fact" and attention doesn't equal that you must reciprocate. U a liking or a guarantee that it
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