Page 183 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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SPORTS MAY 4,2007- Page 21 Intramural sports appear to be lagging ey, and tennis are some of the Doing two jobs at once is no dally when we are deep into that was postponed. It has RYAN CHELL choices offered to students easy task, as most of the load the schedule." been things like this that may SPORTS EDITOR wanting to remain physically is placed on Hatton's shoul- Hatton also talked about have drawn criticism from the Intramural sports are an active. In the spring, five-on- ders. the time difference between students. Hatton responded alternative for many students five basketball is offered, "I do most of the schedul- the fall and the spring. when to these concerns, and to what on college campuses across along with volleyball, softball, ing. organizing, and such in the fall he does not have he thought the state of the country, and it is no differ- badminton, and indoor soccer. myself," said Hatton. It did lacrosse practices and games McDaniel Intramurals truly ent here at McDaniel. Matt Hatton, who is the seem like a one-man effort, to worry about too much. was. The intramural department intramural director, as well as but Hatton also mentioned "I can certainly find more "I would say that the intra- here on campus offers a wide being named the interim head that he received help from time in the fall for intramurals mural program is probably at variety of sports for students lacrosse coach in September, assistant coach Sam Seeshole when lacrosse is not quite as a stand still to remain active and partici- talked about how the process and student-assistant Jason muchasa factor," said Hatton. at this point," said Hatton. pate in with their fellow class- of getting a team, as well as a Norton, who also created the Iwould say that with both job "We have been able to get a mates. Although not on the season, started goes about. lOO-member "facebook" titles there is rarely a time good amount of students professional collegiate level of "We hold meetings in group. when things are not hectic." interested in the program and sports, competition is not left which the captains tum in ros- But how does Hatton bal- Hatton also mentioned we have a good contingency out in intramural sports. ters and we go over the rules," ance his schedule between recruiting in the fall as well of students involved in intra- There are currently 11 listed said Hatton. "Once we get the administrating two different but still said the fall is a whole murals here at McDaniel sports listed under the intra- rosters and all of the teams, I sports organizations? How lot better time-wise to him. College. I think that if there mural department, with more sit down and develop a logical many does he spend on each, However, there have been a were less responsibilities, the sports apparently being added schedule including playoffs and is it a schedule it can lot of things issues concerning intramural program could to the list, one being rugby. In and championships. I then keep? the whole program in general, take some steps to make it an the sports, there are options post and email the intramural "It is impossible to put my and many of the concerns are even better experience for our for male, female, and co-ed sports and we begin playing finger on how many hours dealt with Hatton and his students that choose to partie- divisions of each team, until the champion is named." that I spend on either lacrosse staff. Eric Zwilsky, on the ipate." depending upon student rep- And that is not the only or tntramurals," said Hatton, facebook site, simply posted, And who knows, maybe resentation and participation. thing Hatton has to prepare. "I can tell you that when the "[thel staff sucks.vwith anoth- after the season, intramurals The intramural sports are Hatton is also now serving as dust settles at the end of the er student agreeing with his can make a "late-inning rally", offered in both the spring and the head coach of the men's week, it has to be somewhere comment in the next post. An and change the minds of the fall, respectively, but with lacrosse team on campus after up in the 60s or so. I would email was sent over the net- many student athletes here on four different "seasons". In having the position of assis- say that I typically spend work on April 5th, from campus. the fall, the sports of flag foot- tant coach for three years, the more time with my lacrosse Hatton, saying that he was ball, outdoor soccer, golf, four- same amount of time he has duties: however, intramurals sorry for missing a meeting on-four basketball, floor hock- served as intramural director. can take a lot of time up, espe- due to a late lacrosse game McDaniel golf- a senior player's perspective spoke ten words all season to Berkletgh Country Club in hear his voice in my head say- LINDSAY GRAHAM coach Mike Diehl and hardly the green. Then having to hit srAFF WRITER Kutztown, Pa. ing "just get out with bogey or left handed, with coach stand- any to a teammate who would Sophomore year was a big a double and don't make ing up on tee, watching the There were definitely some become one of my very good year. We had a good team; things worse" and it helped. mess. (I still pulled out a good times playing golf for friends the next three years. everyone gained more experi- My first tournament at the bogey.) the Green Ierror w.ome ' go.l.f__ Thelirst.tournamentpj..m.y, epc~nLfoun~ourselves Links of Gettysburg, spring The second day of a two team, from rorrntng a long collegiate career- was an inter- being ranked 19th in the freshman year, was n shotgun day tournament at Rutgers, friendships with teammates to esting one. I was incredibly nation, for Division-Ill golf. start and I started on the sophomore year, we reed off at winning the Conference nervous and wanted to play Golf is a sport that has a lot of fourth hole. My final round at 7:45 in morning, I went first Championship, each of the well. To this day I can hear the up and downs, one day you the course, Tuesday ApriJ 24, T and by the 17th hole my group past three years. . words that coach Diehl told will play great the next day started on the fourth hole. I was two and a half holes If you were to ask me four me before Iteed off on my first you won't, but that season remember thinking before the ahead of the group behind us. years ago if I would have hole "just do your best." I had more ups and downs with round, "1 have come full cir- I can laugh at this now played golf at the collegiate tried my best but r did not what was possibly at stake. cle" and it really started to hit because it is history but at the level, I would have laughed at playas well as I would have Looking back, with the me harder that it was my final, time I was not laughing. Last you. In high school most of liked to. But as coach told me exception of a few tourna- final round up at Gettysburg. fall, up at Mt. Holyoke, J was the boys only played to have later, no one ever plays as ments, I played better the sec- (And r was also happy that I putting for par on my second something to do in the fall. good as they would have ond day of a two-day touma- did not have to climb the to last hole. I missed the par None of them had the idea of liked in their first tournament. ment or on the back nine. My monster of a hill between putt but Iwas six-inches away continuing in college. As a team, that first year we mentality has always been to three and four.) from making bogey. Six-inch- It was not until my high played through torrential try to forget about the score Coach has always preached es is nothing. right? Wrong! I school coach asked me if Iwas down-pouring rain as well as and just try to "minimize the to us, as players to have fun, missed the putt. In front of thinking about golf in college, playing with remnants of damage." because in the end you will coach again! Very humbling that T started thinking about it. snow on the ground. Up in They are three words that probably not remember what experience' will never forget He had a daughter that went South Hadley, Me, in the Mt. are permanently etched in my you shot but you will remem- and will continue to laugh at. to Fairfield and played there Holyoke Invitational, the sec- brain, thanks to coach but it is ber the good times you had. I I thank my teammates and for four years so he knew a lit- and day was cancelled due to true. "A six is always better finally realized that. coach for four great years of tie about collegiate women's so much rain that people had than a seven, seven is always I will always remember at collegiate golf and to think golf. He was the one who to squeegee out the greens. better than an eight ... " he Bucknell freshman year hit- that four years Inever though found McDaniel for me. And the first tournament after would say and being around ting a five-wood 140 yards any of this was possible. As a freshman, I was the Spring Break in Georgia, there him for four years it sunk in. DOWNHILL and winding up shy one on the team I barely were still remnants of snow at During tournaments, I can in first line of the trees behind 'Bricks & Mortars'- Res Life announcements _, AJI 2007 May Closing Office of Residence Life at InterVarsity Females process and are still interested ects, The Office of Residence lnformalion is available on ~40 during regular office Jewish Student Union in becoming an RA are encour- Life will not be offering stor- McDaniel Web Site via the hours, or email McDaniel Unity aged to apply. Please stop by age options. "Student Life" link + SOUP - Supporting Our the Office of Residence Life to For your convenience, "Residential Life." Find out Congratulati.ons to the fol- Underprivileged. pick up an application. below are some local storage about express checkout, Formal lowing groups who have been Ultimate Frisbee Club Applications are due on cpuoos and contact numbers. checkout and more. Please approved to be a part of the Male Resident Assistants Friday, May 11, 2007 by 4:30 THE UPS STORe - located by contact your resident assistant Affinity Program for the 2007- Neededl p.m. to the Office of Residence the Food Lion to check out vour room. AU 2008 academic year. The Office. of Residence Life Life. Questions? Please contact Phone: 410.871.9750 non-graduafutg residents must Catholic Campus Ministri£s is looking for "A Few Good Emerald Christopher at ext: WESTMINSTER SELF STOR- vacate and leave campus no Circle K - Humane Sodety Men." After the traditional 22370.- AGE - located by the more than 24 hours after their GoJdenGirls Resident Assistant application Westminster Post Office last final exam. or SahU'day. HERO - Health Eduqltion process. there are stiU male RA Attentionl New Storage Phon." 410.857.4169 May 12 at noon. Rebwlding Orgaruzation vacancies left. Male residents PoUey1 E Z STORAGE -located on If you have any concerns or _ Helping Hopkins who missed. the original appli- Due to the unpredictable Routet40 just pest the MVA. questtons about any of thi.'I lnt(U"Var$ity Christian cation deadlines or Could not timeline of the various real- across from ElP information, pie... call the Fellowship go through tile Interview dence haD construction proj_ Phone, 410.857.8080
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