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SPORTS MAY 4, 2007 - Page 22 EXERCISE SCIENCE & PE' By Alyssa Rornasco Liiizan, Gilpina1id Tayror F.:iCe inEXeiiise Si:iiiiiĀ£, P.e The Exercise Science and Physical Education Department at McDaniel College provides i,ts students with great knowledge of the. field and a myriad of career opporturunes to purse upon graduation. Students are offered differen real~s of foc~~,~ch as athletic training, sports coaching, physical education tea~hing certification, and the opportunity to use the major as guidance for then own goals. The 2097 graduatin& seniors in the Exercise Science an Physical Education Department possess academic excellence; Threeoutstand .. ing seniors, Adam Lletzan. Christina Gilpin, and Blair Taylor have had very success~ulacademic careers at McDaniel College, as well assomc very positive memenes. The students admire the professors who have lead and encouraged them throughout their time in COllege.Lietzan, a Biology and Exercise Scien ADAM LIETZAN d~ubl(,'!major is confident and appreciative QEhiS opportunities in the Exerci Hometown: Laurel, DE Science department, "The completion of the two will give me many options fo Major. Biology and Exercise Science my. future career jn whatever coeccntraucn l:chose.~GoodLucktoLietza Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: Gilpin, and Taylor in their future successes, and to the 2007 graduating seruc I can't definitively point to one thing I'm most proud of; however, Ido at McDaniel Call . appreciate the opportunity to finish two majors in my career at McDaniel Thing most proud of about my work at McDaniel College: My undergraduate College. studies at McDaniel College have led me to pursue a career in exercise physiol- Favorite Memory: ogy, in which I will hopefully help people change their lives for the better My favorite memory wasn't actually at McDaniel College, but on a January Favorite Memory: Conversations that lasted well into the early morning hours term trip to Belize. It's always exciting to travel internationally, but to go to a Caribbean country is amazing. Belize is filled with great about absolutely nothing Worst Memory: being awakened by the fire alarm @ 2 am, having to sitting history, beautiful weather, and friendly people. What more could you ask for? outside in the cold for over an hour and then 'having to get up for an 8 am class. worst Memory: Best Mentor &. Why: Dr. Richard Carpenter. He is completely dedicated to his The non-stop construction that's been occurring throughout my tenure at students and always available to talk to, whether it's a question about a class McDaniel College has been annoying. Unfortunately, I lived in ANW when lecture, registration, or your 5 year plan. Academic Hall was being built and now in North Village next to the -------- construction of new apartments. McDaniel College provides a productive BLAIR TAYLOR learning environment with the never ending hammering, screeching chalnsaws, jackhammers, and, of course, workers discussing their weekends Hometown: Rid~ey Park, Pa outside your window on Monday morning. Major: Exercise Science Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: Best mentor and why: Dr. Brian Wladkowski I've known Dr. Wladkowski since my freshman year and since then he's been My determination to succeed. Favorite Memory: Studying Abroad in Australia was emeztng. But here on the a great professor and friend. He gave me the opportunity to be his peer HilI it has to be' the friendships I've made. They are sure to last a mentor for the Fall 2005 semester which I greatly appreciate and has worked with myself and other brothers as the Phi Kappa Sigma advisor. lifetime. Worst Memory: I don't have any truly bad memories he~e. Best mentor and why: I'd have to say anyone of the professors in the CHRISTINA GILPIN exercise science department, they are all wonderful to work with and have Hometown: Aberdeen, NfD so many different experiences. It's great to have the opportunity team Major: Exercise Science & Physical Education from them. Hatton stresses balancing athletics, academics (from "Hatton" on page 24) responsibilities. Some have the lack. of free time limits his players. Being young has no reason why McDaniel and exhausting, but he knows this happen earlier than oth- activities to plopping down allowed him to apply his lacrosse can't consistently be a that it's meaningless if his ers, which is why he stays on on the couch watching sport- newly acquired coaching prin- Top 20 program. players don't have the grades top of them about such issues. tng events and playing his X- ciples to the responsibilities Hatton is also excited about to compete. Consequently, he Although he takes the BOX 360, but he doesn't mind. associated with being a stu- the recent advancements in has a study hall set up for responsibilities of his job very He's not big on doing outre- dent. "He doesn't mix up the McDaniel's facilities, such as players needing help in serious, spending the majority geous things just to say that he priorities of being a player or the turf field and weight- school, stressing that they of his time working, Hatton has done them. student, allowing the players room which is expected to be need to prepare for the real loves to be able to relax. In fact throughout the past to be more comfortable with finished this fall. He believes world that they will soon be When he is not working, he three years, much of Hatton's him," explains senior mid- it would be an injustice for the living in. loves spending time with his free time was spent finishing fielder Jared Nutter. team not to do well He stresses to all recruits girlfriend Carol who coaches masters in counseling at As far as goals are con- To sum up the feeling that ~:~tsbe~i~ ;;~;~~~ ~~t~:~~~~~s lacr~~se atS:~~~Z;~ ~~~aze~nd~:st:~~t~;;l~ ~~:e~e~:~~i~1 7on~~~~~; :t~h:o ~c~:a:e~ t::~~~~ upstanding members of socte- Maryland. differences in order to relate to tournament as a must this sea- family, Nutter says when he ~el;~~:~~~;~cl~~e~efi~~:~whiC:~~o:~;jO~:::::i~~ the,::]';;'k~:~~~:::~a~e:,;,a ;;:;a:~:;l:~v;a~iSa:e::~~ls~~:~~e:bO~:th:a~oac'~r~a~ "there is a ligh~ switch that Chicago to s~e his bel?ved step ahead of the older guys American caliber as long as pumped" and that it was "the ?oes [onl sometimes,." allo~- Bear.s play thiS past wmter. because t~e~ can tr:u st me,." ~ey let the team's goals come best news I've otten since Illg students to reahze theIr DUring the lacrosse season, Hatton Said m refernng to hls first. In the long run, he sees coming to conege~' Abbamont~ba!o~'~~f~~I~wi~~a~2:~m~!~PFo~I~~ze?~n way. ~~.;;~!;1~6; play~dfortheTer.rorin2003,ber-onerankingin unassistedNCAA DivisionIIISout~h:~':~~e,:!:n!~~:re::"~~: certamly left an Image over tackles With 174. Region team, and to top it all tion th four years that Coach Keating Over the past few months, off, he was named a second on th at '-:b.bamonte showe.d As a safety for the McDaniel Green Terror football team, will surely miss next season, not only has Abbamonte been team All-American for cam e gridiron and on th.1S Division m. up tackles and racking do' pus,. the Green Terror Will while the Terror's opponents Drew Abbamontc could tack.1e and cover anything. Now he are probably gl~d the~ will records, he has been adding ObViOUSly,Coach Keating =fine next year. has to go up against the thing not ~ #37 covenng their ~t awards to his resume as well. and the rest of the football many college students either re~elVer over th~ lOp ?r dehv- Starting in November, he was coaches are going to have a are or are not prepared to tack- enng a sm~shlllg hit to .an one of four Terror footba!! big hole in fill in the back of le: the real world. opponent gomg over the midĀ· players named to the AU- their defense, along with their Abbamonte will be one of die. Centennial Conference Team leadership, next year. the many seniors-as well as 200~v:~~~:n~:7a~~~ ~OpO:~ ~~!e;: :;t~~ ~:ebramfonte made his mark years gave and senior athletes-who will be interceptions, which puts him that, he was named to the everyt~g our he had to help this leaving McDaniel for more 11th in school history. His 161 All-South team wm. He will take this and better things. Abbamonte and the rest of the seniors interception-return yards are Region third team, the Eastern formula with him wherever he Conference leaving in 2007 left an image 6th in the Green Terror record in College Athletic first team, he g~s in life, which will help ranks He All-Southwest 3rd him succeed in whatever he books. on this campus that many will McDaniel history in total tack- was added to the 2006 Don puts his mind to, and if not soon forget.
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