Page 180 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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MAY 4, 2007 - Page 18 FEATURES! COMMENTARY McDaniel College took to the track on April 27 to fight cancer. Relayers raised over $28,000. keeping ANW residents awake all night. 1'I1I)'lQ;1IY&1uaW.~R 'Church'to preach at VA Tech funerals Church, an organization that hatred from society, who wish the Amish school shootings, Gallagher has seen opposition G~~~~~~ER claims "God Hates Fags~'; a for mourners .to rem~in hoping to keep these people that insists he aligned with the message they believe unbothered while saymg away from the countless hate group and their ideals. As if America was not "America needs more than air goodbye to loved ones. The friends, family and mourners Some have said that giving shocked enough by the tragic to breathe, food to eat, and latest Westboro campaign is attending the services. them a broadcast platform events that took place at water to drink." They think adopting the message "If my radio show can pre- will potentially provide an Virginia Tech on April 16th, that America's acceptance of "Hokies in Hell", which was vent a circus atmosphere of audience of millions as 2007. It now must wrap its homosexuality has caused to be waved and chanted protests and media coverage opposed to the small amount head around something like human loss-past and pres- while innocent victims of the from taking place in front of at the funerals themselves, this: ent-including Sept. 11th, the gruesome shootings are laid to churches where grieving fam- allowing for more effective "The LORD your God sent Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina, rest. ilies are trying to say good- exposure of their beliefs. a crazed madman to shoot at the Amish school shootings, Thankfully, this display of bye to their loved ones, then I Either way, the fact that this your children, and he didn't and most recently the tragedy hate will not pollute the sur- think that's a good thing" said radical group can no longer miss. Get this straight-God at Virginia Tech University. roundings of Virginia Tech Gallagher in a recent state- directly spread their hate- sent this South Korean mad- In orderto show their dis- funerals; Mike Gallagher, a ment. "I feel with all of my filled message to the families man to kill 31 of your children approval of America and the prominent radio-talk show heart that this is the right of the victims is a success in at Virginia Tech. Was Cod World, Westboro followers host, has offered Westboro thing to do." itself. Regardless of whether asleep while this took place? attend the funerals of those representatives 3 hours of free Fortunately, leaders of the or not anyone catches them on Was He on vacation? Of lost in these events holding airtime in conjunction with organization agreed to this Gallagher'S program, the course not. He willed this to signs that read, "Thank God their written promise to nof offer, opting to discuss their nation's grief over those happen to punish you for For 9/11", "God Hates attend the VATech funerals in religious views surrounding involved with this tragedy assailing His servants." America", and "Thank God any way, shape or form. the events on the radio rather outweighs the petty agenda of This statement came direct- for Dead Soldiers". Their pres- Gallagher made the same than on location. While many Westboro's followers ten-fold. ly from Westboro Baptist ence has sparked outbursts of offer during the aftermath of view this as a moral victory, IDWT' is the new IDWI' FREE PRESS STAFF plunged down an embank- the Wall Street Journal. In Co-Editors-In-Chief Staff SARAH BLACK ment. In Colorado that same Oregon, similar bills would COMMENTARY EDITOR Djerdj Matkovic '07 Terre Martin year, a teenager spent 10 days provide find up to $720 for Mike Habegger '08 Geoff Peckham '08 I think just about everyone in jail after he struck and any driver caught texting or [en Harrington '07 is guilty of having talked on killed a bicyclist while texting holding a cell phone to an ear. Art Director Lindsay Graham '07 his or her cell phone while a friend. In Arizona, a bill is pending Emily Biondo '09 Brian Engler '08 driving. But what about tex- Knowing that accidents on that would make DWT a tick- Rob Goeke '07 ting while driving? I have wit- the road can happen any- etable offense. Features Editor Becky Snider '09 nessed plenty of people doing where, Iwould feel a lot better "I'm split on this issue," Kathryn Young '08 Christine Boyton '08 this. Because it takes your knowing that the roads would said Senior Jimmy Dell. "Half Cori Simpson '08 Stacey Eyler '08 eyes off the road and it be somewhat safer. Junior of me says it's no one's busi- Leslie Shirk '08 involves using at least one Sarah Coppersmith, however, ness. But the other half says it News Editor Rigoberto Clogueriminj '07 hand, 1 would never consider is somewhat skeptical. "I makes sense because they're Melanie Chupetn '09 Chris Ferrick-Manley '09 doing this while driving. think it sounds silly to make it trying to keep people safe on However, I cannot speak far illegal; it's kind of the same the roads." Senior Alison Commentary Editor Jerome De Frances '07 anyone else. But this uncer- thing as eating while driving Bradley however, supports Mario Valone '10 Greg Pfeiffer '09 tainty has caused some politi- and people do that all the the idea of making DWT ille- Sarah Black '07 Emily Sweeney '09 cians to make DWT (driving time. But Ido think it can be a gal. "I think ifs good because Christina Hinkle '09 while texting) Illegal. Good rather dangerous risk." it [texting] involves more con- Sports Editor Katelynn McGinley '10 Tori But1er '07 idea or bad idea? My argument to that is: you centration than just talking Ryan Chell '09 Personally, I think it's a don't have to look at your because it involves your great idea because the simple food in order to eat it; and if hands," she says. "I support Laura Hutton '09 Advertising Managers fact that people do this all the anyone needs to, I suggest it." Page Design Emily Funk '07 time scares me--you're driv- you find your mouth quick Iam definitely jumping on Emily Biondo '09 Copy Editor ing a 2,800 pound killing before you wreck. the bandwagon for these Mike Habegger '08 Pat O'Toole '07 machine and you're going to Politician Joyce McDonald kinds of bills-anything to take your eyes off the road? is a sponsor of this new bill help make the roads safer Photography Yikes. that would make it a crime to from the countless number of Evan TIcknor '10 So far, Connecticut, New "operate a motor vehicle idiots on the road! They're Mike Habegger '08 York, New Jersey, California, while reading, writing, or everywhere! Djerd] Matkovic '07 and the District of Columbia sending electronic messages," The opin~ons expresse-d do not necessarily represent those of The outlaw the use of handheld according to McDaruel Free Press staff, the faculty, or the administrators of phones while driving, and 38 McDanielCollege. states are currently consider- he ? may have been in Tennessee McDaniel College,2 College Hill in 2005, when a man died Westminster,MD 21157 while texring when he lost (410) 751-8600 FAX:(410)857-2729 control of his pickup and E-Mail:freepress@mcdanieLedli
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