Page 175 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 175
-~-~~-~~~--------~~~~-------------- ----- SPECIAL MAY 4, 2007 - Page 13 SOCiOLOGY Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland Major: Sociology w / a concentration in KURT M. RAUSCHENBERG Criminal Justice Hometown: Emmitsburg. Maryland Thing you are most proud of about your work Major: Sociology w / concentration in Criminal Justice at McDaniel College: Probably the research I'm Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel doing this semester to.get honors in my major. College: It's nice to research something I'm interested in I am very proud and honored to have worked with the without many of the typical constraints of a sociology department at a local middle school to mentor 6th, 7th, class. and Bth grade boys to instill respect and responsibility. Favorite memory: Well, probably my favorite experience was going to Belize Favorite memory: My favorite memory was the day I was sworn for Jan term my sophomore year. Every year has been very different, and I've in by LTC Feser as a contracted Army ROTC Cadet. really enjoyed all of them and all the crazy and amazing people I've become Worst memory: My worst memory was when I had to watch the movie "Little friends with over the years! Women" for Theories in Sociology and then write a 20-page paper about it. Worst memory: Probably when I first got to college and realized both how Best mentor and why: My best mentor at McDaniel was LTC Feser. He taught much I really didn't know and how much more work I was going to have to me more about leadership than I could have ever learned anywhere else and do compared to how much I had in high school! gave me all the tools I needed in order to succeed as a soon to be newly com- Best mentor and why: At McDaniel, probably Dr. Dundes because she's not missioned Army Officer. only my advisor, but she's also someone that I've always been able to go to for Future plans: I am getting commissioned as a second lieutenant in the any kind of advice. Maryland Army National Guard as a Field Artillery Officer by the ROTC on Future plans: I've decided to put grad school on hold for a little while and the morning of graduation. I will then report to Fort Sill, Oklahoma the first instead try to find a job. I haven't found one yet, which is a little scary, but I'm week of June for six months of follow on training for newly commissioned offi- sure something will come through eventually. Ideally, I would like a federal job cers. After I come back I will be attached to the 2nd Battalion HOth Field doing some sort of investigative work, but it can take a while to get into that Artillery National Guard Unit located in Westminster Maryland as a qualified field, so Iwill probably have other jobs before then. . Field Artillery Officer. --------- LINDSAY S. MUSGRAVE PAT O'TOOLE Hometown: Fairfield, Pennsylvania Hometown: Frederick, Maryland Major: Sociology w I Criminal Justice concentration Major: Sociology· and Psychology with a Thing you are most proud of about your work at . Concentration in Criminal Justice McDaniel College: Iam most proud of the fact that as a Thing you are most proud of about your commuter student Iwas able to work hard and...earn work at McDaniel College: It has gotten me lTIy BA with a respectable CPA while matntatmng a into a good grad school and wi1l allow me life outside of school (i.e. working, recreational sports, to pursue what I enjoy. husband, daughter). Favorite memory: Accepting the Brant Cup Favorite memory: I got married during the summer between my junior and two years in a row. senior year. Our daughter'S due date was close to my fall semester finals. She Worst memory: Hearing of Coach Flynn's passing. ended up arriving a month early (very healthy) and I was able to bring her in Best mentor and why: Ralph F. Burns, because his memory has shown me how to see fellow students and professors who had supported me and watched my to put others before myself. belly grow throughout the semester. Also, my attendance of the model EU Future plans: I am pursuing my Master's of Science in Criminology at the with the political science department was fun and unforgettable. University of Pennsylvania. Worst memory: My worst memories are the typical busy weeks and late-nights -------- when students feel there is too much work and not enough time. MELISSA WILSON Best mentor and why: My best mentor was Dr. Deb Lemke. Dr. Lemke was Hometown: Westminster, Maryland also my academic advisor. She is a very realistic and honest person. She makes Major: Sociology ICriminai Justice Concentration time for students whenever they need it and will help with anything she possi- Thing you are most proud of about your work at bly can. She and Dr. Dundes made it possible for me to continue my studies McDaniel College:I am most proud of the personal drive throughout my pregnancy and made adjustments for me to finish my senior that kept me moving forward and helped me to stay fall semester when I could not be in class for the majority of the last month. strong when I felt too overwhelmed. Her teaching style and personality make the materials easier to un~ers~and Favorite memory: I don't have one in particular. But when I and she earnestly appreciates feedback. She has been very supportive, IS a that I will reflect most on the relationships that I have built and intend to main- great person outside the classroom, and had the effect of making me want to be tain with my sociology instructors. a better student during my two years at McDaniel College. . Worst memory: All of those long, long nights, which created very long next Future plans: Short term, I will be finding a reliable job that pays the bills days. while I wait for my husband to return from deployment. Ideally, I'd like to Best mentor and why: I don't think that I could name a best. Dr. Dundes, Dr. have a career that helps people and contributes to society. However my only Lemke, and Dr. Semu all influenced me in their own way and all have offered long term, concrete plan is for my husband and I to provide a comforta~le and my very different perspectives (which are also tools) to aid me in approaching stable life for our (now) five month old daughter and possible future children school and life situations. As a sociology major, I recognize the importance of in the hopes of raising happy, healthy children into happy, healthy adults. diverse perspectives as it helps in generalizing and understanding the behav- iors and opinions of people in our world. I would have to say, however, that Dr. Dundes has gone far beyond her job as an advisor and teacher to aid me in my personal life, w~ich is well respected and to be never forgotten by me. tn the fall of 2007, Seniors Anja Kadilli will be. starting her and Jamie Nash show Divinity at Duke divinty their Green 'Ierrorspint Butler says "I chose divinity at a women's basketball because Tknow God has put a call , my life to be in service to him game at Johns Hopkins. The two dedicated fans \i. ministering to youth and 1 adult women and also by came in support of their friend and roommate, his word on a collegiate level. I am called and chosen for such a senior Theresa Hess. time as this." 'Go Green Terror!'
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