Page 174 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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SPECIAL MAY 4, 2007 ~Page 12 Rachel Hurley (Psychology) and Adam Trexler (Biochemistry and Biology) seen together as usual. Rachel is working at Johns Hopkinsas a research assistant in Neurology. and Adam is attending a biochemistry rhO program at Yale in the fall BIOLOGY & CHEMISTRY Favorite ~emo.ry: There are so many! Late night Wawa runs during all night study sesSIO~SIn .Eaton, dressing up with the roommates, sledding on the golf By Katelynn McGinley co.wse, playing flip cup and being awesome at it, painting faces at Zo0800 With gamma sig, but I'd have to say one of my absolute favorites was going Seniors balance extracirriculars with time in lab swimming in the school's pool at 2 a.m. Wors~ memory: .It's a three way tie between move in day freshmen year when There's a common rnlspercepticn that being Biology or Chemistry majo~ I realized I was m a double room with two other girls and there was no way all ~eans that you spend the majority of your in college toiling over a micro- the stuff I bought was ever going to fit into that tiny space, and having that scope. The 2007 Bio-Chem majors of McDaniel are out to prove that theory: stomach bug for a whole week this semester. wrong. These seniors, singled out by their peers as excelling within their Best men~or and why: I can only pick one? I've had so many here! Dr. departments, had to make certain sacrifices to fit their grueling course loads Mazeroff m the psychology department for allowing me to do amazing -like Ten Hamer missing out on Spring Fling her Junior year to take the ~esearch as a fres~en and sup~rting me in the application process for med- MCATS - but overall, they managed to make it work. They are just as involved Ica.1school, Or. Mitchsler for taking me to do really fun research in Texas and as any other student on The Hill. They play sports, they have water balloon ~m.g a great research advisor, Or. Alspach for being a great advisor and bellev- fights .in the q~ad, they take late night Wawa runs to keep their energy up while mg tn me, and Mr. Or. Smith for not yelling at me (that much) when I asked .studymg for finals, they are our peer mentors, and they are our friends. Best 0 too many questions or spilled /broke stuff and for being a great teamer. "uck '0 the 2007 Biola"" and Chemistrv grads. KATE CHAPMAN THERESA ANNE HESS Hometown: Towson, Md Hometown: Medford, NJ Major. Physics and Chemistry Major. Biochemistry and Biology Favorite memory: Living in a house with all of my friends Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: most Worst memory: hasn't happened yet .... graduation successful four years of Women's basketball in college history, peer mentor Best ~entor and why: all of the teachers I've had in the physics and program-mentor and board member, accomplishing a dual and a double chemistry departments have been amazing! major and getting accepted to veterinary school Favorite memory: winning the Centennial Conference Championship against TERIHAMER Hopkins at Johns HOpkins my freshman year; also, having a water balloon Hometown: Egg Harbor Twp, NJ fight freshman year at lam with my best friend, Melanie Scoceo Worst memory: tail bone injury tny sophomore year which caused me to have Major: Neuroscience (Self designed combination of to stand through 5 hours of classes each day for 6 weeks. Science and Psychology) Best mentor and why: Dr. Bill Long because he has supported me over the Thing you are most proud of about your work at past foW' years both academically and athleticaUy, and _q"U!n4..h~ W'ife always McDaniel College: I'm really proud of being part of the attended every one of my home games. He always made himself available to group of amazing women who first brought the Vagina talk about school or basketball or anything else that came up; always has a Monologues to this campus and who have continued to level head and good advice, as well as a great personality. Even when times make it stronger and better each year. I know I'm leav- would get rough, he was always there to stand by me, support me, encourage ing the production in good hands! Along those lines, I'm me and assure me that everything would be okay. I was his peer mentor for also proud to have participated in the first annual prer two years and thoroughly enjoyed working with him. Ultimately, he helped me duction of Cock.tales for the same cause. And I know to achieve every one of my goals at McDaniel, most importantly being accept- this one sounds really, really dorky, but J'm still really proud of myself for cor- ance into veterinary school. redly figuring out my unknowns in Organic Chern Il. ---=-----------------w.-,.-,gun--!-------------- PoUTI'CAL SC1LENCE Additional~y, last spring Jill Hoffman and I designed and ran an independ- ~t psy~ologt~ study on Improving lie detection, under Dr. Morris' supervi- sron. This experience was very beneficial in that it allowed me to directly apply CHELSEA PHILLIPS what I had been learning in class about psychological research to a real-world Hometown: Frederick, Maryland situation. Even more exciting, the results of our study were very promising! Major. History & Political Science (Minors: Psychology and Philosophy) Since then, Dr. Morris, Jill and 1been invited to present our data at three Favorite Memory: national conferences this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my college experience and have many wonderful -------- memories! If I had to pick the main reason why my time at McDaniel has been JASON STAMBAUGH unforgettably amazing-it's the students. . Major. Political Science When you first tour the campus with admissions' office staff, they tell you Minors: None there's a "sense of community" here. That the professors and students care Thing you are r_nostpr~u~ of about your work at McDaniel College: My work about you, as an individual. on the Evangelical Christian vote in my senior sem. 1got an A+ and it felt What they don't tell you is that this community of people doesn't just affect good. It was a great culmination to four years of work. you during your few brief years spent on the Hill-they change your life. Fa~o.rite memory: All ~e conversations that I've had about life, logic, politics, Forever. rehglO~ ... etc, on late rughts with friends. And all of the hysterical antics that go Certainly' I have had many great classes with good professors. I have cheered on the football team through good and not-sa-good seasons. I have along tn the average political science classroom. Wo~t me~ory: G~tting a 0 minus on my first college paper ever in Intra to sung my heart out at karaoke nights in the pub. Danced at parties until the sun Political SCience :'Ith Dr. Franke. His scary way of describing my errors in a came up. Participated in countless dub events and student organizations. J german accent frightened me, yet gave me the motivation to do better. loved my poly sci senior sem class last fall. And I have many obnoxiously Best m~ntor and ~hy: A friend, Todd Burrier, for his guidance and wisdom funny memories of eating at glar, walking around campus, and hanging out in about life and business. 1 met him through my work with Young Life. various apartments But it's not the things I did at Mcljenlel that I'll remember fifty years from J. ANDREW W. CUMMINGS now. What I'll remember are the people 1did those things with. From my first day on campus and "team transfer" sophomore year, to May Hometown: Lisbon, Maryland 19th when with tears blurring my vision I'm forced to remove my last item M~jor: Political Science and international Studies, minors in History and Philosophy from the most fabulous apartment on campus, NV 191, (or Stackhouse HalL.) Thing. ~ou ar~ most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: Having Mcpanlel will always be my home away from home and the people here will the ab.llit~ to Improve the campus community through my involvement in always be my family. orgaOlzatlons and committees. Worst Memory: Leaving. Favorite memory: Budapest - enough said Best/favorite mentor and why: Worst memory: If you know me, well, you probably already know I have really enjoyed working with Or. Wendy Morris in the psychology Best/favorite mentor and why: Or. Herb Smith and Dr. Chaz Neal- These two department. Dr. Morris is very good at making the learning process enjoyable. ?,e~ ~ad the greatest impact on my college career CIndmy development as an Not only is she very good at making course content understandable, she also mdlvldual. Without their guidance, I would not be in the position I am in provides her students with numerous, creative "hands-on" experiences. For today. I will never be able to repay the debt lowe to them. example, my favorite memory from one of her classes involved a banana and a
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