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SPECIAL MAY 4, 2007 - Page 11 By Laura Hutton Behar wiU spend summer witJi Theatre on the Hill ogt:arn at McDaniel Collegestresses' the study of thearr roductton and performance, It provides students wi eirJ2ursuit of professional careers and. graduate work. The ,Theatre on the Bill, provides professionals the opportunity oadert their art by performing musicals and plays from June I JESS BEHAR Hometown: Owings Mills, MD Major-Theatre Arts Thing you are most proud of: My contributions to the theatre department Favorite Memory: Scotland Worst Memory: death of Meatball Best Mentor. Elizabeth, Ron, and Ira Plans after graduation: Theatre on the Hi!! and then ART' & ART' H1ST'ORY gression in becoming an artist. Favorite memory: Sledding on the Hill my freshman year, and having the first By Staff Writer 4 days of class in the spring semester canceled due to snow. CHLOE WATSON Hometown: Leesburg, VA Major: Studio Art Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: Staying true to my ideas and what I really wanted to accomplish as an undergraduate, . which was to do really well in everything I took. Favorite memory: The art Honors show opening-it was such a relief to have all that work com- pleted. hazard bags. All i Worst memory: My worst memo- complete. The quilt was s:hh'o::w:'~n';i:',~:\'::::".:::~. ry would probably be getting locked out of my room at 3 in the morning key, no phone, no idea what to do. Ifinally caught someone going to the bath- Hometown: Galena, MD room and he let me use his phone to caU campus safety. Major: AtjJiistop' _ Best mentor and why: Steven Pearson. He pushes and encourages our ideas Thing you are moee proud of about your and offers great critiques. He's really influencing and expanding the Art work at McDaniel College: After all of department for the better and his determination for all of us to learn and grow the papers, lectures, and presentations I as artists is fantastic and undeniable. am leaving with not only knowledge, but ALEXANDRA GARGON also a true passion for the arts. I have indeed fallen in love with Art History. My Hometown: Columbia, Maryland diploma will be a reflection of what I Major: Studio Artl Art History 1Graphic Design know and feel. Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: I started Favorite memory: I would have to say the art club called ARS NOVA and have been president of the organization for the Fall Out Boy concert. Technically it was off campus, but the tickets were the past 2 1/2 years. Also, being accepted into the Art Honors program. sold outside of Glar! You can only be 5 feet away from Pete Wentz once in your Favorite memory: Any homecoming. All the Phi Sig alum coming back and life. Oh dear. being a part of the parade is a blast too. Worst memory: I had a huge falling out with my best friend. But sometimes Worst memory: One of my worst memories would have to be the stupid math friendships need to be knocked down so that they can be built back up, per- proficiency test class ...I passed the algebra and not the arthritic so I had to take haps in a different way the second time around. the word ....awful! Best mentor and why: Dr. Susan Scott has been wonderful to me over the past Best mentor and why: Steven Pearson of the art department. He is so inspira- four years. She is responsible for my sparked interests in Asian art, specifically. tional to so many students, and has changed the art deparbnent into a contem- I have always appreciated her honest, constructive criticism and advice. And porary and multi-media community. If it weren't for him I would have not her personal passion for the arts is quite contagious, too! advanced the way I have in my 4 years at McDaniel. MEGHAN AMBRA Hometown: Concord, NH Major: Studio Art . Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDanIel College: My pro- Best mentor and why: Dr. McNichols and Dr. Deveny because they are both FOREIGN LANGUAGES very motivating, have a passion for Spanish and teaching, and have been very inspiring. ~ By Mario Valone JEFF ZAMOSTNY Hometown: Mt. Airy, Maryland Major: Spanish Thing you are most proud about your work at McDaniel: I am proud that I have been able to employ my communication skills in Spanish to help Spanish- speakers learn English in Palabras to Words and Global Friendships. I am also pleased that I was able to get into a doctoral program in Spanish literature and LAURA MILLER that I will be able to further refine my skills so as to be able to teach college Hometown: Manchester, MD Spanish in the future. Favorite Memory: My entire year studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain. Major: Spanish . . Getting students to speak Spanish in the Tertulias held by the Spanish house. Thing you are most proud about you~ work. at McDantel: ~~~tng the group Mano en Mana, which works with Latino children and families In Carroll Worst Memory: n 1a County, and all the great activities we have ~eld ". Best Mentor: I have had seven courses with Dr. Thomas Deveny and believe Favorite Memory: Going to Queretaro, MeXICOWith Dr. Deveny for the 2006 that he has expanded my interest in Spanish culture, film and literature; pre- ~::;~i~~!~~.advanced study; and encouraged. me to be a more humane, glob- ~:~~r;:;~mory: Wrecking my car one day when I was leaving school on Pennsylvania Avenue.
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