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SPECIAL MAY 4,2007· Page 10 MATHEMATICS By Emily Sweeney Watson, Biggs master acaaemics and bask£t1jall A former ~.1cDaniel Women's basketball member will.soon be working as ftware engmeer. Amy Watson will be working for BAE Systems, a ccntracto for the Department of Defense. Actually, basketball does not have much to do: with her future job, though she says-it holds great memories for her. Her caree as a basketball player on a team which she says won two conference champ! ended the NCAA tournament three times is only one of th om McDaniel. Another is her Mathematics major. Watson says "hat helped her most. in gettiTlgher job. A.nd she thrived ""ito She was a recipient cte Maryland I~F[U\d's National Security and was noted by Dr. Boner, head of the Math and Computer artment, as a noteworthy graduating senior along with Allison Hometown: Lancaster, PA Major: Mathematics Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: The thing that I am most proud of is receiving a Maryland I-Fund's National Security Scholarship, which is available to certain majors at all the private schools in Maryland. Favorite memory: My favorite memory comes in basketball where there are many to choose from, we beat Johns Hopkins in the conference championship game. Worst memory: Ican't really think of a worst memory while at McDanie1. Best mentor and why: My best mentor in the mathematics department was Dr. Boner. He was a very good math teacher and was good at explaining the concepts, but he was also helpful in telling me what classes to take that would help in a future career. ALLISON BIGGS Hometown: Sykesville, MD Major: Math, minor in computer science Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: I am most proud that Iwas able to be successful as a student athlete ~ve.r four ~ears. Ialso received the NSSP National Security Scholarship as a ~~%%e;:~ ~~~e~~y J~~~~senior year and got me an internship last Favorite memory: Winning the Centennial Conference Women's Basketball Championship my freshmen and sophomore year. Worst memory: Being informed that our Men's Basketball Coach, Bob Flynn, h~d passed away. He .had such a big impact on this campus. I loved seeing him everyday at pracrlce.jmd he had such a great outlook on life. He has and will continue to be missed very much. Best mentor and why: My best mentor was Becky Martin, the women's bas- ketball coach. She was always there for me, good or bad. She not only cared about my performance on the basketball court, but off the court as well. HISTORY DEPARTMENT Hometown: ASHLEY KRETZER Westminster, Maryland By Katie Young Major: History Minor. Elementary Education Senior finally gets the shine she deserves Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel: I am most proud As a sophomore transfer, Ashley Kretzer was compared to her sister, "A star of my senior seminar paper, entitled "Remember the Letters: An Evaluation of the Correspondences of John and Abigail Adams." Iwas asked to present this student," according to a math professor. But only two years later, Kretzer: paper at this year's Phi Alpha Theta Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference at would be presenting her own work to tnt€' historians. Washington College on March 31, 2007. Kretzer came to McDaniel from Carron Community College and was excit- Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is when I taught my very first lesson ed to take her education courses. However, before she knew it she was at the through the elementary education practicum experience! brunt end of a math professor's every joke. Worst Memory: My worst memory is when one of my professors embarrassed "The professor picked on me, mocked me, and criticized my work in front of the other students in my class ... 1: still went everyday, but felt dissatisfied me continuously throughout my entire first semester at McDaniel. Best mentor and why: Dr. Sharon Craig. She is my elementary education with the work I was completing and was not eager to participate, which is ver mentor and is a~solutely incredible! She is extremely knowledgeable, caring, out of character for me:' says Kretzer. and understanding! She was so helpful to me when Ttransferred from Carroll By the end of her first semester, the professor began to back down but ti Community College halfway through my sophomore year. Dr. Craig knows this day, Kretzer will never forget those moments when she felt completely everything and I feel as though 1 have learned more from her than I have from shut down in his room. "To this day I am sure that he did not mean anything negative by it...thank~ any other professor on the Hill! fuHy,this has never happened to me elsewhere at Mclxaniel, which I find to be one of the ..trengths of our faculty," says Kretzer. Since May 2006, Kretzer has been working on her senior seminar paper, "Remember the Letters: An Examination of the Correspondences of John and Abigail Adams." Kretzer became truly inspired by Abigail Adam's story dur- ing her junior year in Dr. Bryn Upton's "American Women." After making her way through John and Abigail's 1,600 letters, Kretzer was asked by the history department to present he!' paper at the Phi Alpha Theta Mid.Atlantic Regional Conference, which was held on March 31, 2007 at W.1Shington College in Chestertown. MD. With the help of Dr. Stephen Feeley, Kretzer cut her 26 page paper down to ten in order to read her work and then take any questions listeners had at the conference. "Fortunately, 1\0 one had any questions and the cornmenter for the panel had only positive things to say. It was an incredible experience to be given because [was actually able to present my work to true historians, which is what I have been working toward for four years," exclaimed Kretzer. Kretzer (right) introduces Julia Gouge at PiGamma Mu's 'Candidate Meet and Greet' in November. All five senior Phy~ics majors earn accolad~s from Dr}effn;r, ~arx: Most of them were still busy at press time. Kate Chapman notes that her fav.or~temem~ry from ~cDaJllel yea~ will be living tn the house with all my friends." Chapman also shares highs _ ~~HYSICS from her academic Joumey 10 the Senior Salutes WIth her peers in the Chemistry department. P . _ "" Ch "The end"d'redphysiCSdepartment is amazing. They are all very encouraging and make physics fun are worthy of tribute," apman a e. Other outstanding physics majors include: Frank Ingellis, Keith Greenway, Kate Chapman, Jim Petrillo, and Rob Jones.
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