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SPECIAL MAY 4, 2007 - Page 9 PSYCHOLOGY JILLIAN HOFFMAN when Igot confused about what Iwanted to do after graduation, he helped me Hometown: Westminster, MD realize what I was truely passionate about. Major: Psychology Thing you are most proud of about your work RACHEL HURLEY at McDaniel College: The undergraduate Hometown: Bowie, MD research experience I have had, and the many Major: Psychology incredible relationships I have formed with fac- Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: That it ulty and staff here. prepared me well for the "real world" ... I have had great opportunities since Favorite Memory: SO many ..I am going to graduating. choose three. First my Jan Term experience in Favorite Memory: Doing research in the pigeon lab in summer of 2006. Italy! How could it have been any better, we Worst Memory: Most of sophomore year. were sent to Italy with cameras and told to take Best Mentor and why: Dr. Mazeroff - he helped me make the best academic lots of pictures! But my spring break trip to choices for college and beyond, let me work in his lab with all of the great Myrtle Beach my freshman year with a few girls equipment, and introduc;e.d me to the best cheeseburgers in the area. from the volleyball team was amazing too. And of course the time I spent with my tantalizing 10! ELLEN INVERSO Worst Memory: The answers that come to my mind would probably make sev- Hometown: Ewing, NT eral people upset: So...the many many late nights of studying for finals and Major: Psychology + Biology Minor writing papers. Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: This is Best Mentor and why: Dr. Morris. She has been guiding me in my independ- really hard because I am so involved in so many things and have accomplished ent research since my junior year. She has not only taught me a lot about a lot ~I would say being SGA Vice President my junior year and planning research and psychology but about hard work and determination to reach my Homecoming Spirit WeekI some of the parade etc was a very proud moment goals. She took my expectations of myself and stretched them higher than I because thousands of people were'able to benefit from my hard work. And ever thought they could go. then being SGA President this year was phenomenal. Academically, I'm really proud of the research I've done since sophomore year with Dr.'s CAITLIN McGILL very exciting to be a part of a major paper presentation at a huge conference in Hometown: Baltimore, MD San Francisco and a major poster presentation at an even bigger conference in ~-j Boston. Being one Of the ielN undergraduat_ at each event h .... ernph ......zed Thing you are most proud of about your work ae McDaniel College: how fortunate I am to be at McDaniel where I've had those opportunities from Becoming a member (and president) of Psi Chi, the psychology national honor day one. society, and becomin~ a member of Pi Gamma Mu, the social sciences national Favorite Memory: Getting engaged to (McDaniel Alum) Mark Wheeler in honor society October.:) All the HYPE Carnivals and staying up til2am with my roommates Favorite memory: Spring Fling freshman year-when i met and hung out with, just talking for the first time, the group of girls that turned out to be my best friends and Worst Memory: Iguess the stress of applying to grad school. I mean everyone my rock throughout the next 4 yeah . has some less than stellar times, but I would be surprised if anyone wanted to Worst memory: trying to get around this campus on crutches freshman year- share that in a senior issue haha. So if anything, def the final stretch of applica- this campus is NOT made for crutches! And, finals week spring of sophmore tions, sr sem, and knowing that graduation is actually happening. year-I've never pulled so many.all-nighters. Also that week I was so ti~d the Best Mentor and why: Dr. Madsen in the psych dept has been the best advisor night before my Art History 2 final that 1 set my alarm dock for 8 pm Instead and mentor Icould ever ask for. We've been able to travel together for confer- of 8 am and almost-missed the final! ences and really get to know eechother well. She loves what she does and her Best Mentor: Dr. Mazeroff. He has always had faith in me and when he chose willingness to bring others into that is just phenomenal. And it's more than me as his peer mentor this year it was such a co.mpliment because he knew academically too - she's a great mom has that Tcould be a mentor for nrt-years students. Just as he was my mentor. Also, such an awesome family and I look up to her for that as well. BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: job (Larson/ellen - Outside of I am most proud of securing an accounting - By Christopher Ferrick-Manley Philadelphia) before senior year began and of all my academic and athletic accomplishments (honor societies, 2 nd team all-conference, etc.). !'BUSiness and Economics dipartment honors three Favorite Memory: My favorite memories are back to back Women's Basketball Two of the tougher academic; departments a~ ~cDa.niel College have tredl- Conference Championship titles in (2004 and 2005) and our annual Yellow ttonally been the departments of business administration an~ the department House (PA 139) picnics! ~oreconomics. For the graduating class ~f~OO7,only~o seruors. made depart- Worst Memory: The worst memory is yet to come, when I have to say goodbye to everyone here! . mental honors. Erin wilson will be receivmg honors 111 ec~nomlcs a~~ recent- lv won the Wall Street TVllma.i Award. }ieath~ Donhauser W!Ube recetvmg hen- Best Mentor and Why: Professor Carter is a wonderful mentor. He has helped me out with not only academics but also real world applications. :rs in business administration, A third seruoc Heather Th~mpson, was- also I named by department chair Dr. John Olsh as worthy of a seruoc salute. would say the entire business department has had a tremendous impact on me. HEATHER DONHAUSER ERIN WILSON Hometown: Fallston, Maryland ... . Hometown: White Hall, Maryland Major: Double Major in Business Administration and Eco~omIc;s Major: Economics and French double major with a business minor Thing you are most proud of about yo~r work at ~cDamel College:. , Thing you are most proud of about your work at McDaniel College: Graduating on time with honors, and WIth two majors, even though Ididn t Being able to help current and prospective students through things like tour be in them until half way through my sophomore . guiding, tutoring, admitted students' days and other events. So many people Fa~orite Memory: Traveling the east coast of Australia durmg the spnng break have helped me along the way so I like to think that Ican "pay it forward" and of my semester abroad. help other students like me. Worst Memory: Living on the fourth floor of ANW with one toilet and two Favorite Memory: r have a lot of good memories, so it's hard to pick. Oneof showers for the entire floor. .. . the best would probably be hanging out at the Pour House on Main Street to Best Mentor and Why: Professor Carter, becau~e he has a genum~ mtere~t III do work or grab a cup of coffee with friends. Or, another great one is my his students and always makes time to m~et WIth them to help With any Issues spring semester of junior year spent studying abroad in Toulouse, France. they may have. Worst Memory: My worst memory would probably be freshman move-in day, just because I was scared out of my mind! HEATHER THOMPSON Best Mentor and Why: My advisor Dr. Olsh. Hometown: Dauphin, Pennsylvania ... . Major: Double major of Business Administration and Economics
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