Page 68 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday. December 5, 2001 - Page 4 COMMENTARY What's next? Nirvana on the oldies station? Staff Editors-In-Chief Michael Wiles discusses an eye- Claire Adams '02 opening visit to the CD Warehouse mistake: clearly, the owners of this establish- Jealousy" is the story of my life. And per- Edward K. Schultheis '03 in Laurel, MD. ment did not know the true value of their haps most importantly, while Adam Durtiz If "CD Warehouse" is to be believed. I merchandise. sang about wanting to be Bob Dylan, I found News Editors am horribly untrendy. As someone whose musical tastes began myself wanting to be Durtiz, and even took LeRoy McDuffie '05 Not that Ineed a store to confirm this fact, to evolve just as "hair metal" bands were on a nod from his "Mr. Jones." I got myself a Jessica Watson '05 which I in no way doubt, but something hap- their way out, bands like those mentioned guitar to play. pened over Thanksgiving break that has me sparked an interest in me like nothing had To me, this was music that meant some- rethinking exactly how out-of-date and old before. Now, do not get me wrong: there thing, and these musicians had achieved Assistant News Editor I really arn. ~, WIll always be a place in my heart for Poi- something rare: music for music's sake, not Tammi Slater '03 In honor of our new DVD player, my son and Guns n' Roses, but one can only lis- for the sake of stage makeup and pyrotech- parents and I headed out to a local used ten to songs about dating models and hav- nics. Features Editor DVDICD shop, the aforementioned "CD ing "patience" for so long. It was these new After hearing the work of guys like Shauna Dominguez '02 Warehouse," to stock up on the best used acts that really got my attention. Vedder, Wieland, and Duritz, it seemed DVDs Laurel has to offer. For the first time in modem music, Iheard alright to grab my acoustic guitar and write Commentary Editor While my parents browsed the DVD se- musicians singing about themselves as songs about that cute girl in my English class, Matthew Hurff '03 lection, Isearched for the "cheap CD" racks. people, and about lives that were about more and not only capture my affection for her but As a cheap musician myself. r than just drugs and sex. also, and perhaps most importantly, capture Assistant Commentary Editor had no trouble Finally, music was talking and the feeling that she would never talk to a guy of humanity, language Erin Romanski '04 like me. Somehow, those guys just made it to hear what it would cool to write about life as life really was, and I was all for that. Some II years later, I Sports Editor still am. Greg Lederer '03 Now, I do not want to make this into a debate about whether or not today's music Photographer has any merit socialJ'y or culturally, or even Courtney Federoff '03 "cheap" racks, 'were the if today's musicians have anything at all to bums of bands I grew up say, because such claims would be ridicu- Senior Writer Counting Crows, "I'm still alive" as lous.' Mike Jenkinson '02 Temple Pilots, Gin urossoms.t of a song (although Meaning is all in the eye of the beholder, Pearl Jam, Soul Asylum, aodL..."'--- JI am still not sure why he was but I must admit that, as I beheld my youth Temple of the Dog were all "priced to move" so concerned about people calling him sitting on the discount rack, Ifelt as though Artist right there in front of me. "daughter" in another). I remember think- I was old news myself. Jessica Watson '05 For some reason, I found this quite dis- ing Scott Wieland was a genius because he In the end, I did swallow my pride and turbing, if not entirely too alienating for a sang about being a creep in "Creep" and buy a few albums missing from my collec- Advertising Managers trip to the record store. These bands are about losing an important relationship in tion. I mean, what kind of old man would I Jeff Grever '02 among those Iconsider my greatest musical "Plush" in a way that showed he lived the be if I passed up a good deal? Besides, with Beth Rudolph '05 influences, nOI to mention the reason I be- life he wrote about. all these "new" CDs, I can finally fix that came a musician in the first place (cheap as wobbling table of mine. Something tells me Staff Writers I may be). Perhaps there was merely some 'N Sync fans everywhere Tara Dellafranzia '03 A tribute to a Joan Faulkner '02 Leigh Garriques '05 Colby Goodrum '04 journalist's Rick Grams '02 Dan Hamvas '03 dedication Donna Hurd '03 Natasha McConnaughey '03 Deshawn McNeil '04 Professor Terry Dalton pays Katharine Strong '05 tribute to co-editor-in-chief Claire Michael Wiles '03 Adams. Her first story for The Phoenix, written Adviser during her freshman year, was about pigeons. Terry Dalton Dead ones. Then, a few semesters later, came her most controversial one. Based on 711e Phoenix is published biweekly. The ~inion~ expressed do not necessarily represen at p"ci",Ihne'~ng;,;o;inen;':"OWRiauioftIDai ~~fJJ\~~~ble,.,edwilh ::~:~~~na~~~:::~~:hti~S~~!~:it~:P~~~ Ithose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the erential treatment in certain areas. For that an influx of eager and impressive young ~inistratorsofWMC. brave effort, she was heckled and harassed check my phonemail messages on a Tues- freshmen to compliment a battle-tested corps The paper welcomes free-lance submission by an assistant football coach. And in Glar, day morning and hear Claire's cheerfully of juniors, The Phoenix's future is indeed ~ Macintosh disks in most word processor for- of all places, while she tried to eat lunch on groggy voice from the night before. "Mr. bright. Imats. The editors reserve ihe right to edit fo the day the story appeared. Dalton, it's Claire. It's three-thirty and we As for Claire Adams, I have no idea larity, length, and libel and to publish as space But years from now, when Claire Adams just finished the paper. I hope you like it." where this journalism minor will wind up in F.rmi~.All submissions (excluding self-~- looks back on her college journalism career, And I almost always did. the news media, but I do know that she has r::;es= diskettes) become !he property of The I doubt that the pigeon or preferential treat- I might mention that, not long after the positioned herself well for the post-gradua- ment stories will spring to' her mind first. pigeons-are-dying- on-campus story of fall tion job hunt: an internship with the Balti- m;~=~=~~'phone numbe Rather, I'll put my money on sleep - as in 1998, Claire made a wrong turn en route to more Sun two summers ago, another one orverification. Names will be withheld only b !me discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. loss of. Sleep deprivation, LOTS of it, seems The Phoenix lab. office one day and wound up with Modern Maturity magazine last sum- in a biology mer, and perhaps yeta third in the offing with to go with the title of editor-in-chief, a posi- The Phoenix does not discriminate based on lion she has shared with Ed Schultheis for Fortunately, Lewis hadn't been trans- USA Today. ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, energy with the pre-med Her dedication. F.n~na1origin, condition of handicap, or mari- the past two semesters. weekends, During when the bi- formed yet, so her flirtation and everyone wet- combined with a never-say-die and enthusiasm, bout production monthly The passed attitude program soon tar status. Phoenix is edited, laid out and finally deliv- corned her back to where she belonged: the finding a way to get the story-and get it right- ered to our printer at the Carroll County dingy, dirty, dreadfully hot Phoenix office is something that not only journalism pro- Mail to: Times, Claire, a senior, and Ed. ajunior, have in the basement of Daniel MacLea (thank- fessors notice and appreciate. The Phoenix fuUy, with a little help from me, the newspa- toiled many a Monday night and well into Now she just need a little sleep. WMC, 2 College Hill Tuesday morning, unwilling to pan with their per escaped those quarters last January). Westminster, MD 21157 8, 12 or te-page.offspring until it made them Claire and Ed have been wonderful co- -Terry Dalton teaches journalism at (410)751-8600 FAX, (410) 857-2729 proud. This task was frequently made more dif- editors to work with, but now, with this is- WMC and advises both the Phoenix to an end. has come sue, Claire's tenure E-Mail: and the Society of Collegiate ficult by nagging computer andior printer Happily, Ed will stay on next year, paired breakdowns that always seemed to crop up with anew co-editor. Matt Hurff the paper's Journalists.
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