Page 67 - Phoenix2001-02
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NEWS Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - Page 3 MSLfinds it effective to put out ideas for discussion and debate World AIDS Day: Awareness Continued from page J two-year member of MSL as well this. It deals with things that affect JESSICA WATSON as the Vice Delegate Chairperson, people and it's a good way to get Co-News Editor feels MSL is a really good process my insights out there, reach people, On Thursday. November 29. for college students to become in- and have them listen to what I have World AIDS Day was celebrated volved in. in Ensor Lounge. Sponsored by to say," McKee added. "MSL lets those who have the McKee was one WMC student ASAP CATDS Suppon Awareness power to understand the way col- who got a law passed at the debate. and Prevention), World AIDS Day lege kids think, and act on it. We Her law was a Resolution Concern- was an attempt to raise AIDS meet in Annapolis, and sit in the ing the Pledge of Allegiance and awareness here on campus actual seats that delegation do so was a recommendation to send to On display in Ensor is part of it's a really neat experience. I re- Governor Parris Glendening, lieu- the NAME Project AIDS Memo- ally love it, even though I'm not a tenant Governor Kathleen rial Quilt exhibit. which displays . political science major," McKee Kennedy Townsend, The Board of some of the many victims of the said. Education, as well as the House and AIDS virus and a fact sheet with McKee also feels that it is a very Senate leaders. some important information. effective way for college students The first inaugural display for Kate Boyle, the Delegate Chair- to put their thoughts and ideas out person of the delegation, and World Aid's Day was held on the there in the public's eye for discus- McKee anticipate that the group Capitol Mall in Washington. D.C. sion and debate. in October 1997. That display led will have a lot of potential to make "I'm leaning towards social to two national tours and dozens COURTNEYFEOI:ROI'F an influence on issues that concern work, so that made me want to do of international displays. Since Professor Robin Armstrong, from the music department sings college age students at the slate and federallevet. then, hundreds of displays have "Patchwork: Quilt" by Sweet Honey in the Rock in honor of World AIDS been held in cities, town. and ru- Day. World AIDS Day is a day /0 bring awareness nn campus. Residence Life interviews for new RLC ral communities. guitar in honor of World AIDS Day. tistics. These are real people." "It was a small turn out, with Members of ASAP also per- Contiuedfrom page J The memorial quilts are made only 20 or so people," said senior formed informative skits that by lovers. families. and friends of resident assistants who live in rnents to looking for a college. Chris Baeuerlein, one of the few showed their audience how to put people who died of AIDS. The Rouzer and Whiteford dormitories. There are several of them out there who attended this event. on a condom. Of course, they used NAMES Project has raised more In addition to this, the three candi- but only one is right for you. All of Baeuerlein is also a member of bananas. than $2.6 million for AIDS ser- dates will also meet with Dean Phil the candidates "have the ability to ASAP. "I learned a lot," Baeuerlein vices across the country. All do- Sayre, and members of College Ac- do the job," she said. "Bringing "The less people that Come, said. "I learned that half of the nations received go to local AIDS tivities, Residence Life, College people to the campus helps you fig- the more it's needed," said people infected by HIV are under related organizations within the Activities, and Smith House. ure out who best fits with Western speaker Kelly Browning, Presi- the age of25. That was very scary display city. There arc over They will also meet with a Maryland." dent and Coordinator of PWA and shocking to hear. Ididn't real- group of first-year students as well Next on the agenda is to be in- (People With AIDS). ize that it was that serious." 42.000 quilts in total and you can at view them all online as some of the student leaders on terviewing for a new Director of She spoke about her own ex- More than over 40,000 Ameri- campus. Housing. Towle hopes to start that perience with the HJV virus. She cans infected with HlV are under The WMC AfDS support "We really want to know what process by late Spring, and to wel- also gave advice to really care for age 25. AIDS is the leading cause woup. in collaboration with the the students think," said Towle. She come someone to the staff to start your friends and make sure that of death among 15-24 years old Carroll County Health Depart- compares finding these replace- on July first. they are doing the right thing. African Americans. ment will be having their second Bernice Cobert, of the Carroll "This is the biggest war," says Annual AIDS Walk in OK. we all know you're done with school County Health Department, also senior Kathy Pendorf Vice Presi- Westminster soon. work and ready for winter break. But spoke. She has had experience dent of ASAP. "It's like a 20-year This is an historic even! that patients. with both HIVandAIDS don't even think what are you thinking about for next She shared statistics about how war and people it is a silent war." will help our community increase about it because semester? many people were infected and Pcndorf said a lot of students the education and prevention of is Registration HTV and AIDS. the death rate for the virus. have unprotected sex and don't $15 per student and $20 per adult; Considerwriting for the PHOENIX. Cobert also mentioned that the think about the consequences. group sponsors are welcome. All death rate was going down be- "I went to support a couple donations will go to the AIDS cause of new medica! advance- friends who had organized the Call extension 8600 for more details, ments and treatments in the field. event," said senior Erin Clarke, Fund ill Carroll County. helps financially fund The In addition to having Armstrong. "fully expecting to receive lots of people living with HIV and AIDS. two speak- Robin ers, professor 83 West Street~e~, of the music department, sang the instead, with names and faces. Just interesting contact in donating or partici- facts and figures ... and came away, or if you are For more information song "Patchwork Quilt" by Sweet quilt makes looking at the AIDS Mo at (410)751- pating, Honey in the Rock and played her (hat it isn't about sta- 8657. you realize is ASAP Westminster, MarylIDd ::' . ways looking al- llIS7 for ways to pro- mote awareness ~~ on campus. E!iq~re ested in learning If you are inter- more about H1V, AIDS. and what "ltd tA, at you can do to help, please call theASAPhouse x8657 and Hnun $H1.Dll x8658. The only way to win the war is to know 410.848.8000 what you against. are lighting E!qUIe&~laai~rowoff~tllf1IorĀ£hair~~Ior~_II\ll.lC,Cn~nesda)I ooIjiomlhnil5~ Senior Lisa Van Auken shows senior Mohindra "Mo" Rwnphal and senior Cathy This was Pendorj 110111to put 01/ a condom. In the skit, Mo is not clear to the concept. Wlit-ils.e(lIO~mneed!d), TlI'JmeroOJlsIIJ,OO,aootliIlDWs one of a couple skits put on by members of ASAP /0 make students aware of the risks 118,00 they take when having unprotected sex. Although their skits were practical, the reality is no laughinR I7UInner.
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