Page 70 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 70
Wednesday, December 6, 2001 . Page 6 COMMENTARY Terrorists are unreasonable, but then so are Americans Leigh Garriques remarks on stereotypes imposed by Americans that this war will have on the world. "we will use every necessary weapon." Everyone knows the media is extremely 4. " ... they search of mass de- for weapons cluster bombs about terrorism. struction ..." (G.W.Bush). We are dropping and deadly U.S. biased and does not show both sides of any situation. which are the most terrifying I am writing this article in response to America is far more guilty of this than weapons. My suggestion is to read independent "Should America be involved in this war?" the terrorists. Bush stated that " ...we will use These bombs are prohibited by interna- newspapers or listen to public radio, where by Donna Hurd. I hope to educate those of every necessary weapon." As of now we are tional law because of their highly destruc- more than one opinion is expressed. Also, you who do not quite understand why some dropping some of the deadliest and most tive nature against humans and other life go to a teach-in or protest. You don't have to "crazy" Americans do not support this war destructive bombs in existence. We are just forms. be there as a citizen against the war, but there and also to inform the readers about some as guilty of "mass destruction" as the terror- But, hey, if we can nail just one guy it's is a ton of information available, which will facts you may not hear in the news. I too, ists. worth the destruction right? These kinds of provide new perspectives. would like to begin my article with a quote 5. " cannot reason with terrorists ..." thoughtless actions are what cause World Another suggestion is to put more time from George W. Bush: "Every nation in ev- . The country of Afghanistan actually Wars. The Taliban has no support and no and energy into protecting ourselves from ery region now has a decision (0 make. Ei- agreed to negotiate with the U.S. if we could means to compete with the U.S., which is another Sept. II attack. Some of the blame ther you are with us or you are with the ter- provide proof of Osama bin Laden's guilt in why it is insane to claim they are capable of for that attack can be placed on government rorist.' the September 11 attack. However, the Bush destroying the world. officials. To make such a statement is extremely administration responded that they would not I would also like to comment on the quote There are reports that the CIA and other threatening. This war is a so-called "War on negotiate and refused to provide evidence. by G.W. Bush that the author included in her secret services knew about the possible at- Terrorism," $0 based on his statement, it is 6. " ...bin Laden is out to abolish our entire paper. "Unlike our enemy, we respect life." tacks before they occurred but did not know safe to say that if a country does not agree nation ..." Take any history class and it is obvious thai exactly where they would occur. But to think with U.S. military actions, or simply wants This may be true, but nothing can abol- America does not have a spotless track we could have done more to protect our- to remain neutral, they are a target of the U.S. ish a country quicker or easier than a war. record for respecting human lives. selves is sickening. If this does not sound like an attempt to "put There have been many incidences where in- Think about how we have enslaved, The government is infamous for lying to an end to civilization here and across the nocent Muslims living in America are being murdered, and segregated African Ameri- the people ("We are not dropping bombs on globe," as Hurd puts it, I don't know what mistaken for possible terrorists. Also, those cans. Cambodia."), and we cannot be so stupid as does. who are not in support of the war have been Think about how we killed millions of to trust everything they are telling us. The first comment I would like to make referred to as "traitors." These are just a few Native Americans and forced them to live Also, the media is given strict orders about the opposing article is its blatant irony. examples of how this war is already begin- on reservations. In addition, Asians, Hispan- about what they can and cannot air to the The author creates a profile (based only on ning to tear our nation apart. ics, and thousands of other minorities have public. They cannot show entire videos of stereotypes) which she uses to define a ter- You also say that the terrorists, " ... boast continuously been discriminated against and bin Laden's speeches. rorist. I would like to shed some light onto about their success ..." and they" ...began this disrespected. America has never respected They can, however, show clips of his some of this criteria in the hopes that the truth war ..." With a little more research you may human rights and probably never will. speeches where they strategically pick and can better be seen. find that America is not as innocent as we Bin Laden has admitted to the attacks. choose what statements to air. They are di- I. "...the enemy does not have feelings ..." claim. Part of the reason we were attacked In fact, he states "we killed them, they (U.S.) rected to specifically portray every negative lfby this you mean killing thousands of was a result of past U.S military actions kill us, and we kill them." We are doing ex- aspect of the war to seem as though America innocent lives with no remorse, weill fully against the people of the Middle East. Be- actly what the terrorists want. However, is doing no wrong. agree. Bin Laden is a terrorist. Yet doesn't fore the Sept. II attacks, five thousand Mus- Afghanistan agreed to negotiate with the Instead of practicing our "eye for an eye" this make Americans terrorists as well? Ac- lims were being killed each month as a re- U.S. if we could provide proof of the culpa- tactics, perhaps we should simply make sure cording to UNICEF officials, more than suit of U.S. occupancies in Iraq. bility of Osama bin Laden in the September there is no chance of another attack on the 100,000 Afghan children will die from war- My point is that we must examine the 11 attack. The Bush administration re- U.S. We must also remove unnecessary U.S. related causes by the end of winter. This situation from all angles before we take a sponded that they wouldn't negotiate and economic sanctions from Saudi Arabia and alone adds to the fact that America does not stand based on what the media is telling us. refused to provide evidence. Could this be the Persian Gulf. There is no need for us to have feelings either. The media is not exactly the most trustwor- because the government is more concerned be there, yet is it a coincidence that {his is 2. "...they do not care about the innocent thy source of information. with oil than justice? (But that is another the where the world's oil supply is located? women and children that have died ..." What we call terror and evil other coun- article in itself.). Finally, I would just like to say to the It is true that bin Laden probably does tries see as freedom fighting. We are simply So in all honestly, is randomly bombing author of "should America be involved in not care about the Americans who have died. getting them back for what they've done to hundreds of cities, with slim hopes that one this war," that to you, I "shake my head and But what is America doing to show how us; we are fighting for our rights and for p~o- of our weapons will get him, the most intel- sigh." I am in no way disrespecting the be- much they care about the thousands of tection, right? However, in their eyes we are ligent thing to do? The government cannot liefs to those of you who support .this un- Afghani that are dying because of us. Some terrorizing them. wipe out an entire country on the basis that necessary war. Iknow there have been a few may argue that a few canned and dry foods We cannot be so naive as to say we are bin Laden might be hiding in one of the huts articles in the newspaper about the anti-war are an efficient way to show we care. But simply, "protecting ourselves." From what I we are bombing .. protests and I went to one of them. we must keep in mind that this country has ask? We are unleashing the biggest military J would also like to add that terrorism has Some of you may say that I am unpatri- never seen nor do they understand what to power in the world against one of the poor- been around for many, many years. Killing otic or a traitor for not supporting Bush and do with these goods. Dropping a bundle of est and most underdeveloped countries in ex- one man is not going to solve anything. Get- his war. But I can assure you that the pins, t- goodies, (along with the cluster bombs), does istence. We have bombed American Red ting rid of bin Laden simply means another shirts, and flags flying high (funny how much not show compassion. Cross shelters THREE times. If "protection" one will pop up angrier than the first. It is of a profit is being made on all this) do not 3. "...they have no conscience .... " is what America is rationalizing this war the cycle of violence that the so-called "pa- compare to the amount of nationalism that Bin Laden and the Taliban have shown with, we better "wake up," as Hurd states. triotic" Americans are supporting, not honor can be seen at a protest. no remorse or sorrow for their actions. Along To say that a small group of people is or protection. "American values" as Hurd puts it, are with Hurd, I feel that the parties who bombed capable of worldwide destruction (keep in I'd also like to give some solutions and not based on a mini flag bought at a gas sta- American buildings had no conscience. mind the terrorists used glass cutters to hi- alternative methods that the government is tion, but on people of all race, gender, and However, Bush has made several speeches jack the planes) is unrealistic. American ignoring. First and foremost, we must edu- religion uniting together for a cause they be- and I have yet to hear any statement that military powers, along with other countries, cate ourselves as much as possible. The me- lieve in. shows he has even thought about the effects are planning a "lengthy campaign" in which dia is not the best source for this. -Leigh Garriques is afreshman. he gradual process of becoming a vegetarian Joan Faulkner discusses her may be fine for some extreme vegetarians flavor are the tomato, lettuce, onion, and ing vegetarian I suggest that you gradual! thought process in becoming a (or vegans, but let's not go there), for you pickle. Would anyone eat a hamburger with- ease into it. Stop eating ham one week, tur veggie beginners out there, let's start with a out any vegetables Oil it? It's not American! key the next, and ease into ending your ubiq vegetarian. very common vegetable that you eat often, But Iguess you really can't have a sandwich uncus chicken and beef diet. Well, I think it's finally happened. After like carrots. with only vegetables, but that brings me to Or if you're really scared of becoming ing a devout meat eater my whole life, the First of all, think of the salad. I mean ev- my next point. total vegetarian (hey ldidn't say vegan) the dea of turning vegetarian is looking better eryone loves the salad. For those of you who would never get you can eat only one kind of meat like a poly nd better. This change in appetite is not be- For those of us who get bored with plain within one fork-length of a veggie burger I vegetarian (eating only chicken). ause of GLAR eating. as some may think. raw vegetables, we add our own ncn-veggie suggest you consider this. And for those wondering, the main rea ut because I have learned that many veg- foods to it: croutons, salad dressing. cheese, Sure they're filled with all sorts of un- Son why J have not become a complete veg tarian foods really do taste better than meat. or even meat, but I guess that kind of takes known veggies baked into one beef burger etartan is, ironically, because of GLAR And I think because meat is such a big away the purpose of the salad so try not to wannabe, but it fills you up more, it's Those chicken tenders are too much of art of American food, its quality often gets add the meat. healthier (a bad word, J know) than a fatty good thing to pass by. verlooked. Also, no direct reference 10GLAR, but 1 beefburger. and some even taste exactly like -Joan Faulkner is a senior I am not talking about immediately eat- find that fast food burgers have less and less a beefburger! Wow! ng an all-tofu or all-eggplant diet While that taste. And what gives these sandwiches their For those of you still tentative about turn- communication major.
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