Page 71 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 71
COMMENTARY Wednesday, December 6, 2001 - Page 7 Taking a look at the alcohol policy fanity is not the Deshawn McNeil looks at people under the age of 21 are not campus. I will not deny that most wer for rude driving the hypocrisy in the allowed to drink OR buy alcoholic of the people on this campus drink, alcohol policy. beverages; most people know this. but Iam highly upset when one of The College does it fair share of them complains about a lack of mediate right in my turning path. After reading the commentary complaining about students that parties. I have been to a number Frustrated. I reversed and tried by Michael Wiles, I was tom be- drink and cause disruptions on of parties on campus (one recently again. tween confusion and comprehen- campus, especially illegal drinkers sponsored by two campus sorori- I noticed a space behind me, sion. I'm sitting here with my (yes, I used the word illegal be- ties) that have had TERRIBLE Iwas almost involved in three near the reserved Human Re- friend right now, and we're trying cause that's what those individuals turnouts ...why? ccidents within a 15 minute time sources area. As I was turning my to figure out what side of the argu- are) Because people want to drink span. With only I slight accident wheel to back into the space, an- ment (vs. Steve Sharkey and the This is ridiculous! I have at- and therefor. they do not want to in four years, (55,000 miles). I other apartment resident occupied anonymous writer) is. My friend tended a number of activities spon- go to a party that doesn't serve al- consider myself a fairly decent the spot so quickly that 1 once believes that Mr. Wiles is trying to sored by the school that serve beer, cohol. So, basically what "Anony- driver. Why so many near-colli- again had to hit my brakes to say that students who choose to be and it's free (which, by the way, is mous" was saying is that there is a sions within 15 minutes'! Lack of avoid hitting her. This was not a "drunken idiots" shouldn't com- even more of an incentive for lack of parties on campus that serve arking. time to sit in my car and mumble plain about laws that must be en- people to drink !1. Does anyone see alcohol, not a lack of them in gen- It is already a recognized prob- curses under my breath.; it was a forced; they should deal with the where I'm going with this? How eral-ifyou really want to get tech- em that parking spaces are at a time to park in faculty. drag my consequences of being caught. I'm can the College complain, if they nical. Everyone has adifferent idea minimum. Rude. impatient, and three heavy bags OUl of tbe car. going to try to figure this out for too, are sometimes helping the of what constitutes as a party. but I incompetent student drivers have and shout a clear, crisp. monosyl- myself, so lets look at the school's drinkers on campus? don't have time for that. yet to be discussed- at least, be- labic obscenity at the other driver. alcohol policy. For those drinkers that are un- All in all, no one around here is yond the curse friendly confines of I can't say I recommend shout- Iread all of it. II's just too long der 21, what can the school really going to win. Laws (state and cam- one's own car. Only a week after jog obscenities at people, bu( my for me to write, but if you would do, card them before they walk in pus) will be enforced, and the col- September 11, J waited patiently, stress was gone. My anger at bin like to know. what I am talking the door? Yes, people are carded lege will still complain. People wanting to make a right onto Penn- laden was no more. My three about, refer to pages 61-62 of the at these events, but what does that will still drink as long as there's ylvania Avenue. Careful of 011- hours of German homework Student Guide and Datebook. really matter? alcohol being served. I think that coming traffic, most of which is stopped seeming so impossible. When Ibegan to write this article, My friend gave me a great ex- this campus should have more open blocked by parked cars, 1 pulled And now that bin Laden is still out I didn't really know what I was ample that shows the problem with forums like the one recently spon- ut. 1 heard 3101 of screeching and there and the Gennan homework going to write. When I read this this. If I'm 21 and she's not, how sored by the SGA. We should talk aming behind me immediately is finisbed I just feel awful. section of the Student Guide and is that going to stop her from be- about issues like this. Believe it or afterwards. I hadn't even seen this I feel guilty. This is the first Datebook an idea came to me. ing able to drink? If I'm a good not, everyone doesn't read the car, but it must have been going time I have ever shouted an ob- Why is the school's alcohol policy friend, I'll just give her my cup Phoenix, so not everyone knows over 45 mph if the brake screech scenity at someone with whom I one giant contradiction? It prob- (please don't try this at home, what's going on around the cam- as that loud. Further screeching was not already acquainted. Pr0- ably shouldn't even matter to kids!). pus. People need to be informed. ensued; the driver behind me fanity usually accompanies humor someone who lives in substance I also wanted to address another KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! aved her middle finger while in my circle of friends, but in this free housing, but it really doesn't point. The anonymous writer in the -Deshawn McNeil is a creaming incoherently OUI the instance. it was clearly filtered an- make sense. October 31 issue complained sophomore communication window. On a Monday evening. I ger. Maryland State Law says that heavily about the lack of parties on approached the Garden Apart- and Art major. So I pulled back into the apart- ents parking lot not expecting to ment lot as another driver left his Get involved before complaining and I began making a left tum into ing earned my lesson. yeUing acant space. There was one Matthew Hurff responds dollars to put on a show, but they I also took offense to the attacks the parking lot- Instantly. I was obscenities at them doesn't fix the game and swipe anythiug,join to criticism made about were playing for basically free for made against the SGA. While I am forced to hit my brakes. in order ~~r;:;~'D~·llafran;.ia is a Homecoming by an the good of the campus community. not active in the SGA itself, I per- to avoid the driver of a much older. sma s hed up car as it made an iJD.- anonymous writer In the process, they took time sonally see and respect the great away from their lives to perform deal of effort the SGA members role in other campus organizations, In the last edition of the Phoe- for us. Not only did the perfor- make to improve our campus. an Anonymous writer. I really find and also work many hours nix, I was very disheartened by an mance take time away from their However, there are not enough campus jobs. at off- it difficult to understand how a per- article we placed about Homecom- lives. but the set up and take down hours in the day for those members I would like to make an anal- son can truly believe in something ing written by an Anonymous first- of their equipment before and af- to plan and entertain each and ev- ogy for the anonymous writer. and then not have the guts to put year student. ter the show can be a very time con- ery person's whim here. Criticizing the SGA for not doing their names on it. The only in- The article offended me on sev- suming process as well. Therefore, I urge the faceless stance where it would be accept- want is eral levels, especially on the per- Also, it is pretty unreasonable writer to get involved in these or- everything you personally all of the able is if your life is on the line. like a group donating sonallevel. for a listener to think that a band ganizations if you have a problem. money they have to charity and I don't want this to discourage One of the reasons is because I would have an entirely different set After joining, then maybe you can then having the charity turn around anyone from using the newspaper happen to be good friends with the list in a two-month time. How address your concerns in a more and complain publicly that the for airing their gripes or concerns. I would just like to point out that it members of Room 402 and the ar- many songs do you think they mature way. Then maybe you will group did not give them enough. is important to be fair with your ticle seemed like some sort of per- have? What do you think that see how difficult working in such That is a pretty unfair complaint, attacks and also stand by them with sonal attack on them. It would be bands on tour across the country organizations can be, especially isn't it'! your name. one thing to criticize them if they do? They play basically the same when many of the members bal- One of my other issues with the were a band receiving millions of set list night in and night out. ance a full course-load, playa large article is that the attack was from Matthew Hurffis major a junior English etailing the new policy on the use of anonymous articles Edward K. Schultheis plaints about the article from stu- First and foremost, if a person details the Phoenix's dents. Their main complaint is that is going to be granted anonymity, will not be publishing articles keeps America in order. We are where not even we know the iden- policy on anonymity. we ran a very insulting article with- they have to show that if their name tity of the author - this ensures that using these guidelines now to en- sure that there is a sense of respon- out the author's name. The first de- is put on the article that their well- at least there is some kind of ac- In the last issue of the Phoe- fense that I throw is that as an being will be in danger. It means sibility surrounding the use a for the article. nix, we ran a commentary that American, every citizen has the that they could possibly lose their countability if you directly attack a anonymous articles. Also, criticized the college's homecom- right to speak his or her mind about jobasa RA. This doesn't mean that person in your article, and use their Everyone has the right to speak ing festivities, "Room 402." and anything at all. Therefore, the per- they are afraid of being made fun name, then I feel that it is only fair their mind, and have their voices SGA among some other things. son who wrote this article has the of, or having people come up to that you attach your name to the heard, but you also must consider This article, which was an anony- right to do so, however, it is time them and question their statements article. It is not fair for you to at- that to have your voice heard you mous commentary, was a topic of to set guidelines for when anonym- in the article - that is the conse- tack a person by name and not have must take responsibility for what heated discussion for us on the ity will be granted, because up to quence of having an opinion and the guts to admit who you are. you are saying. Phoenix, and we weren't too now, pretty much anyone who expressing it. It is something that Now, we aren't doing this be- The best thing would be to talk happy with running the story, but wanted anonymity was granted it. many of us do on the Phoenix day cause we don't want students to to a member of the Phoenix and your situation. Otherwise, we felt that the student who wrote Following the rash of anonymous in and day out. express their opinions. On the con- explain will just have to make the you the article had the right to express articles in the Phoenix, we are now Secondly, we are no longer tak- trary, we want students to continue choice of either not submitting his or her opinions. setting clear-cut guidelines that the ing commentaries and other articles to write commentaries questioning However, since the article was during the next year we will put that are submitted to us without a your article, or taking the chance run, I've received many corn- into effect. name on them. This means that we actions by others, because it is this and including your name with your system of checks and balances work. that
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