Page 72 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 72
Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Finals can save your grade Too much emphasis is placed on final exams Erin Romanski looks a t the positive aspects of the final exam However, if the results have been accurate, system. one last lest should be a walk in the park. dents have gained throughout. This semes- And the only thing awaiting us after Decem- Donna Hurd looks at the negative ter Iam taking American Cultural Diversity As the fall semester draws to aclose, stu- ber 14 is Winter Break. C'mon.people. Test aspects of the final exam system at with Walt dents are left with visions of sugarplums taking will never be a thing of the past, so WMC. through Artistic Expression of this class Through the course Michael. dancing in their heads. I maybe not. we all need to just suck it up and countdown Now IS the time that the dark circles you grow as a student in terms of open- More likely, they are final exam the emerge on the eyes of students and profes- week which looms ahead sors alike can be seen rushing to class late mindedness and acceptance of other cultures ways of expression. the intent to destroy. Yet, with that much needed cup of caffeine in we ever stop to think that their hands. Whether it be the biggest bottle How much a student has taken from the ams could actually help us . of Mountain Dew they can find or a bottom- opportunities given in this class cannot be the long run? less coffee cup from the Pub, it is worth the measured and relived in the pages of a blue Putting the whole grade extra effort at 8 a.m. in the book. Presentations and discussions are the [ into perspective, a final makes up a good Another problem with fi- your final average is that some professors as much as 40 or 50 of the total grade. This to act shocked and dismayed every semes- puts too much stress ter, as if saying to ourselves, "How dare they? all aware of this at the worst possible Don't they know I have three papers due this should try to be as semester. Students that week? Are they trying to kill us?" Sure, I'd ing to each other as not good test-takers lose like to rationalize that philosophy, but it just sible. So why does the more in these classes. A isn't realistic. The professors don't want to be here anymore than we do. ~:~~sO~nh:;!~; ~:;sd~~7n it ,.L:_ _ _""'_ _ _j:: on~:a~ ti~:~~:~a:;t~Se b:~~~ My only suggestion to get through the not necessary for all of them? they pour into the class during the semester. next couple of sleep- depriving weeks is this: I have not only observed the presence of Although r cannot say that presently I have "Grin and bear it." When all else fails, caf- this question in numerous student can versa- a professor that puts so much emphasis on feine can be a college student's best friend. tions in Decker, but I have heard it raised the final, many students have confessed to -Erin Romanski is a sophomore from the mouths of many frustrated profes- me that certain departments are at fault more sors each semester. At a liberal arts institu- than others of using the final as the sink or tion there are many classes offered that final swim decision in their classes. Departments exams are not a useful tool in evaluating a that seem to follow in this trend are the Busi- student's knowledge of the material. Finals ness, History, and the Science departments. in these classes simply force students to have Of course, there are certain professors an all night cramming session in order to be that are well known as the main spokesmen able to regurgitate facts and dates that they and women in each department and I cannot will only forget later. Another important honestly say that it encompasses every pro- thing to realize is that some people are just fessor and every class. In addition, there are not good at taking tests. Western Maryland professors scattered throughout all depart- College does a commendable job providing ments that may agree with them. for students that have learning disabilities in If there is this much controversy over the the Academic Skills Center, but requiring necessity of mandatory final exams and the them to take finals that are set up in a way effect that they may have on a student's Ii- that is unjust to them contradicts all their nal grade then why hasn't there been a reso- efforts. It gives other students that may be lution of this problem? I have been here for exceptional test-takers an unfair advantage. five semesters now and there has always Personally, I have had at least one class been discontent with final examinations. every semester that does not really contain When will the administration finally take the structure that would make a final exam action? Soon I hope. successful and useful as a wrap up and an -Donna Hurd is ajunior English accurate survey of the knowledge that stu- major. No one should limit the power of a person's imagination Colby Goodrum discusses a decision made by a Catholic to satisfy their own agenda. Harry Potter is continue to spring up: Noah's Ark, the part- People read books and gain principles they sending ing of the sea by Moses, Jesus school to ban Harry Potter. nothing more than a fantasy, and in my opin- demons into the pigs who then run off a cliff, the would like, or not like, to implement into than the Bible. The ion no more of a fantasy The recent weeks .saw the release of the only difference is that the Bible has been and the burning bush, just to name a few. their daily lives. This is a good thing, and is the variety of books available to people first Harry Potter mpvie, "Harry Potter and around much longer, and has many more All of these instances are pretty fantastic, yet also good, it creates a variety of personali- the Sorcerer's Stone." people who see it as fact. people believe in this book wholeheartedly ties. Writers like R.K. Rawling, 1.R.R. This film ope/ned t~ rave re~iews as w:ll Until college I went to Catholic school and have the audacity to say that people like Tolkien and C.S. Lewis should not be looked as tremendous popularity, grossing 93.5 rrul- my entire life, and was forced to take reli- J.K. Rawling promote idolatry through their down on by people in the Catholic faith for lion dollars the first weekend, surpassing the gion classes and read the Bible, so I have a writing of fantasy books. their fantastic writings, but praised for their previous record set by "Jurassic Park: The pretty good idea of what is contained within I have no real problem with the Catholic imagination. Lost World." it's pages. faith. If they want to believe in that kind of If anything, given the current world situ- Howejer, not everyone found the movie It occurs to me that the Bible could be thing go right ahead, but I do have a prob- ation, the Catholic schools in Memphis, Ten- to be such a magnificent event. Immediately looked at as the ultimate fantasy book if lem with them claiming that certain things nessee should have doubled the number of following the film's first weekend of sue- people looked at it for the entertainment promote idolatry. Harry Potter books, not banned them. Fan- cess, two Catholic elementary schools in qualities it presents. Who are they to judge, someone should tasy writers have a gift of taking the limit- Memphis, Tennessee banned all Harry Pot- Think about it, it starts out with this" tell them that they are following something less possibilities of the unknown and shap- ter books from their libraries, claiming that "God" who creates the earth in seven days, that no one living has ever seen, and can't ing them into wonderful, mysticaljourneys. Harry Potter promotes idolatry. each day creating a new piece. Then, he ere- really prove. The books touch children and adults alike, Seriously people, enough is enough. ates a man to live in his new world, eventu- Give me a handful of mushrooms and because for the short time it takes to flip What's next, are these schools going to ban ally creating a companion for him as well. enough time and I could write a Bible that through the pages, they are taken away from The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, or the series Right away the Bible comes off as having a comprised the same kind of phenomenal everyday life, and able to think about what by C.S. Lewis. fantastic element to it; two people living in events-so phenomenal that people who fol- might be. So really, would some people just J find it somewhat humorous to see these perfect harmony in Paradise. Then of course low the Catholic or any' faith stringently give it a rest-please? claims by Catholic schools saying that the there is the fall of man, and people fall from would believe the events have to be of di- -Colby Goodrum is a sophomore Harry Potter series promotes idolatry, the the grace of God. vine intervention. English major. only rtt'\SPp.,t~~l" iU:e,rpf4ti,ng,s,uFP ,cJ¥J1\s,i~ ••••• ~tv9¥g~~lf.t .tl~eP,i~lr,fjirytMtic elements The reality is that books shape our lives.
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