Page 65 - Phoenix2001-02
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Taste of Islam coming LERoy McDuFFIE Co-News Editor soon On November 28, the second annual Taste of Islam took place in JF.sS1CA. WATSON the Forum. The event was spon- Co-News Edi/or sored by the office of Multicultural In early and mid-September, Services and various other campus the Residence Life Department organizations. The purpose of the lost two of its employees, Nicole event is 10 spread the culture of Is- Gallop, Residence Life Coordina- lam by including a traditional tor, and Beth Rosko, Director of Ramadan dinner. Approximately Housing. Residence Life is well 150 people attended this dinner to on its way COfulfilling one of the get a better understanding of Islam two open posinons. and have an authentic Ramadan dinner. dence "Typically these kind of resi- are filled in life positions The dinner began with a read- said Elizabeth ing from the Koran, the religious Students become more aware of HIV and AIDS and learn the facts during World AIDS Day. Lisa Van Auken, the spring." Dean of Student Towle, Af- Assistant Chris Baeuertetn, and Jennie Caless. members of ASAP (AIDS Support Awareness Prevention) show their Continued on page 2 fairs. audience how 10put on condoms. For more details see page 3. "Usually, hiring new staff New meal plan in full effect for Fall 2002 members of the year." In early Oc- to do in the is "hard middle tober, an ad was placed in the "block plan" rather than the tradi- went to Dr. Ethan Seidel to inves- "Last Spring we made a com- Chronicle of Higher Education tional "meals per week" plan: This tigate and raise concerns about stu- Students have been complain- j:llock plan was supposed jc allow dent complaints. mitment to try to have a proposal and on the Higher Education stu- dent affairs webpage. ing for a long time about the re- for maximum flexibility. Students were complaining that for the Board of Trustees by this Residence Life received 40 re- that schedule," Fall and we kept quired meal plan for WMC stu- All first-year students and stu- they were not using all 220 meals Seidel said. "The impetus came sumes, which was an overwhelm- dents living in traditional housing. dents living in traditional housing in their plan so they were losing from the student requests." Finally, their voice has been heard have to buy the 220 meal plan, money. The block plan that the school ing response. This ad made the and something is being done about which averages out to 15 meals a "People became more aware of currently had was created about public aware that WMC was it with a new plan that will be put week. what they were using and what they "seeking qualified applicants for into effect in Fall 2002. Students living in the Garden weren't using," said Seidel. After five or six years ago because of the position of Residence Life In the Fall, all students, except Apartments have the option of the hearing their concerns, Seidel went major renovations made to the din- Coordinator (RLC).'ยท According to the ad, among ing hall. first-year students will be able to 90 block plan, which averages out to work. Before the block plan students other requirements. successful get either a 175 meal plan or the to about 6 meals a week, because "There was talk about it last were allotted a certain amount of candidates must have the "abil- 210, if they live in dorms. Those the apartments have kitchens. year," said Dean Phil Sayre, refer- meals per week. If you didn't use ity to work well with other stu- who live in the apartments will But, there was no middle ring to the possibility of having the all of your meals, they didn't carry dents, faculty and staff, as well have the option of getting the 90 ground for those students who changes made for the current as [have] good organizational and meal plan or one of the two afore- didn't eat all 220 meals and did not school year. "But there wasn't communication skills." mentioned plans. live in the apartments. enough time to get it into the bud- Continued on page 2 Seven phone interviews have Currently, the school has a Last year members of the SGA get." been conducted. During the week Singing sensation Student legislature of December 10, Residence candi- Life will be bringing in three dates for all day interviews. will meet with Marie competes in Annapolis The candidates on page 3 Continued islation. Assisumt News Editor Presenting the. legislation in - -- --- --- Over the weekend of Novem- committees of ten to twelve stu- ber 10and II, the WMC Maryland dents, the laws will then be decided Inside Student Legislature competed in its on whether or not they will be sent second state debate this semester to the floor for further discussion. in Annapolis where students took The delegation has shown a strong several individual pieces of legis- sense of initiative and determina- lation, concerning laws which they tion in presenting legislation, earn- Donna Hurd and Erin Romanski felt needed more attention to those ing "Best Delegation," representa- face off in a Pro-Con about the of higher authority. tive of good orators last year. For importance of final exams. With about fifteen members to- WMC and its MSL participants, tal, and twelve active members, this was a huge deal for it encom- WMC competes against schools passes everything that MSL stands What do you believe in? From such as University of Maryland, for and represents. adidas gear to butterflies, see UMBC, College of Notre Dame, The delegation has been around what your fellow students be- Towson University, Mount Saint for about twelve years now, and has lieve in. Mary's, Frostburg, and Morgan continued to grow at WMC with State. The delegation meets four each year. times a year with the state, and Merrybeth McKee, a junior Greg Lederer details the pre- practices on campus every other season wins of the women's bas- Continued on page 2 ketball team as well as their cur- Wednesday to debate pieces of leg- rent season. _,
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