Page 66 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 66
Wednesday, December 5,2001 - Page 2 NEWS Culture and dining at the annual Taste of Islam Next fall students can choose their meal plan Continued from page J Continued from page J "We went to the block plan because it meals, you can still order 10 meals for 40 allowed for more flexibility," Seidel said. dollars. "With the 220 meal plan you have a little However, the first-year students next fall over two meals a day. If you have meals left are required to have the 210 meal plan. over at the end of the week, you can use them Seidel feels this is very appropriate, so next week." that new students can "be here a year, see They also originally started out with only what it's like, and then decide what you want fifteen Pub & Grille fourth meals, because to do." He does not want this to be an oppor- they weren't sure if that concept would take tunny for students to short-change them- and students would eat there. Well, now it's selves. time for a change. Now students have the chance to choose The SGA came to Seidel wanting a plan the meal plan that best suits them, which is that had more than 90 meals but less than certainly a freedom that is currently un- 220. "What we needed to do was to struc- known on campus. ture it so that at the same time give this new "I think that it's good because a Jot of option and cover the cost of operation [food people don't use 220 meals," said freshman service}." Rebecca Wilhelm. "But then again, I also Seidel came up with several different think that it will be beneficial for a plan to combinations that would work. His ideas be created where students can use more were put before the Board of Trustees, and Students, faculty, lind other members of the WMC community experience good meals in the Pub." The Pub & Grille has al- con versa/ion and good food at the Taste of Islam the All College Council, which consists of ways been a more desirable place to eat be- the leaders of the major student organizations cause they take your order and their open text of Islamic faith, and the explanation of gamble, or have sexual intercourse. Muslims on campus. for most of the night. Ramadan by Dr. Mohamed Esa, chairman of also attempt to fast from having evil thoughts They settled on a 175 meal plan with 15 For a select few, this new meal plan Multicultural Services. and desires (no swearing, fighting). Pub & Grille meals. doesn't really have an effect on them. "I The word Ramadan, which comes from Although there are many restrictions dur- "He tried to factor in a system that would don't really care anyway," said freshman the Arabic root word "ram ida," is translated ing this month, there are several joys that allow for more flexibility," said Sayre. "He Jacqueline Kellner. "It's just one more thing as intense heat and dryness--symbolic of the come out of it. spent a lot of time working on it and pre- to discourage me from eating in Glar." month-long restraint that helps a Muslim Ramadan is the month that the Koran was sented ten to a dozen options to the All Col- Either way, the new meal plan was one redefine and reconnect with their faith. revealed and is the month of generosity. It is lege Council, each one better than the one demanded by students, and is evidence that He explained that the month of Ramadan also a month of forgiveness, peace making, before it." Seidel was looking for the most when the members of the SGA committees was chosen for the annual period of personal and reconciliation. More importantly, it is a effective way to make this happen. speak out and work together, goals are spiritual renewal. It was in the last ten days month of renewing ties to family and friends. In addition to this, "We were actually able achieved and things are changed. of Ramadan that Muhammad (the last At the dinner, there were various delica- to take the 220 meal plan and change it to Keep in mind that this new meal plan will prophet) experienced his "Night of Power; '" cies from Islam--including dates, stuffed 210 and actually lower the cost." So either be open to further change, and is part of an in which he first received revelation from grape leaves, lentil and. spinach soup, and way students save money. evolving process to find out which systems Allah, which later became the Koran. Dur- Basmati rice. As of Fall 2002, if you live in a tradi- work best for students. He looks forward to ing Ramadan, Muslims fast for 29 to 30 days Bsaconcluded by saying, "This is an age tional residence hall (i.e. McDaniel, ANW) working with students and finding ways to from sunrise to sunset. They are not allowed o~ diversity, it is important to spread the cul- you have two meal plan options. You can modify it so that it best meets the needs of to eat, drink (not even water), smoke, ture." either take 210 meals or 175 meals. Either the student body. way you go, if you happen to run out of Campus Safety Blotter TAMMJ SLATER cans damaged, and thrown on steps. Pend- Property crimes-unknown person(s) tipped ยท11117 1:30 a.m. Blanche Ward Hall-Fail- Assilitanl NeK"sEditor ing amounts of damage. over the snack machine. ure to comply-warned about excessive 1119 12:30 a.m. Rouzer Hall found powder 11/1 I 10 a.m. Blanche Ward Hail-Tamper- 11/169:35 a.m. Whiteford Hall-Alcohol vio- noise, but chose not to comply. of fire extinguisher all floor and some ing with latiou s- 11/171:40 a.m. Blanche Ward Hall-Fail- doors. The fire extinguisher was found at fireprotec- underage ure to comply-Failure to comply with se- end of hallway. tion de- posses- curity officer's request on alcohol incident. 11/9 12:20 a.m. Harassment-female student vic e s - sion/con- 11/17 II p.m. Off campus accident-student reports that she felt threatened by a male missing sumption. car was caked in cement from the renova- student. fire extin- I I 1 1 6 tions being done to Levine Hall. 11/9 12:50 a.m. Garden Apartments one Al- guisher. 9:45 a.m. 11/18 1:35 a.m. Blanche Ward Hall-Fail- cohol violation-student possessing "hard" 11/1 I Eng Ia r ure to comply-student trespassing on cam- alcohol. 11:20 p.m. Di n i n g pus while instructed not to do so by the Asst. 11/92:38 a.m. Albert Norman Ward Hall- R 0 u z e r Hall- Dean. Disorderly conduct-student and non-stu- Hall-Ar- Property 111183 p.m. Football Field Trespassing- dent fighting in the Quad. rest by crimes- found student on campus. He is not allowed 11/10 Rouzer Hall-Vandalism-shaving lo- Westminster the Din- on campus except to attend classes. tion was sprayed all over the bulletin boards Pol ice ing Ser- 11/201;50 u.m. Garden Apartments- Park- and walls. Athletic tape with the word Dept-stu- vice van's ing Lot accident-backed out of parking ROOR, the last R written backwards, was dentsmok- left rear space and was hit. on one side of the wall in the hallway. In- Pes- ing mari- door was 111207 p.m. McDaniel Hall-Weapons formation passed on to Housekeeping for juana in damaged. session/Use facsimiles-toy gun found in stu- cleanup. room. 1 1 I I 6 dents room. 11/10 Penn. Ave. House-Property crimes- 11/129:25 1 2: 4 0 11/207:26 p.m. Rouzer Hall-Alcohol vio- passenger side mirror damaged. p m P m lations-alcohol found in Rouzer Hall (dry ll/IO 4:06 a.m. McDaniel Hall-Fire in Whiteford Hoover dorm). room 312 H a I I - Library- 1]/209:50 p.m. Harvey Stone Park-Inde- 11/10 11:45 a.m. Blanche Ward Hail-Al- Health/Fire/Safety Regulations-students Trespassing-Non-student trespassing in the cent exposure-two non-students found pos- cohol violations-underage consumption/ burning incense in dorm room. library. sibly engaging in sexual acts. possession in clubroom. 11112 II p.m. Albert Norman Ward Hall- 11/16 10:45 p.m. Blanche Ward Hall-Inde- 11123 7:36 p.m. Harrison Parking Lot-Al- 11/10 12 p.m. Rouzer Hall-Property crimes- Property crimes-glass in window broken. cent Conduct-Students found urinating in cohol violations-student possessing hard li- ethnic slur 01) elevator door. J 1/13 6:50 p.m. Campus Telephone System- hallway behind Gamma Beta Chi clubroom. quor in Harrison parking lot. I11II 12:18 a.m. Off campus-Disorderly Improper conduct-subject left a obscene 11116 II p.m. Blanche Ward Hall-Alcohol 11/26 12 p.m. ANW Lower Parking Lot conduct- student disturbing the peace. Un- message on answering machine. A total of violations-unauthorized alcohol in clubroom. Property crimes. derage consumption/possession of alcohol. two messages were recorded. 11/17 12:40 a.m. Rouzer Hall-CDS (Drugs) 11127 1:22 p.m. Garden Apartments-Prop- 11111 I :22 a.m. Off campus-Alcohol vio- 11/15 1:30 a.m. Rouzer Hall-Dishonesty-stu- Found drugs in Rouzer Hall, no suspects. erty crimes-suspicious conditions, personal lations-underage possession/consumption. dent gave false information to obtain park- 1I117 12:55 a.m. Rouzer Hall-Alcohol vio- room appeared to be searched. 1I1l1 4:15 a.m. McDaniel Hall-Property ing pass. lations-underage possession/consumption in crimes-Light pole broken off cement, trash 1}/16 1:30 a.m. Albert Norman Ward Hall-
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