Page 63 - Phoenix2001-02
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. SPORTS Wednesday, November 14,2001 - Page 11 WWF Column: Who will survive Field Hockey loses a the 13th annual Survivor Series? heartbreaking game MIKE JENKINSON at ECAC Tournament This year, the WWF has taker, Kane, The Rock, Chris Jeri- StajJWriler brought back the meaningful sur- cho, and Vince McMahon. This year the WWF goes back vivor series style match. The to the old school for survivor se- The main event of the Novem- McMahon's inclusion of the Sports Editor seems more ego serv- ries. ber pay-per-view features Team ing than an honest attempt by the The Western Maryland College In the past, the survivor series WCW vs. team WWF. WWF to provide quality wrestling to take a 1-0 lead. pay-per-view featured four or five Furthermore, the stakes were 'entertainment.. Field Hockey team finished their The Rangers wouldn't go away man teams facing off in elimina- raised when the winning team will I can't imagine that there are record setting 13 win season at the and fought back in the game with tion style. "survive", while the losing team's many fans that really want to see ECAC tournament. a goat past sophomore goalkeeper Slowly' but surely, sometime company will cease to exist. the McMahon's in the actual Unfortunately for the Green Becky Arnold to tie the score at I- over the past few years, this tradi- Although the concept of de- match. Terror, the team suffered a heart- I. defeat to end their season. breaking tion has died out. stroying an entire company based Deserving, talented stars like The teams would go back and The pay-per-view, although on a wrestling match seems a little DDP, Test, and Edge now have to In the first round of the tourna- forth until the buzzer sounded to still prestigious and meaningful, weak, the buildup has been fun and be left out so that the McMahon ment, WMC took on the Drew end regulation lime tied at l. lost it's unique appeal because the the impact of the winning team will boys can include themselves in the University Rangers at Gill field. Early in the overtime period, elimination matches were, well, be pretty important. contest? Either way, the team With the home crowd behind DU picked up the win with a slap eliminated. The rosters of the team do leave match should be thrilling. him, the Green Terror played the shot past Arnold to the sounds of a..:>r- The past few years the WWF something to be desired, but I've opposition to a standstill and the disappointed WMC home crowd. The possibility exists that Triple has made a weak attempt to reach been able to look past that in order H will make his return at this event. match was scoreless in the first The loss ended the Green half. back into the past by adding a few to attempt to enjoy the major event. The WWF is insisting that he's not Terror's best season in the ofthese elimination matches at the Team WCW will be RVD, healthy yet, but I think it's all a Immediately after intermission, program's 53-year history, but with bottom of the card WMC struck first when sophomore almost the entire team returning Stone Cold Steve Austin, Booker smoke screen to pull the wool over The matches have usually been T, recent turncoat Kurt Angle, and Tara Morris took a pass from team- next season, the team looks to con- rushed, and have only featured bot- WCW owner Shane McMahon. everyone's eyes when he does in- mate Kim Camponelli and knocked tinue their strong play next season. deed return. tom of the barrel WWF talent. Team WWF will be The Under- Hopefully this Sunday. the puck past the Ranger's goalie Krebs leads X-C team Player Profile: TeronPowell BRANDON ROEBUCK game (2nd with 4.78 per game), get me into the weight room which at NCAA regionals SlajJWriler and scoring (S6 points). He is also has paid off for me on the football The Western Maryland Green one touchdown away from tying field," says Powell. "He has con- GREG LEDERER pleased with her performance. Terror football team knows a thing the single season touchdown record Spons Edimr The women's team also re- fidence in me and puts me in the ortwo about records and statistics. of 15 set by former Franklin and game so 1 can highlight my talents For the majority of the Western ceived a strong performance from Most people know that the Green Marshall wide receiver DaleAmos and help the team win football Maryland College cross-country fellow senior Diana Pool who fin- Terror has won 33 straight Centen- in 1989. games." team, their season came to an end ished 24th 'overall in the nice. -nial Conference games going into Powell's numbers throughout But Powell isn't about all the at the NCAA Midwest regional in Paced by Krebs and Pool, the team their season fi- ,-c---------, his career at attention the record brings him. Lehigh, Pa. finished IIth out of34 teams in the nale against Western Mary- Like all people, he'values his fam- The exception was star competition. Johns Hopkins land ranks him ily for his inspiration, especially his women's senior runner Jill Krebs. On the men's side, the team fin- University Sat- Out of 235 runners competing ished 23rd out of 3 I learns in the urday after- to ever play for mother. "Everything I do is basi- in the women's race, Krebs fin- race. cally around her." noon. the Green Terror. He also believes in the team ished 13th overall which qualified The team was paced by sopho- - . Mas t The 6'0, 210 her for the NCAA Championship more runner Jimmy Thayer who and game people also pound senior above anyone not else. holding himself Meet for the third year in a row. placed 114th in the race, followed know that the from Milford, "I just want to help the team win The meet will be held in Rock Is- right after by sophomore Ryan Green Terror is Story continued 011 page. 10 land, Illinoisan November 17. The Melhorn who came in I 15th. have won47 of Western Mary- two time all-American, land all-time regular season leader in recep- fSEiiioRCIT'iZENMEN', games with "iiri~illtions (141), both losses .IJ touchdowns I & Bc:.~~R~~,?~R12 coming at the (34), and recep- hand of yards I $8.00 l Bridgewtaer. Included in this amazing record, is Powell is not one of the best in !,nc4lt:lesCU'&~,.,.~CII/lIIotbo I L=.,!"'h_~~~~~~<:.1 Specializing in." last week's amazing 42-21 victory Western Maryland history, but one -Men's, Women's and r---,-------, over 6th ranked, I AA opponent of the best in Centennial Confer- Jacksonville University. ence history. Children's Hairstyling I MEN S HAIRCUT I This is a team who knows that When Western Maryland there is no "1" in team. There may trounced Franklin and Marshall 54- - Flat-Tops I I • not be an "I" in team, but there is a o on October 20, Teron scored his I $9 00 REG. , $'0.00 ''T' in team and the "1'" in this team 34th touchdown, a 74-yard strike stands for Wide Receiver Teran from Harris, which gave him the Why Go To The Rest ... I......CUI&fWsfl.~~btll Powell. record surpassing the former record L~.,:;:_~_e:-...!~~d On a team full of talent, Powell of 33, held by Amos. GO TO THE BEST! ruD'ES-HA'RcUTl has been having an amazing sea- When he asked which of the r & BLOWDRY son. Mon,lIlruFri.9am·7pm·SatSam·6pm I' $18 00 I records is most important to him, For your convenlenco WO',. open: I As the number one target for Teran states that the touchdown Quarterback Jamie "Boo" Harris, record is of most value to him. • Sun.108m·Spm _ Powell's numbers this year are im- "The touchdown record is most pressive. College Square 1..:' ~CUI"'::~~~'i.Cf important to me because every ---------_~ He has 43 receptions for 70S game I go out knowing I'm going Shopplng Center r----------, yards with 14 touchdowns this to catch a pass," says Powell. "So f PERM SALE I year. His 7S.7 yards per game leads scoring the touchdown is what ev- 444 WMC Drive Reg Westminster the Centennial Conference in re- eryone looks at." $45.00~l ceiving yards. He is also in the top Teran credits his coaching staff 410·857·0520 5 in all-purpose yards (4th with for making him the player he is 410·857·0898 t:----""."""'I [23.2 per game), receptions per now. "Coach Keating was able to _~,.'!:!~;..._,;_,~.1 Next to Safe way ~canntJltHt~WIth~
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