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FEATURES Wednesday, December 6, 2001 - Page 9 60 SECONDS Cast and crew of "Children of Eden" overcome a large obstacle KATHARINE STRONG ity of Lammers and Gaver to in- The stage is designed to keep StaffWrifer corporate themselves into the cast, the audience engaged in the story. Alumni Hall echoed "with the and 'fill the roles so quickly. It is a slightly inclined globe onto eternal cry of 'Let there be" this "Children" centers on the first which the actors, rather than stage- month as various student actors and nine chapters of the book of Gen- hands, bring props and scenery "It's my last chance to musicians performed Steven esis from the Bible. The familiar within the context of songs and have two weeks of no Schwartz's "Children of Eden." stories ofAdam and Eve's expul- conversations. The cast and crew had worked obligations and responsi- on the show for seven weeks and sion from Eden, Abel's death, Act Iran for approximately one and Noah's ark Cain's punishment, bilities before I enter the faced many obstacles, among them are all brought to life for the audi- hour and 15 minutes and Act II ran for a little more than an hour, mak- real world." the dismissal of a male lead only ence. ing this show a bit longer than re- night. However.while Kelley Diamond '02 four days before opening removal, the ries are the framework the biblical sto- cent musicals at WMC. With one actor's of the play, However, audience reactions Sociology cast lost both Cain and Japheth. new twists and themes are also con- settled not on the time it took to do These were important parts be- veyed to the audience. the show, but rather the content of cause they continue the theme of The importance of oral tradition the show. Sarah Vannoy, a sopho- parent-child relationships, and be- and storytelling in different cul- more, commented, "The show gave "The fact that I can make cause Japheth is the romantic lead tures is immediately brought to the a very good perspecti ve on the in the show. a little money, and take a Dr. Elizabeth van den Berg, the audience's den attention. notes that story, particularly on how Eve Van Berg break from the daily grind directorof"Children", told the cast storytelling is a way of recording wasn't evil, just curious." After the show ended, cast of classes." that the originally cast Cain/ events and keeping track of history members waited to hear if they had Japheth was neither prepared for not only for children, but for adults Ted Stephen '03 been nominated for any awards at rehearsals, nor giving the show his as well. Physics full attention, and had therefore Among other new ideas in the the 34th Kennedy Center American Theater College (KCI Festival been told to stop coming to re- play is the portrayal of Eve. ACTF). hearsal. Contrary to ancient interpreta- The festival strives to support "Hanging out with my sion," "It was an unavoidable deci- tions of Eve as an easily tricked college actors and theater pro- says van den Berg, "but af- in the woman with little investment family and my dog, ter the initial shock everybody welfare of the garden, "Children" grams, and invites certain shows to perform at the awards' ceremony. Chevy. But I'll miss pitched in to help [the new actors] presents the first woman as an in- This was not the first time that hearing Ernie's voice get into the play." actor, quisitive creature who is Adam's WMC has presented a show to the equal partner in Eden. Neither the dismissed every morning." junior Mike Pitstkoulis, nor his re- When confronted by the snake, ACTF, although it is the first time Tricia Hoops '04 placements, junior Hendrik a five-person, soft-shoe dancing, it was entered as a Participating Production. Socioiogy Lammers and sophomore Andrew hissing, singing, hypnotizing, While the show was not invited Gaver, wanted to discuss the unfor- sparkly character, Eve admits that to perform at the' festival, certain tunate events that could have pre- she wants to know what is beyond cast members did receive nomina- vented the successful opening of the garden's boundaries. Her deci- tions for scholarships. "I get to eat at home and "Children." sion to eat the apple is driven by, Senior Brandi C. Crawford, Gaver had been working on the get to see my boyfriend show for a month and a half when according to "Children," ambition. who portrayed Eve; freshman Another and I don't have Econ for he accepted his new role, but the changing main theme is that of Lindsay T. Stewart, who portrayed between relationship six weeks." Lammers joined the cast for the parents and their children as they God; and sophomore Tierra Jolly, all portrayed Aysha, were who Tarique Desouza '04 first time four days before opening become adults. nominated for the Irene Ryan night. sto- the different Throughout BusinesslEconomics "It was odd," says cast member ries, parents learn that as their chil- Scholarship. Designer, senior Me- Costume junior Courtney Yates, "but Ithink dren grow up, they must allow lissa O'Brian was nominated for everyone was supportive of them to make the same mistakes the Barbazon Design Award. [Lammers and Gaver], and even that they made. Van den Berg feels that the cast "The break gives me time those who weren't worked hard Van den Berg points out that, will take a great deal away from the to work and save money after the decision was made to "Father learns this lesson too late show regardless of awards. for my trip over spring make the show the best it could be." in Act I, but is able to help Noah The closing number of "Chil- Sophomore Matthew Demos, with it in Act !!."Together, God and break." whose character had a large amount Noah learn that, "the hardest part dren" suggests that everybody must Lizzie Musar '05 of interaction with Cain and of love is the letting go." "make our journey worth the tak- better ing and pray we're than we History/Political Science Japheth, was impressed by the abil- were in the beginning." I Believe: what do you believe in? ! believe in friendships that last how you get there is as important has to be in the world a lifetime. I believe in love at first as getting there. I believe in con- est feelings to the green of the 18th walking sight, magic, having fun as often necting with your inner spirit, and hole and waving to the crowds sur- as possible, and only doing things never losing contact with your in- rounding you (Perhaps I will feel if they will make you happy. r be- ner child. -Shauna Dominguez it some day). Ibelieve that my fam- lieve in loving with your whole ily and friends are the greatest heart, or what is the point in lov- I believe that my best days are things that have happened to me, ing? yet to come. I believe that friends and I hope that they are proud of Ibelieve that fate does exist and mean the world to me, and my par- me too. everything happens for a reason. ! ents are my best friends ever. I Finally, I believe, and so do believe that everyone has a know that my first passion is base- people who know me, that I am the soulmate, and someday r will find ball, but my passion today is golf. biggest Adidas "whore" around. _ "The chance to put mine. I believe the future can be I believe in the sanctity of the Ed Schultheis I make of it. I believe whatever in your bank account." dancing for the love of it. in game, in going for the green in two, and that a good game of golf is only Chris Assing '04 I believe that sometimes you enhanced with great golf buddies. Submissions should be dropped Information Desk Communicationffheatre have to be like a butterfly; spread I know that the day I lose to my off at the or at The Writing Center in in Decker your wings and explore what's father I will be proud, happy, and around you. disgusted (hey, who likes to lose?). Hill Hall. Ideal length: IDO words I believe that in achieving goals, I believe that one of the great- more or less - Lisa Breslin, Writ- ing Center
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