Page 64 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 64
··DMe° TeffjJr SODns Western Maryland College After a win in Green Terror Sports Terror football loses at home Schedule Cont!nuedjrom page I their game against Wand J, there championship with Western Mary- Men's basketball are several potentially exciting land. November 17 matchups (or Green Terror fans. The Terror defense gave up Assuming they won, a second three TD passes, all to Hopkins se- vs. Maryland Bible , round game against Widener seems nior go-to guy Zach Baylin. College -very likely. The Terror played Wid- Baylin caught 14 passes for ener each of the two previous sea- J 20 yards to go with the three Women s basketball sons, and recorded one-sided vic- scores. tories in both contests. Senior QB Boo Harris lead The November /6-17 If the Terror were to win two Terror by running for two TO's. games, then another big game The week before the Terror flew York College could be on the horizon. south to play sixth ranked Division Tournamept Bridgewater College, a. team IAA Jacksonville University. The that has defeated Western Mary- Terror started slow, but ended up Swimming land two years in a row in the regu- romping the IAA powerhouse 42- lar season opener, would only need 21. November 17 to win one game to advance to a Sophomore running back'Iason rematch with the Terror. Hartman had a career day, as he ran vs. Swarthmore The Terror most likely would the ball for 106 yards and two TD's, College have played their first game at on only 6 carries! home had it not been for a disap- Senior D-Back Jason Wingeart pointing 21-14 loss to Johns lead the Terror defense with an in- Wrestling Men's soccer ends Hopkins this past Saturday. terception .to go along with ten November 17 @ The loss was the first confer- tackles, including a sack. ence loss in five years for the Ter- The splitting of the final two Oneonta University record-setting season ror, and it allowed Muhlenburg to games left Western Maryland's share a part of the conference regular season record at 8-2. at ECAC tournament RICK GRAMS adding that when he came here four SfaifWriter years ago he "never would have One of the most successful sea- thought this would have hap- sons in Green Terror men's soccer pened." came to an end on Saturday, with a McCallum expects the team to 4-2 loss in the Eastern College Ath- continue the success of this year's letic Conference playoffs to team, saying that losing those se- Franklin & Marshall. niors "will be tough, but we should On the previous weekend, the be able to pick up (he slack." team advanced to the Centennial The record-breaking season Conference final, where they fell carried the Terror into the Confer- to Gettysburg 2-0~ ence tournament, where they beat Going into the season, the Ter- Muhlenberg 1-0 before losing to ror had high hopes, but they did not Gettysburg. foresee the amount of success they The games were played No- had. vember 2 and 3 at Johns Hopkins Senior Brad Russell said that University. coming into the season "we hoped The Muhlenberg game went to be successful, but we didn't into two overtimes, with the teams know we would be this good." playing over 115 minutes of soc- Freshman Tim McCallum cer before anyone found the back shared these thoughts, saying, "We of the net. knew we could be good if we The lone goal was scored by played as a team, but we didn't Long at the 10:30 mark of the sec- think we would go this far." ond overtime. Pedalino assisted on The loss to Franklin & Marshall the game-winner. Goalkeeper ended the careers of nine seniors Defibaugh, who made twenty saves who end their playing days as the in the game, paced a strong defen- winningest group of seniors in siveeffort. WMC men's soccer history. The next night, Gettysburg Pat Danaher, Ryan Defibaugh, avenged an earlier loss to the Ter- Cabot Goodrum, Tom Long, ror by beating them 2-0. Barclay Losse, Michael Okoye, Defibaugh Slopped 15 shots in Vinny Pedalinc, Russell and Scott the contest. The loss was the fifth Smith won more games in their overall for the team, against 14 four years here than any other wins. group of players in the program's The final record of the team is history. 14-6 (including postseason play), Russell said that the mark giving {his team the most wins in "proves how hard we worked," school history.
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