Page 69 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 69
COMMENTARY Wednesday, December 5, 2001 - Page 5 War in Afghanistan is not the way to fight terrorism Dan Hamvas addresses an United States to be equal to civili- The last war which was more the hands of somebody who hap- book called "Mein Kampf' that article written in the zation - Dublin, Belfast, Tel- or less humane, was WWI where pens to be in possession ofa nuke some people in America believe in Phoenix defending war. Aviv, and Jerusalem are only the according to the legends, as soon that he is just too eager to blow up, like the Bible to this day, not to wilderness, right? as it was called over, people from but is humane enough to desire a mention the millions he infected Could it be possible that people So now Bush is off to save the both sides got out of the ditches and legitimate motivation for his ac- with his insanity. So it indeed must actually think this way? - I thought world, from the mean terrorists, ran over to the other side, to en- tions- Whose fault is it gonna be have bore some conceptual logic in when I read Ms. Hurd's article. A who even slaughter children and gage in a humane hug of joy, that then? it, even if it was the logic of mad- junior English major at the school women. But you see, the terrorists the political nonsense they were The point is, it's pretty clearthat ness. Of course, this is no excuse where the motto is: "think danger- are not mean. Bin Laden said he made to fight for, was finally you can't exterminate every terror- either. But I would recommend to ously"? Asking if war on terrorism hates Americans, and that includes dropped and they survived. But this ist. If you don't see that, then you all those urging the bloodshed, that is necessary? ( all of them: men, children and is a humane war-so was the Viet- galla be deluded. Or maybe you they. look at both sides of the coin, Okay, people hate me already women. Forget the age and the gen- nam War. The dirt that appears can. Well, in that case, let me ask enough, so it won't hurt my rep if I der. It's all Americans, that's what about it in films and1books and tes- you why now? Wasn't it already and look at their side even better than at the other. admit that I'm an agnostic. I don't counts (to him even I'd be an time by the Entebbe-incident, orthe I recommend a little thinking to believe in God. I think he's dead, American, and he would bomb the 1976 Olympics in Munich? be done here. Think what your gov- or onto a much bigger project right shit out of me without a second "Remember, they began this ernment is spending a billion dol- now. And I laugh out loud every lars (of your money) a month on. time I read the Bible. However. I ~~~g:~c~Ji~~~e~~~~:~~? ~:'rh~e~"L)ยท--",='..'!'!~==~=~=-"'W!!!ac,,!,"!!!.Jot~~' ~~ ~~:v~n7s~:~ ~:.~~ Think of cause and effect in the past still have one virtue on stock that me ask this though: are our Where did this line emerge and in the future, not just in the people lend to overlook on the soldiers making a distinc- Taking a life is a shameful act from? Some propaganda present. And then think of yourself doorstep of the 2151 century. I have dead in a war that you can't win a soul. And so I think - no killing ~~enn~~w~~o~~~o:~~tlt~~il- and a sin, not in any bullshit ~:m!~i~~?t::~'n~:~n~~~~ for good, only temporarily. Be- is right. You see, there are no in- sense, but in intelligent humane Ing it - I only wonder, if cause you can't kill all the bugs- I guess it's correct to state that nocents in a war (ever heard we're so smart, why maybe the ones that prick you, but anybody who has some practical the phrase: "It all started sense. haven't we finished it al- not all. And also keep in mind that knowledge about leadership knows when he punched back"). ready? even if you happened to succeed, that control and manipulation is a Of course,' that is no excuse for those nasty Vietkongs... Apparently because it's not a their extermination would still push double-edged sword: you can cut what happened. Still, stopping the terrorism is man named Bin Laden America is the world out of balance. Don't just yourself with it really easy. So if Taking a life is a shameful act all noble indeed. Doesn't matter fighting here, but a whole nation talk about thinking globally - do it! you make an appearance in the and a sin, not in any bullshit sense, that it cannot be achieved, does it? of Bin Ladens, who hate. But what Stop waving the flags, and think political arena, you are more or less but in intelligent humane sense. So Because how can you kill an en- exactly do they hate? Could it be as humans, not as blood-craving obligated to do what your audience please don't make me laugh by emy that you can't keep track of the way Americans think? Well, avengers in a just war. Because if demands from you. And right now quoting President Bush on a line all the way? It's like the flu - you possibly. you don't, then you are no better the audience is directing - their fa- like: "Unlike our enemies, we re- will never kill all of it in your body, So why not adjust our thinking then they are. They don't have re- vorite gladiator has been wounded speet life." you'll just decrease their number a bit before we run amok and nuke spect for you, you don't respect by a newborn "heel" of the arena What the hell is that supposed to a point where your lmmune-sys- the dust out of the desert? "Because them - this is what led to Septem- and the audience is outraged. to mean? If you respect life, then tern can overcome it for a certain he can't be right", hmm? You see, ber II. To stop this little flow of analo- you preserve it. If you want to pre- amount of time. I was taught by many people I re- I don't ask you to cry for them gies: the citizens of the US want to serve it, you don't destroy it. However, even the flu seems to spect, that there is some truth even and say that they are nice people ,see blood, and President Bush ei- Bombs are meant to destroy lives, return every now and then, when in the biggest lie and that there's (I'm in for frying them, because un- ther gives it to them or tomorrow as far as my military expertise the immune-system fails the body. something to learn even from the fortunately they are not ones you he'll only be called: Bush. So let's reaches - or what are the high-tech And while we're still on the medi- biggest idiot. can talk and teach other perspec- not pretend that this country's wis- birds bombing in Afghanistan?The cal analogy: you can't kill all bac- True, you can not negotiate with tives to, but you claim to be better, est have gotten together. and made sand? teria, because not all bacteria are terrorists (and as an imperative you that's why you are at college). But the decision what was best for Miss Hurd says that mothers bad ... Killing them ALL", wouldn't shouldn't). And you can't close always keep in mind that you are America, choosing from a wide worried about their children are only include terrorists, but direc- your eyes and hope that they will of the same dirt and dust that God variety of options, but, of course selfish. Miss Hurd, are you a tors, authors, artists, social critics, go away. They have a set frame of made them from. you can't feed that in its stripped mother? Probably not! Do you have and anybody, who ever spoke up mind, just like the ones desiring Don't be proud to have to kill reality way. a brother or a father though? Well against issues of the United States war in the US. ('m not saying strik- someone (if for nothing else: be- Is terrorism something new? if you do, how would you like them -mostofthemactuallyAmericans ing back would be unjust. I only cause they are). And don't delude Has it never happened before? Of to go away and die in the holy CTU- themselves. want the hypocrisy to stop and yourself about doing it for the course it has. It only happened in sade against terrorism (a strictly Today those people are heroes people (instead of pretending to world (America does it for selfish places where the United States humane warfare - which is pretty and millions love them and their think) to actually think about how reasons, just like almost everything wasn't damaged. much a contradiction in itself: war work. Their audience doesn't America got into this mess in the else). See it as it is: objective and But now that America is hit, is something you either do right, or change the fact, that those geniuses first place. impassioned. And when you can suddenly the whole civilization is you're just wasting your time and deeply despise the system, and their You say Bin Laden makes no see it all through these values, then in danger? Apparently the United energy)? works reflect their opinions, and sense, and he's crazy, that's how? you have the right to judge and de- States' President considers the Oh. those humane ways! one day those works might land in A man named Adolf Hitler wrote a r cide. In defense of Homecoming, SGA and "Room 402" Claire Adams defends the attack made on the WMC handful of SGA members (maybe SGA, since they wouldn't accept recttons for the Homecoming able for lottery among campus or- a dozen) set up the bonfire after money. homecoming. Court, which asked if everyone had ganizations-we received only their classes on Friday. They vol- But perhaps this critic would've a ride. Perhaps she should have three applications. Try barking up in the last Phoenix, one student unteer their time to get the supplies rather had a silent pep rally? alerted SGA of her situation sooner chose to heavily criticize Home- and run the event until the night Further down the student's than an hour before the parade. the right tree. coming 200 I without getting all of comes to an end. never-ending line of complaints, Don't cut on SGA for not being And you want there to be a their facts straight. Student voice And lets look into the harsh they pointed out that the Freshman accommodating, when they're not Homecoming dance????? Now that is a wonderful thing, but when criticism of the bonfire band Room Homecoming Lady had to walk to psychic. is a tradition that is born and should you're going to attack multiple 402. Every year the SGA does in- the start of the parade. "Come on SGA, get with it!" stay in high school. I don't know campus organizations, I would first deed have a DJ. But this year, two For weeks, SGA has been at- Sorry, but the main purpose of SGA many students who want to go to straight make sure you're accurate. days before the event, WMCR in- tacked about this subject-"You is not throwing Homecoming par- tailgating to a fancy "dance". after all day. The anonymous first-year stu- formed us that they "lost their should have provided her with a ties, we do that on the side. Our dent made many assumptions- equipment." ride!," "You should have been main purpose is listening to every Finally, this 'writer ' had the and we all know how the saying Room 402 graciously volun- more organized]," "She shouldn't student complaint, and god forbid gall to knock down a campus band goes about assuming things. First teered their time. No, they're not have had to walk all that way in her praise, and making changes-and and the SGA, without putting their off, the student criticized the bon- Dave Matthews Band. But, come pretty dress and high heels!" trust me, whether you realize it or name on the piece. Unless your life fire. No, I agree, we aren't Texas on, they volunteered and that is far But wah-perhaps she should not, we make changes every week- is in jeopardy because of your opin- A&M with towering, and poten- more than most groups would do. have attended the Homecoming -we meet for two or more hours. ions, have the balls to put your name on your criticisms. Come On tially lethal bonfires. The fire was And, keep in mind, all groups have Court practice earlier that week to Let's talk about the complaint anonymous writer, we're not in tiny. But, I thought a bonfire was to get started somewhere. learn about the parade details. that there were only four floats. high school any more. supposed to be about spirit and For Room 402, that was our Perhaps she should have lis- Don't bitch at SGA about that. Any pride, not size. campus. They do deserve a small tened to the messages sent out days organization can make a float. SGA -Claire Adams is a senior You have to consider that a token of appreciation from the before Homecoming, detailing di- arranged to have six floats avail- communication major
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