Page 70 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 70
Thursday, December 7,2000 - Page 6 Which is Christmas really isunderstandings about about: money or love? SA's cultural fund raiser Rasheeda George responds to an and Women's Issues. Just because the what could replace it. issue that was brought up in the word "Multicultural" is in them doesn't BJ Shorb Maybe "love" could make the world go previous Phoenix issue. mean they are associated with MSA. As round. Love doesn't require money; it is free. Tia Lawrence stated, "Knowledge is the "Money makes lt most certainly has a place in the holiday This article is in response to the article key." Educate yourself and then write the world go season. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't with the headline reading "MSA's event about facts. round." That is love the original reason for the Christmas sparks debate." MSA and all the other organizations what they say season. Isn't it about the birth of a savior First of all, what debate is this article I'm involved in try their best to include right? that has expressed more Jove than any hu- referring to? This article should not have everyone. It's not "a (insert minority It isn't too hard man could ever possess? been written with nonfactual information. group here) thing;" it's a WMC_ thing. On my birthday, I receive presents. I MSA stands for-the Multicultural Student There are campus wide messages sent out imagine that is the case with many of you Association-not Alliance. for people to join the groups and attend holidays are here. also. I don't, however, receive gifts on my This proves that the person who wrote the events. Everyone is invited. Along with every Christmas holiday sea- sister's, friend's, or anyone one else's birth- the article stated above did not have the Latonia Haines shared an experience son, comes more new toys for the kids, more day for that matter. knowledge needed to talk about such an she had with one of her white friends. She nifty gadgets and games for the teenagers, Why then, do we receive gifts on Christ's organization and its events. This organi- said she invited her to come to a BSU more power tools for dad, and more appli- birthday? Following tradition, we should be zation had a fundraiser entitled, "Support meeting on numerous occasions inform- ances for mom. giving him gifts. A CulturallEthnic Group." This is a big dif- ing her that BSU wasn't just for black stu- It's as if the stores hold back the secret Instead of moms and dads running ference from saying, "Support your Cul- dents, but her friend always refused to goods they have had hjQ_den i~ the back room around the malls and stores shopping for tural/Ethnic Group" as the article stated. come. Latonia felt as though her friend toys, they should be home spending lime This is a big misunderstanding and felt uncomfortable. :~~it:: ~:~ s!~;~sn~h:d :~~~~~~~k~~ with their children. Instead of pulling your should not have been quoted. We had this It's funny how many minorities put products are up on the shelves and people hair out, trying to figure out what to buy your fundraiser in order to raise money and also themselves in uncomfortable situations by run as fast as they can to the malls and de-c significant other, spend time with them. to allow you to have pride in who you are. coming to this school, but no one wants partment stores. M e the gift from the heart, not from the It's okay to have pride in a specific ethnic to take that same step. Instead, they want Why on Black Friday, a day most people store. group. [0 be on the peripheral and make nega- have off from work, aren't they sleeping-in? ~People tr ss tfie-country ana even It becomes a problem when a person is tive comments about it. MSA, Women's They are up, dressed,and at the stores' front further in this season ee the ones they anti-someone else. This fundraiser wasn't Issues, and other cultural groups aren't doors by 5 o'clock in the morning. love. It isn't to give them a~i'llgiftthey designed for this or to separate people. In- only for minorities. Do they think they are beating the rush? bought. It is to spend time and ch~ e stead it .was designed to attempt to pro- Women's Issues should not have even Probably, but they aren't - they are in the family and friends they don't typically see. ~e a type of awareness that ~here are been mentioned because this group does rush. If all the time people spent in the stores It is insane, totally insane! Does that pur- shopping for Christmas gifts every year was ;~~~fe~esn:: ~~ent ethnic back- :~~ :~;~u~~l::~n~oin;~~t~~~~a:ej~s~:~ chase really mean that much? spent with family and friends, just think of This fundf"~r was not developed to women and women are no longer part of To some I suppose it does. As incredibly how much more the gift would mean. It cer- ridiculous as it may seem, people have been tainly would mean a lot more to me if I could It's funny hliW-.""Jzy minorities put themselves in doing it for decades. spend more lime with those I love. uncomfortable Sltl.~tl.Q!!sby coming to this So, it must be true; money really does People are always talking about how they make the world go round, right? Green pa- wish they had more time to do this and that. school, but no one wants 'fD-
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