Page 67 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, December 7, 2000 - Page 3_ Campus drug policy discussed continued from page I Campus Safety Blotter When a report of these substances first time a student is caught, hel The Department of Campus ported to have acted bizarrely and, refused to comply; at 9: 15 pm is made by a student or an RA, one she is fined $ [50, his/her parents Safety documented the following on an earlier incident, one possession of alcohol in a public or OUTS checks it OUI. If the officer are notified, and mandatory com- reports from the month of Novem- suitemate with a knife in Albert area in Blanche Ward Hall; at confirms that he is smelling dope, munity service is assigned. The ber which include: Norman Ward Hall. 9:40 pm three female students (2 in most cases he will then secure next incident results in a $300 fine 10/31100 at 6:00 pm domestic situ- 11111100 at 2:00 am Sgt. Barbour, underage) with hard alcohol and the room so that when Westminster and removal from the residence ation in which male student's Officer Root. Selle, and Mike multi liter containers in Police arrive, no evidence has been halls for the remainder of the CUf- property was taken by three non- Webster responded to a fire alarm McDaniel Room; at 9:40 pm un- tampered with." ~., J I rent semester as well as the entire student females. Threats were at Blanche Ward Hall; at 9:30 pm derage consumption in Rouzer The results of a bust vq~Y'1d~: I J next ~~emester. These first two in- made by the three non-student fe- property damage to personnel car Hall. Two guests then damaged pendent on whether drugs or drug cidents are dealt with internally by males. Third party student allowed in Bair Stadium Parking Lot. college properly on the second paraphernalia are present, and how Residence Life Staff. The third, property to be taken and written [1/12/00 at 10:00 pm false alarm floor. much of the former if any at all. usually resulting in expulsion from threats to be made. of a domestic dispute in Daniel 11117/00 at 12:35 am student The discovery of drug parapherna- the college, is tried before the ll/l/ooat5:4[ am someone threw MacLea .. failed to comply with college per- lia results in a citation, or sum- Honor and Conduct Board. rotten lunch meat in the hallway I !113100 at I I :00 pm a female stu- sonnel in Blanche Ward Hall; at mons, by the City Officerfs) who Both Webster and Sayre agreed in Blanche Ward Hall; at 12:00 pm dent was assaulted by a male, ask- I:30 am student in possession of responds, and any discovery of that alcohol is a much more pre va- ing for money. Attacker struck alcohol in a public area and un- drugs results in immediate arrest. lent problem on campus, as the derage possession! consumption Both types of incident end before CDC survey showed it to be on of alcohol in Blanche Ward Hall; a county judge. campuses nationwide. Neither "We don't handle drugs. All could remember any confirmed use cases go right to the City Police of substances stronger than mari- once we've confirmed that drugs juana within the past five years, were extremely are in use, or that paraphernalia is with the exception ofa case involv- noncompliant; at 6: 17 present," added Webster. "If they ing psilocybin, or mushrooms, am metal faucet find either, they typically search the three years ago. Sayre believed this handle thrown room in which they find it." case later proved to be unfounded. through Rouzer sec- No student has been busted for A recent FDA report stated that, ond floor stairwell dealing marijuana, according to nationally, the use of illicit sub- door. Sayre, in any of the years since he stances continues to decline. An- I1118/00 at [1:51 pm un- came in 1984. "In the seventies, other survey by the CDC, however, derage male student with beer there was a culture which made a which looks at trends from their inside jacket in Decker Student point of testing authority. Drugs surveys in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997 Center. were recreational, and adrninistra- and 1999, showed that cocaine use 11119/00 at 5:00 pm student re- tions tended to look the other way, among college students has more ports theft of several CDs and a giving students a sense that col- than doubled and that lifetime were assaulted by a fellow student. portable tape player in Alumni leges were separate from the rest marijuana use has also increased, 3 females and one male in Blanche victim's head onthe pavement and Hall; at 2: 10 am noise violation of society." from 31.3% in 1991 to 47.2% in Ward Hall; at 2:41 am several stu- attempted robbery at Gill Gym; proceeds to failure to comply According to Sayre, some col- 1999. Episodic heavy drinking saw dents failed to comply when of- at 12:25 pm two vehicles were leges still foster that sense of free- very mild increase through the ficers discovered loud noise in towed for excessive parking viola- when non-student becomes con- dom. WMC, he went on to say. nineties, with about 31% of stu- Blanche Ward Hall; underage stu- tions in wbtreford Lane parking frontational in Blanche Ward Hall; at 5:30 am several items does not. dents engaging in such activity. dent drinking alcohol in hallway lot. (including bowling ball) were If students have problems con- Whether there are students at of second floor of Blanche Ward 11115/00 at 2:04 pm windshield floor win- cerning marijuana or other drug WMC using harder substances or HaiL smashed by what appeared to be a thrown from second to find sev- arrived dow. Officer use, Sayre went on to say, "often dealing is not known for sure by 11/5/00 at I:00 am there was a brick, in two places in PELC park- the best way to deal with it is to either Residence Life or Campus fight between two students in ing lot. eral males being extremely loud ver- and a non-student became confront the person with the prob- Safety, though Webster does not Blanche Ward Hall. 11116/00 at 2:30 am a loud noise bally abusive and confrontational lem. This can be especially diffi- believe that dealing is happening 11/6/00 at [:35 pm careless dis- from a room at Blanche Ward Hall; in Blanche Ward Hall. cult if that person is a roommate, on campus. posal of material led to fire in a at 2:30 am person didn't want to 11/21/00 at 4:35 am two antique but often this middle ground, be- Charges against students for waste basket in the student lab leave after a dispute in Albert benches were stolen from room tween letting it go and reporting to dealing are most often brought up, area. Norman Ward Hall; at I:45 am stu- 314 in Lewis Hall. the administration, produces the on the rare occasions that they are, 1]/9/00 at 10:49 pm several stu- dents playing loud stereo music 11/28/00 at 1:41 am three stu- most positive results." because of an excessive amount of dents in a room (over capacity) inside of room. Were asked to turn dents were jumping into the Students whose roommates marijuana in the studenf's posses- playing a drinking game in off the stereo and after many prob- possess marijuana or other illicit sian, rather than evidence of sales. Blanche Ward Hall. lems of the same nature with the bushes at Decker Student Center; 13 at 5:30 am towed a car with drugs, under Maryland law, are li- Sayre, in closing, remarked, 11/1 0100 one male subject rc- same room in the past few weeks, tickets in Whiteford Lane. able to be brought upon lesser pos- "Frankly, I don't understand it. Es- session charges. pecially in the residence halls. Stu- Safe The WMC Student Guide and dents know,.t~e risks.jmd peed to New York, New York Datebook clearly outlines, on page know that it is not the college's. [ 14. the college'S three-step proce- place to enforce state laws. So city dure for dealing with drug use. The police are always brought in." Needles JnniorShaunn Heads IIp from Smith Dominguez, and Crime hurts. that only one lime use syringes Amanda Cline, Sam seniors Kate Boyle. Please be very assured House! Every day people Vlfhonever thought' it with needles attached are used Hooverstrike apose with David l.enc mum These syringes for Jluinjection. would happe,",to[tbeml f're.sexu_allyassaulted~ are enclosed .in a steri le sealed ill New York City. They CAPBuGrd 011a " this has happ~'n"edl,oyou, tWere'sno need package. Depending on the size to dearwith it by Yourself.Cal/lor help toclay. of a person, we may remove the sterile needle. a brand new ster- throw it away. Rt1 "Whether the crime happened lastnight ileneedle. Thisineuresaproper If you and reattach intramuscular injection. or years ago, we CWI help. " 24 Hour Hotline: have any questions please con- tact Dana or Joan at ext. 700 or ~ 410-857-8322 Smith House. Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County Correction Office: 410-857-0900 S
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