Page 65 - Phoenix2000-01
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Volume XXII Number 6 Thursday, December 7, 2000 College considers three proposals rug arrests examined for building new dorm on campus MA"ITMCGOW,\N tionul Center for Chronic Dis- S/affWrila ease Prevention and Health Pro- The October 16 issue of the motion showed that "nation- STACI L. GEO~GE: Phoenix reported that on October wide, 14 percent of college stu- News tidhor 29, 2000, three Westminster Po- To build a new dorm or not to lice cars removed six persons from dents had used marijuana arleast build a new dorm, that was the the WMC campus for being found once during the 30 days preced- and that about ing the survey:' question inspired by thcApril2000 with marijuana. Aconflrmauon of half of students surveyed. in- Board of Trustees meeting. the incident with Director of Cam- cluding graduate students. had Within the last few months, the pus Safety Mike Webster has re- proper steps have been taken to vealed that seven persons were used marijuana at least once in their lifetime. conclude that more housing is a arrested in the early hours of that Philip Sayre, dean of Student definite need of the WMC campus. Sunday morning, and that four of Affairs, agreed with Webster that Philip Sayre, vice president and dean of Student Affairs said that at these were WMC students, one of marijuana usage at WMC is not the meeting last Spring, Scott an overwhelming problem. Kane, the former director of Resi- system. though it is certainly on the dence Life and assistant dean of Since the current semester be- administration's collective mind. Student Affairs, issued a report A computer-generated view of one of the proposals designed by one of "We do what we can to make stu- explaining how students evaluated three architectural firms working on the project. gan on August 28, there have been dents aware of the consequences five drug-related which incidents their residence life experience. ing and Grounds Committee was need for more facilities which resulted in arrests or citations. and of drug use. Throughout Guid- Kane then compared it to other appointed to look into building a would allow for roughly ISOto 175 ance Day. New Student Orien- to be un- proved schools in the nation. WMC scored new dorm. beds. three which Each of the three arrest tation and other events, we do founded. well in community and residence Sayre explained that its mern- The number of beds needed was cases occurred in Rouzer Hall, our best to explain our position." Webster described this posi- assistants, however, it rated poor bersmetoverthesummerandcame decided based on the number of producing a total of eleven arrests. tion as one of "no tolerance," and in facility. to three conclusions. beds needed to eliminate triple- and both cases which resulted in A subcommittee of the Build- They decided that there is a Continued on' page 2 citations were reported in Blanche Sayre stated simply that, "we are the Jaws of not here to enforce SGA conducts open-ended voting Ward Hull, with three such writs the state of Maryland. We en- from the two busts. resulting The' first of these incidents force our own rules, and that's Beyond dialog with them until we know that Steven Sharkey, president of the happened on August 29 in Rouzer, as far as we can go." is given to the matter these. this is what the students want," SGA, stated that this second round the day after Fall classes began. Unlike the citizens of Florida, Mitchell said. of voting was not a "revote." Though drug use is a problem Westminster Police. with "Our policy for dealing students at WMC had a second Voting on the student bill of Rather, the voting has become on WMC's campus, says Webster, the discovery of drugs on cam- chance to give their approval to the rights also took place earlier in more open-ended, and students can "1 don', believe that, relatively Student Government Assembly's November. None of the votes from vote for as long as they need, he speaking, WMC has a drug prob- pus is possibly the simplest we student bill of rights on Tuesday the first round of voting have been said. "[This] gives students more lem any worse than that at any have," explained Webster. "Both and Wednesday. tabulated yet because 200 votes of a chance to be heard," he ex- other college, and it may well be Residence Life Staff and Cam+ According to Sarah Mitchell, were not collected. plained. better." pus Safety Officers are trained SGAsecretary, the SGA would like Mitchell said, "We're not going The student bilt of rights, ap- A national survey conducted in before they take their positions to go before the faculty and admin- to count [the votes] until we have proved by the SGA in October, is a 1995 and released in 1997 by the to recognize the odors produced substances. istration with support for the stu- all the votes we need." Continued on page 2 Center for Disease Control's Nu- by various illicit 011 page 3 dent bill of rights from at least ten She expressed the SGA's hope Continued percent of the student body, or 200 that every student would participate students. in discussing and voting on his "We don't want to open up.a document. triple -a goal, she admits, that is "I think we're always trying to News Editor extremely high. Coley said that her improve town-gown relationship While students and faculty have election has been well received by and I think they have improved," been working on finishing up the other college and university presi- she said. "I think we have a very fall semester, President Joan dents, WMC alumni, and, to her Continued on page 2 Develin Coley has been hard at surprise, very many students. make Inside work in her new position and plans "It's good to have the election to be for quite a long time. out of the way because I feel that Coley, who was elected on Oc- we can go forward and tober 20, explained that some as- plans," she said. pects of her new job are different Having the search for the presi- from when she was previously Pro- dent past has also been a help to vost. The newest thing has been the the administration Dean Philip Jenifer D. Slrkis bids the Phoe- amount of time I spend Sayre explained that prior to nix a bittersweet farewell and an- fundraising," she said. "I envision Coley's election, it was difficult to nounces the new co-editors-in- doing that consistently in my presi- make plans and focus on long term dency." goals I think it's been very helpful The college's endowment is her for the President's Council to have biggest target because it is cur- the certainty of what the future was rently very low. Coley said that going to be, taken care of," he said. essentially the endowment pays for "We have begun to settle in now." The "Taste of Islam" dinner, sponsored by the Multicultural Student everything at the college, from Outside of improving WMC's Association, honored the Islamic month of fasting called of Ramadan, building renovations to faculty sal- in which Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking from ary. finances, Coley would also like to sunrise 10 sunset in order to become closer with Allan, the tslamic better the relationship between the god. Junior Hussein Samater; president of the MSA. said that at least Over the next ten years, Coley college and surrounding communi- 80 eo Ie untci ated in the event, held on November 30. would like to see the endowment ties as well..
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